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Posts posted by sailthetethys

  1. This isnt the foodie scent that I expected. I get a less-Christmassy version of Hearths fireplace smoke mixed with a creamy sweet note makes me think of Boo. No chocolate that I can discern, although the graham cracker may be contributing to the spiciness that makes me think of Hearth.


    And if you combine Boo and Hearth, you get Boarth, which sounds kinda like Birth and now Im 100% convinced this is all an elaborate scent-pun, so don't try to tell me otherwise. I will accept my reward for cracking the code in the form of free oils (and also maybe some wand caps).


    Anyway, I love it more than I would a straight-up smores scent. This is more like marshmallow incense, or maybe a sugared campfire. Either way, Im here for it.

  2. Sweet pipe tobacco, cherry wood, the warm, worn leather of an easy chair and a pleasant, subtle waft of fireplace smoke.

    Id like to know how the hell Beth managed to bottle the exact smell of the living room of my childhood home at Christmastime. Im genuinely in tears.

    I cant even begin to describe how this smells in any sort of way thats meaningful to the rest of you, unless you know what opening the big green tub and seeing all your favorite ornaments for the first time in a year and playing with the nativity figures on the stone hearth behind the tree and snow-diffused morning light streaming through the windows onto the toy soldiers on the mantle smell like. Because thats what this smells like. Its so deeply personal and evocative of my own ghosts of Christmas past. Thank you so much, Beth.

  3. Lord, it’s like Venus Verticordia and Snow White had a baby and it’s the sweetest goddamn baby you ever smelled. The honey note is, as others have pointed out, of the wildflower and dandelion variety (my favorite!!) and it really amps up the sweetness of the Snow White snow note.


    It’s definitely more floral than foodie. Not what I expected but right up my alley.

  4. To me this is the tame, cuddly companion to the ethereal forest being that is Buck Moon. Same crystalline sparkle, same sweet skin musk, but the fur is fuzzier and sweeter, and the forest has been replaced by a warm bed of hay.


    Im in love.

  5. Sweet pea and sugar cane.

    I blind bottled this as soon as I saw the sweet pea and sugar because I'm still suffering from the Great Reflected Vulva Heartbreak of 2014. After painfully doling out a teensy drop from what's left of my decant to compare, I can say that at least to me it's very close. Even though Princess doesn't have the cream note, it still smells soft and creamy to me. This is so sweet and girlish and precious that it should come with a free tiara, and yet it's not overwhelming and cloying. It's absolutely lovely and now I can finally stop pining for the Luper that got away.

    You're damn right I'm a motherfucking princess and now I smell like one too.

  6. [No additional description provided.]


    I haven't the faintest clue what a bluebonnet is supposed to smell like, so I can't tell you if this actually smells like a bluebonnet or not. To me this smells similar to the woodland phlox that used to grow in the forest near my childhood home, but with a note of fresh-cut grass. It's sweet and green and makes me think of picking wildflowers in late spring.


    I love it.

  7. That first review is spot on. First impression smelled like what mango candy tastes like: not really mango but more of a super sweet interpretation of mango (think watermelon jolly ranchers vs actual watermelon). Then a sharp, not-quite-ripe piney mango. And now it's creamy mango sunscreen and yeah, Animal Kingdom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    This is really yummy and has a lot going on for a single note. Definitely has a floral aspect to it. I don't know that I'd layer this one; it's complex enough to wear on its own.

  8. A month of bounty, when the fish are plentiful and the corn grows high. This is the scent of breezes passing over the Great Lakes, mingling gently with traditional lunar herbs.

    Sandy shores and sweet fresh water, lichen, green algae, and whitestem pondweed, with benzoin, hay, cyclamen, moonlit musk, cucumber, blue poppy, driftwood, and agave.

    This is a very clean ( almost detergent-like) scent. Drying down, it becomes more watery and cucumber-y. It's very fresh and aquatic without being too murky or heavy.

  9. Oh my god.


    Someone described the old Buck Moon as Summer Faunalia, and I can get on board with that. This smells less like a forest and more like a mystical forest being in the same way that Faunalia does thanks to the skin musk and the sparkling note. I don't get much pine, just sweet warm woods and soft musk. There is a creamy spiciness that reminds me of a lighter Samhain.


    This is pure forest magic in a bottle. It's absolutely gorgeous.

  10. Winner of the Great No-Sail-You-Cannot-Buy-All-The-Chocolates-Get-Your-Shit-Together-And-Pick-One Throwdown of 2017.



    This is glorious and creamy-sweet without being too cloying or going sour from the milk. The chocolate doesn't necessarily seem white to me, just chocolate. And it's not too buttery either, which was an issue I ran into with Ivory Vulva making me crave popcorn. Probably one of my favorite milk and chocolate scents.


    The deciding factor, however, was that none of the notes bothered me after drying down. After an hour, Ceylon Cinnamon and Coffee's coffee absolute note reminded me too much of early morning exam cramming and Whiskey and Cardamom's whisky note reminded me too much of early morning puking. As I haven't done anything regrettable regarding marshmallow or goat's milk yet, this one gets to come home with me.

  11. This one took a minute to appreciate. Actually, it took a full 30 minutes.


    When first applied, this was a blast of harsh, chemically leather with faint wafts of very fresh Snake Oil. And the two didn't mingle very well together. I'm not a big fan of fresh Snake Oil - in fact, I've never bought a big bottle for this reason and have gotten my fix entirely on aged imps. Just too impatient.


    But now it's pretty delicious. The leather has calmed tf down considerably and is now the warm, dusty leather note that I love. And the Snake Oil is now mostly soft, rich vanilla. This makes me think of Outlaw with Snakey sweetness instead of root beer. The Snake Oil is still a bit too fresh for my tastes, but even my impatient ass thinks this is worth snagging a bottle to age because it's going to be glorious.


    One Year Later Update: yep, its fucking glorious.

  12. Ok, Beth. I get it. I don't hate florals after all.


    This really REALLY wanted to go soapy on me, possibly because I fully expected it to. In fact, I attempted to scrub it off. But 20 minutes later, it's a lush creamy lilac with just a touch of spicy cardamom. And it's lovely.


    This is so annoying. I'd already crossed it off the list and everything. Now I have to make a new list.


    Maybe I'll hate it in an hour.

  13. Hi, I'm Sail and I hate florals and am totally over peach and orange blossom is usually a miss and caramel scents tend to make me gag. So idk what possessed me to buy an decant of this but holy hell, it's so good.


    There is a faint peach that isn't all HI IM A PEACH, and I'm not really getting any caramel or lemon or vanilla. So this must be mostly tuberose. Well, add tuberose to the list of florals that work. This is gorgeous and makes me want to go romp in a field of whatever the hell a tuberose is.

  14. I held off on buying a bottle of El Dia de los Reyes - which I love - when the Lupers went live in the hopes that this scent would be similar. Pleased to say I'm not disappointed. El Dia is a bit more cinnamon-rich whereas this one is a bit creamier. I don't think I'd be able to tell them apart if they weren't side by side.

    Edit: Currently retesting this one during the pre-order struggle. I keep catching whiffs of the coffee absolute note in MCCCCCCA (heh), which smells lovely when I put my nose to my wrist and sniff it with all the other notes. Unfortunately, on its own it keeps tricking me into thinking I've got an abandoned cup of the stuff lurking around my desk somewhere. Sorry Macaw, but I'm going to have to go with El Dia.

    On the upside, it did trigger me into tidying up my desk.

  15. At first, it's just pure forest - conifers and leaves and other forest smells - and it is lovely. And, as the others have noted, there's a warm and spicy something that shows up in the drydown.



    Maybe my nose is deceiving me, but I think there's a campfire in this forest. It's not very smoky or in your face. It's the sweet, resinous smoke that you get from burning sap, the smoke from the last embers of a dying campfire. When you wake up in your tent in the middle of the night, somewhat disoriented and slightly afraid, this is the scent that reminds you of where you are. It's burning low, but with just a little tending it'll restore itself to a full blaze.


    I really couldn't pick a better metaphor for our rogue rangers than little smoldering lights in the dark. What a gorgeous tribute to the NPS.

  16. Oh my god. This is why I don't resell, you guys.


    I hated Venustas when I first blind bottled it. Instant headache. It was super perfume-y and sharp; not at all the creamy, sexy, incensce-y Dorian I'd been hoping for. I held onto it because it seemed like the forumites were going mad for it, so I figured I'd sell it or trade it down the line. Naturally, this didn't happen, because packing and mailing a thing is a task that apparently takes too much effort. But every now and then, I'd come across a thread where someone was raving about it, and so I'd dig it out to retest. It always resulted in immediate regret. This wasn't just an issue of letting settle from the post. Venustas just hated me.


    Until today. Today, three years after the fact, Venustas has decided to emerge from exile in the back of my drawer and reveal itself as a delicate, creamy, sweet fougere with a waft of incense in the background. It's a sexy witch nibbling on a lemon cookie in a tea shop. She's not Dorian, but I'm pretty sure she snogged him in an alley earlier in the day. It dries down a bit powdery - not a baby powder but more of a powdered sugar that seems to temper that cologne-y edge that has always made my head pound.


    So THANKS Venustas. You've pretty much guaranteed that I'll never be able to part with any one of my BPALs now in the hopes that somewhere down the line they'll decide to act right. Good thing you're so pretty, or I'd be really mad at you.

  17. I got an imp of this - with a cute little handwritten label!! - from the post along with a 2016 Yule order.


    Oh MAN, can y'all please release this one for reals? It's delicious. It's very creamy and sweet and fresh. I can't pick the patch out, but I think it's helping round this scent out and keeping it from being too sweet and simple. It reminds me a bit of an old favorite Bath and Body Works scent, Rice Flower and Shea - it has that same creamy, comforting sweetness to it. And despite it being a light scent, it makes its presence known.


    Thank you so much Puddin' and Goblins for including this in my order! Add me to the list of folks wanting a big bottle of this!

  18. This isn't what I expected either. It smells a bit more green than I expected, slightly more aquatic than one would expect a desert to be. The white tea leaf is very similar to Eldritch Drunken Constellations, which might be making this seem green to me simply by association, as EDC is more of an aquatic tea scent.


    There is also a cool cucumbery wood and snow scent, similar to the one that I get from Ded Moroz.


    As it dries, it becomes warmer and spicier - the sandalwood and dry vanilla make it a bit more desert-like.


    Honestly, I really love this. Two very different biomes blended together - a cool wet forest and a dry warm desert. Also, I bet this would make me accidentally misplace my pants if I smelled it on a man.

  19. "Ooh. This is sweet and weird." - totally helpful thing I wrote in my scent notebook


    This one is, as others said, cooler than expected. Powdery, incense-y, and there's a hint of sweet snow that reminds me of Snow White. The more I sniff, the more I like.


    After a minute, that myrrh really starts to sing. I might love this.

  20. Bergamot like whoa. This is all lemony tea with a faint whiff of lavender on me - unusual, since lavender usually dominates everything. It starts out as, like Mollum said, smelling sort of like an essential oil sleep aid, but then it wakes up into a bright, invigorating blend when dry. No hint of plum on me.


    I really like this - it's very fresh and clean smelling without being medicinal or soapy.
