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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Xue_Bai

  1. Imp: Lush floral with a bite.


    Wet: The same as the imp.


    Dry: Okay, I've tested this twice and both times I've gotten the same results. On one wrist it's a smokey lush floral, mixed with opium, and it's lovely. On the other wrist....J&J baby lotion/wipes :ack: But the weirdest part is as time passes, which wrist smells like what changes back and forth. :umm: It's the weirdest thing.


    So, I love it when it's a floral, dislike when it's baby lotion. Overall, it doesn't work for me, but makes me want to find a similar scent that does.

  2. Lab frimp!


    Imp: So clearly my initial reaction to vetiver is Blegh! Stinky! But moving on...


    Wet: The vetiver calms down almost the moment it touches my skin, giving way to a mentholated sweet flower scent. I've not tried Dragon's Blood by itself yet, so it might be that.


    Dry: Sweet patchouli at the front, with light musty florals behind, with a touch of spicy cinnamon and smoke.


    Overall it has a cool, refreshing thing going on, and is very incense-y. It's actually quite lovely. Doesn't have much of a throw, nor does it appear to last long, but this frimp will be used quickly in this hot weather since it is so cool and calming on me.

  3. So, the first time I opened the imp and put it on wet, I couldn't get over the Blegh! Stinky! and didn't have time to let it dry down. It was all rotten ginger and dying flowers in old water to me. Scrubbed!


    BUT I decided to give it another go. This time I applied much lighter, lighter than anything else I've tried. In imp and wet, same as the first go around.


    And then it dries. Carnations are front and center with a touch of jasmine. Behind that is the ginger and spices, adding a bite, though it's sweet. Throughout is a smoky woodsy scent. Decent throw, but seems to fade fast (maybe because I applied so lightly).


    It's a dragon, but it's not a mean one on me...rather, it likes to roll around in flowers. I do like it, but since it is very much heavily carnations on me, I'm good with just the decant!

  4. In the bottle it's sweet coconut, berries, and jasmine. As Lycanthrope, it's very pina colada like. Wet, the carnation blossoms, but the fruit is still strong. However, once dried, the carnation and jasmine are front and center, with sweetened coconut and berries beneath that, and something fruity but very green tying the two together in between...it's most likely the mango, but it's the skin of the mango compared to the flesh.


    This is much more floral than I was expecting...I was hoping for more fruity! But it's still lovely and I'm glad to have it.

  5. Frimp from CRoseWhisper....thank you! :hug:


    As others have said, very light, and it does come across as lemonade-ish with carnation playing through it. Lightly spiced as well. It's very doll-like, but something creepy does whisper through it, really tying into the name well. Doesn't appear to last long on me though which is a shame! Going to hide the decant until I save up for a scent locket.

  6. Was a frimp!


    Imp- Something sweet and sightly medicinal. I can pick out the florals but nothing clearly defined.


    Wet- SO MUCH RED TEA! Omg! It's lovely! There's a hint of lilac and something lightly boozy, all over some myrrh and resin. Also, strong! I can pick most of the notes out from arms length.


    Dry- The tea and wine become mildly astringent, which must have been the medicinal I caught in the imp. However, it's still a lovely warm scent! The lilac comes forward more, but it's delicate and not overpowering. Catching the honey notes now, though they are light and not sweet. The myrrh is much more present, at least on the one wrist! All together it's spicy wine and tea.


    Later- More wine, less tea. Lilac still very much there. There's a lightly smokey quality now. It's yummy without being foodie.


    Overall- It's strong, but not heavy or overbearing. I seem to get a slightly better wear out of it than others (an hour in and still strong). I like it, but I don't love it. Glad to have tried it and to have an imp for odd occasions, but I won't be seeking out a whole bottle. Lilac, while nice, just isn't my thing...

  7. Was a frimp!


    Imp- Honey with a floral below.


    Wet- Bright green green floral (kinda fresh cut grass to it) with a honeyish sweetness below.


    Dry- Fruity! Still green, less floral. Honey is distinct now, but not overly sweet.


    I oddly really like this one. It's warm and feminine, sweet and a mix of floral and foodie without actually being either. Initial throw is strong, but it settles close to the skin fairly quickly, with a slight powdery aspect to it. It might be a bit too perfumey for me most days, BUT it makes me feel pretty and lovely and loved, so the imp will probably be used on my down days. Not sure of bottle worthy...need to try the other honeys first!

  8. Been using it for a week and a half or so now. Four squirts for wet hair, two for dry, usually on hands first.


    Makes hair softer? Check. Stronger? Check. Frizz free? Not really, but it does help. Oily? Nope, which is good because lots of other leave in products do make my hair oily. Shine and color? Just a touch of improvement. Haven't tried blow drying my hair straight with it, but it works wonderfully when air drying, allowing maximum curls!


    Bought this before trying Ranger. Which, oops. Looks like juniper is one of the things in Ranger that goes soap on me (thinking there's more in Ranger since this isn't AS soapy). Can't really smell the mint. However, it is really light and doesn't last long on dry hair/dried hair.


    Overall, wouldn't buy this scent again, but will get another Hair Gloss once this one's done.

  9. 2010 Version


    ITB- COFFEE! With hints of cream and spice.


    Wet- Initial wonderful scent of a perfect pumpkin latte...and then it morphs into Red Hots! Eep!


    Dry- Still Red Hots, but less intense with the scent of coffee underneath. Not what i was expecting, but wearable now. Cold weather pick me up for sure!


    Later- After an hour or so, no more Red Hots, just spiced coffee and lots of vanilla cream with a slight hint of pumpkin. Finally it smells like a pumpkin latte again, though not as strong as the initial skin scent.


    Red Hot stage gets a far throw, with it settling down to a more reasonable throw afterwards. So, yeah, it's nice. It's a warm wake me up scent which I'll use come cold, wet weather, but I'm looking towards the Weenie update to see if I can find something more pumpkin and less spice to put on later in the day after this one disappears from skin.

  10. My first really old bottle!


    ITB-Sweetness, bright fresh, but not overly sticky sweetness.


    Wet- I'm mostly getting something similar to cotton candy, with something green underneath.


    Dry- Not as sweet as before, but still. I can pick out honey sweetening everything, with some pear and strawberry smoothed by vanilla with a hint of greenness from the sweet pea....and cinnamon??? What are you doing here? :lol: Yeah, getting something lightly spicy layered in among the sweet.


    Later- Same notes, but with a more floral quality than foodie now, with the sweet pea up front to the other components. Weird cinnamon-like note is still there, but I think it's a wonderful counterpoint to the overall sweetness. :wub2:


    It's a flirty kind of pink. And very strong, at least initially! Only lasts an hour or two before settling close to the skin as a strawberry powder. And while I don't wear pinks or whites, it's lovely to smell pink! Yup, this is a good summer closer, and will probably be nice for winter days when I'm missing the sun.

  11. Bought full bottle from Lill. As I am a jasmine and sandalwood fiend, couldn't pass this up.


    Bottle: Blend of florals with a hint of sage.


    Wet: Just a nice mix of lily and jasmine, not too strong, not heavy, just fresh.


    Dry: Still mostly a delicate mix of lily and jasmine, but there's now a citrus-y slightly sweet wood scent underneath that must be the rosewood and sandalwood with the lemon peel. Not getting any musk really, and I have no idea what orris smells like, so it might be in the florals. Can't pick out the sage anymore, but there's a nice freshness to it as compared to being a sweet floral.


    After numerous hours, this does go into a soft powder close to the skin, but it's not like baby powder at all. Still fresh and delicate, light and clean.


    Overall, I like this scent, even if I don't love it nor do I prefer it over some of the Lab's other oils with jasmine. However, this blend it completely inoffensive to everyone in my family and at work. It also seems like it would work for most weather conditions. This makes it a good go to floral for close contact situations or more professional situations. Happy to have a full bottle of it just for surprise situations or if I want to go with a more delicate scent.

  12. Bought full from Lill, labeled CMI.


    Strong oak notes to start, with maybe some cocoa or coffee grounds? Closer to the skin while it's wet is a mossy scent. As it dries, a floral emerges close to the skin, which might be violet, but I'm really not sure. It's a green sort of floral, not sweet at all. I also get something soapy underneath that I suspect was an evergreen, but it's very close to the skin. The oak becomes less intense, but it's still the main note that carries, again with a hint of something else. Has a far throw.


    After the initial woah oak moment (I can't imagine what this one was like fresh), this settles into a lovely warm feminine floral oak. I didn't know oak could read so feminine, and I really liked the oak in Miskatonic University, so this is great! Not so much a everyday scent, but nice for days off and snuggling with a book during any weather. :joy:

  13. As others have said, the scent is light, but it's a wonderful hot morning wake up scent. Lathers smooth, so much so I can shave with it (normally I have to use hair conditioner), comes off clean with only the slightest scent lingering. Going to need to try some of the other soaps to see if anything lingers better, but still glad I bought this one considering how hot and humid it's been the last few days.

  14. A nineteenth century Southern bordello: magnolia, jasmine, honey musk, tobacco, vanilla bean, bourbon vanilla, and Spanish moss.


    Free goblin...

    First test: Bed/Chair near my Bed. Annnnd that was a mistake. It stunk of artificial fabric softener floral and stayed that way for hours on my bed, but not the chair. I ended up having to wash my sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.

    However, I reread the reviews before giving up on it. Most seemed to have problems with the jasmine, which I don't amp/have problems with...if anything, we are good friends. I decided to take this as a hint that maybe my skin chemistry doesn't like magnolia, and that my natural oils on my bed amped it, as on the chair it was more tolerable.

    So, I gave it a second chance.

    Second test: Closet. I'm in a basement, my closet is unfinished with some main water pipes running through it and it occasionally gets wet if there is way too much rain. As such, it tends to sometimes smell musty and moldy, which transfers to my cloths. While the spray was just florals for the first hour or so of spraying, it wasn't overwhelming like before. Once they toned down, I could catch hints of vanilla, and moss, all tied together with tobacco. Nasty basement mold smell? It mixed with the moss and the honey musk in a strange way, becoming pleasant and part of the scent. A few hours later, and the florals all but disappear leaving a pleasantly musty vanilla, with hints of tobacco and a very fleeting scent of whiskey. Still does not smell like moldy basement, nor like someone covering up moldy basement smells with something else. Next day, still no basement smells, just the hint of old vanilla and a pleasant sweet musk.

    While I don't think I'll be buying a full bottle any time soon, I'll most likely end up using the whole sample since the rain has been unrelenting this year.

  15. Chaotic was my ticket into the BPAL world, so let's do this.


    Fighter was a frimp I ended up loving, but it's a touch to masculine for me, so I decided to play with layering it.


    Chaotic Half-Elf Fighter: (3 of 4 RPG scents I own...the fourth doesn't work on me)

    Wet: Woodsy heliotrope with soft leather and the bite of steel.

    Drydown: It sweetens a bit...and the musks come out. There's also a nice berry tone that I normally get from the rooibos. It's a fresh smell, twisted by the spice of the wasabi and the metallic steel buried in it.

    Dry: It's the slightly berryish heliotrope I get from Chaotic only sweeter (I think form the beeswax and the white tea), with a more complex woodsy scent and a fresher musk below, complemented by a soft leather, all cut with a light coppery metallic and the hint of spicy wasabi.

    Overall, it's pleasant complex smell for occasions with my rpg friends...but not for everyday.


    Alright, let's try something else with Fighter...


    Obsidian Warrior: Fighter + Obsidian Widow

    Wet And Drydown: Ohhh, this is nice. Leather and wine at the front, with a nice dark musty floral backdrop, cut with steel. It's a very feminine female fighter....or Loras Tyrell, take your pick.

    Dry: The leather get a bit worn in, though manages to overtake the wine, while the floral notes are really hidden now. The metallic edge is there, but softer now, more blood and the tang of wine than steel. The musk also comes out from the floral.

    Later: The lingering scent of soft leather with a slight mention of dark florals, and a tangy metallic bite.

    Even later: The morphing wonders of the Widow have kicked in, bring the wine back.

    This mix is so weird, but also wonderful. Overall, it's very wearable and certainly makes Fighter more feminine and approachable.

  16. Freebie from the Post.


    Imp: ...pink bubble gum? It's really sweet...


    Wet: Still bubble gum but melon flavored, with some spiciness below. Kinda weird right now.


    Dry: Yes, yes, and yes. It's a dark, really spiced hot apple cider...crisp and lightly sweet, spicy and warm. The spices come across as having a bunch of cinnamon. There's nice sense of something darker underneath that must be the amber.


    Later: The spice has died a bit, and the apples are no longer quite as fresh. The amber's also much more present now. There's a slightly floral scent to it, making it overall smell like spiced apple blossoms with a creamy, musty sensibility.


    Initially the throw is quite large, though after a few hours it settles closer to the skin. I had already decided I liked Eve as a spring and summer apple, but this is the perfect fall and start of winter apple. Jumped towards the top of my list for full bottles.


    Something about it makes me want to layer it with Snake Oil...will report later in the correct thread about the layering...

  17. Trading Post freebie. I was SO excited when I saw this in there. After looking through reviews, this had jumped towards the top of my to try list.


    Imp: That is HEAVENLY spicy vanilla.


    Wet: The oil is SO thick compared to other BPAL oils I've tried. Only wanted a few drops on, but it was near impossible not to end up with a bunch on....oh well! :D The spiciness has changed a bit, but still VANILLA! There's a pleasant incense feel now.


    Dry Down: Spices still changing, still amazing. There's a sweetness now, but it's subtle.


    Dry: Spices have subdued, but are still playing a wonderful part. The vanilla has turned a bit....different? It's like it's missing something, so I can't call it vanilla anymore. It's more like vanillin? Which is the main component I love from the scent of old books. Still a little smokey incense feel to it.


    All together it's amazing, sleek and sexy, and now I get why it's so popular. It has an amazing throw initially, and I'm going to assume it has staying power like my other BPALs with vanilla/vanillin components. Assuming this doesn't bother any family members, I will end up buying a whole bottle of this.


    GAH! Much keep smelling this! If it was a Trading Post atmosphere spray I would cover my bed in it and just roll around in bed for hours, I swear. :wub2:

  18. I have no idea what to expect out of this one. It was a Trading Post freebie. I've never really tried anything described as aquatic before, so....let's get on with it.


    Imp: It does remind me of a larger body of water, but the salt is missing, as is the heaviness of fresh water. Weird. It's dark, but not heavy.


    Wet: Same as the imp.


    Drydown: Now it's getting some salt to it. Not quite ocean or sea, but more brackish from a estuary.


    Dry: There's a slight fruit/floral in there now, which isn't quite grapefruit to me, but does have a citrus element. Still very similar to the imp. It's got a nice wet green thing going on, very fresh with a dark, cold undertow. The throw is HUGE on it, however, at a distance it comes across as a bit too masculine to me (weirdly like men's body wash).


    Annnnd 30 minutes in, I get itchy like I do when I'm around dogs. No rash, just itchy all over. Guess it's a good thing it's a touch to masculine for me, otherwise I would have fallen in love and been disappointed.

  19. Imp: Overripe squashed apples with a hint of floral.


    Wet: Apples are now fresh and and green, tart and sharp. There's also a sweetened rose scent underneath.


    Dry: Apples are still fresh, but no longer green and tart. There's also a new twist to the floral, which is probably the ylang ylang. Very fresh and feminine right now.


    Later: The fresh apples didn't last too long. Now it's apple blossoms for sure, with ylang ylang coming in behind and the roses tying the two together. It's really sweet for a floral, which is probably the honey. It's also pretty light for a floral, and thus does bring images of feminine innocence to mind.


    A Little Later: It's gone a bit powder, but not soapy. Mostly it reminds me of expensive perfume scented lotions. Apple blossoms still at the front, which is nice.


    I only did a drop on each wrist, and I can catch hints of this when my wrist is a foot away or so. Could have a slightly better throw, but overall I really like this floral scent. It's fresh and sweet without being too heavy. Going to be my floral of choice for the rest of summer.

  20. Imp: ...chewy butter rum filled candies on my great grandmother's oak table. I haven't had the candies for years and years and my great grandmother died over 8 years ago, but it takes me right back to winter holidays with relatives in southern California.


    Wet: Sweet Irish coffee. Overwhelming so. But not overly boozy.


    Dry: Here comes the oak, but it's old warm oak, not fresh woodsy oak. Behind that is a dusty vanilla like scent, which is not quite the smell of old books, but similar enough. Tying it together is the creamy sweet coffee undertone, with a warm butter rum twist in it. There's a nice throw, I keep getting whiffs of it without trying.


    Later: The oak retreats a bit, and the coffee comes back, but with less rum and slightly more sugar. Though I let my one wrist rest on my hot laptop and the smell returned to the earlier dry smell...weird. It has settled closer to the skin, but it gets a good few hours of run time.


    Overall, I like it more than enough to keep the imp. Not for summer at all though. It'll be nice for late fall/early winter nights, and for dead of winter days when it's either below zero or we have 3+ feet of snow out here on the Illinois/Wisconsin border. It's a scent to warm you up. Oddly enough, it still reminds me of winter holidays in California, even if the scent itself has changed from what it was in the imp.

  21. Imp: Sticky sweet white cake, with a weird harsh undertone.


    Wet: Cake, cake, and more cake. The weird undertone has gone. Slight sense of vanilla, no berries yet.


    Dry: Cake dies down fast. Now it's vanilla cream and berries...more berries than anything else to my nose. The cake smells more like the remains of short bread cookies. Very yummy to my nose, though my brother said it's more like berry buttercream frosting to him. Either way, very foody to start with.


    Later: The cake goes first. After a few hours of wearing, the berries leave as well. The vanilla lasts for hours, settling close to the skin. And by lasting for hours...it lasted 8 hours before I went to bed for the night, at which time it was still noticeable, and the slightest scent of vanilla remained on skin this morning.


    This is very foody upon first putting it on, but I'm gad the berries and vanilla overwhelm the cake once dried as it makes it more wearable. I'm also loving the staying power of the vanilla, making it easy to apply a little bit and still be able to smell it hours later. Putting Eat Me at the top of my list for full bottles.

  22. Imp: Sandalwood, with something dark beneath.


    Wet: Musk, oud, and sandalwood. It's a bit harsh, made me sneeze getting too close, but an okay scent...bit masculine for my tastes so far.


    Dry: The white tea is peaking through, and the beeswax has cut the slight harshness of the wet scent, making it slightly sweet.


    Later: The throw once dried wasn't great, and within 15 minutes it settled close to the skin. As other have said, it's a soft warm woodsy smell once it's settled. It's pretty much what I wanted from the scent. I only dabbed it on, so I'm hoping with more it will have a slightly better throw. It's lovely and added to my potential bottle list.

  23. Ranger

    This was a free imp from the lab. I had been mildly interested in it, so time to give it a go.


    Imp: Lovely pines and juniper, very woodsy and fresh.


    Wet: Went sweet. Very sweet mix of greens.


    Dry: It went soapy the second it dried. :( It now smells like Irish Springs on me, fading pretty quick too. Not at all what I expected or wanted.


    As the first scent to go entirely soapy on me, it's not one I'll keep. While I don't have a problem with the scent of Irish Springs, I'd rather not smell like it unless I'm using the soap.

  24. From my first BPAL order...


    Imp: Smells like cherry and tea, with a hint of anise. Lightly sweet.


    Wet: It's back licorice. I mean, I can pick out the individual scents underneath, but together it make a sticky sweet black licorice...


    Dry: Still smells like black licorice, though slightly less sweet. Hmm, I've never tried a scent with anise in it...looks like I amp it. :huh:


    Later: Okay, the sweetness has gone, and the anise has quieted. Now it's light cherry blossom, some sandalwood, and a tiny bit of the anise hanging on. Very light and nice and more what I thought this scent would be. But it took over an hour to get to this nice point and then it didn't last for much longer...though what lingers is fresh and clean smelling, even if I'm not. The throw was pretty weak. This scent was not what I expected, but I'm not unhappy with it. Black licorice and anise are a happy, homey smells for me, and the morph into the lighter cherry blossom scent is calming. I'll keep the imp, though I'm not sure I'd order it again.

  25. Imp: Wine, red and dark, but floral. Really strong, lightly sour.


    Wet: ROSE! So much ROSE....can't smell anything else, though I can smell the rose easily at arms' length.


    Dry: Luckily the rose calmed down as it dried. Now it's a mix of rose, jasmine, and some wine, with the other scents playing lightly in the background. It's dark, but very sensual. There's a nice bite to it that keeps it from being too floral.


    Later: As time goes on, the rose calms even more, playing more evenly with the jasmine, with a spicy, woodsy, dark undertone.


    Even later: It went a bit powdery, but not overly so...the spice of the wine still plays through nicely. There's also now a nice metallic feel to it.


    And work stopped me from recording the other morph notes, though I know it changed some more before fading. So many morphs to it!


    When I looked into my first BPAL order (this imp was part of it), I looked at all the perfumes I owned in the past, looked up the notes, and found a lot of jasmine and a wide range of sandalwoods...this scent made the short list because of this and I'm glad it did. However, it's maybe a bit too dark and heavy for everyday summer wear...I'll put off getting a bottle until the weather turns cold.
