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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by puredeadthingy

  1. Oh, Dorian...I see what all the fuss was about now...*is in love*


    In the imp: vanilla tea


    Wet: lemons and vanilla and sugar, oh my


    Dry: Pure, pure sex. Mmm. A bit more masculine than what I normally wear, but it's deceptively innocent; oh, my God, I now know what my fantasies will smell of.

  2. Energy, vigor, verve, strength, courage, balls.

    Favourite scent of my first order with only Succor left to try!

    Vial: SPICE! ZEST! TANG!

    Wet: LEMONS!

    Dry: OMG WANT A BOTTLE. This is so zesty and it's making my normally lazy self do stuff :P

  3. In the imp: Hum. Bubblegum. Not what I was expecting.


    Wet: MINTY gum. Oh, yuech.


    Dry: Hmm...this is very nice, actually. It's gone all shimmery and not so sweet and herbal, more like a clean scent. Very short-lived, sadly. It's alright, but not really a staple.
