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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Riven

  1. In the bottle, Dragon's Milk smells fiery and sugary, and maybe a little bit like musky cough syrup. Yeah, that sounds kind of gross, but it's worth it. I am pretty fond of the smell of Dragon's Blood and Vanilla and I think they make for a sexy combination. The appeal of this scent really shows up for me when it begins to dry. Think Vanilla Musk, but with a wicked bite. The 'cough syrup' scent I get when it's wet disappears and leaves behind a sweet, sweet resin. Its a feisty scent that makes me want to fire up my feminine wiles and satisfy my most.. ahem.. carnal of desires. I'm listening to the song "Illuminaughty" by Infected Mushroom while I write this little review, and I think, ironically enough, that it describes how this lovely little oil makes me feel. Mmm, Dragon's Milk. Definitely one of my personal favorite BPALs.

  2. Straight out of the bottle, Haunted smells like a dark, spicy and kind of sweet musk. Mmm. There's even somewhat of a fruity tang lingering in there that I'm digging.


    As I apply it, the scent becomes a bit softer; a little powdery. The spice is not as sharp, but the scent is still very strong. I can't help but feel I'm starting to smell like some kind of little magic shop full of candles and incense. It's dark and mysterious. Very sexy and very gothy. I don't feel like it's me. I love musks, and I love spices, but I think this one is too 'Hot Topic' for me. The fruity tang I mentioned has totally disappeared, which makes me sad because I think it's that hint of zest that kept it from being too 'mournful' of a smell for my everyday taste. That, and for some reason scents of this calibur tend to give me a headache. :P


    I do like Haunted, though I don't think it is a scent I could wear all the time. Definitely not in Spring or Summer, but for the fall, especially around October, I think it would be really nice. Its just too dark for the warm seasons. If you're looking for something DARK, definitely give it a try. The name "Haunted" is well-suited for this wicked oil.

  3. At first whiff, Dana O'Shee smells like sweet milk and honey in the vial. Mmm. When I apply it, it becomes more of a powdery almond. And like many others have said, it smells JUST like the wonderous Lush product that is Snowcake! (A personal favorite of mine, too.) I feel so soft and snuggley. This is a very light scent on me so I like to enhance it with Lush Smitten hand cream (which also smells just like Snowcake). Overall, the smell is sweet, milky and powdery. I think it's a great scent to put on before bedtime, or anytime you want feel doused in warm fuzzies!

  4. I will start by saying Fae is one of my absolute favorite BPAL oils. It satiates my need for all things musk in addition to keeping my oil collection from being too.. well... musky. Smelling this out of the bottle, it's very fruity and spicy. If definitely makes me think of mischevious and energetic little faeries! :P


    When I put it on, the musk really starts to develop and adds a soft powdery scent onto the fruitiness. Peach and musk go really well together, as already proven by Avon's Peach Musk scent (which I also really adore!). Fae is an absolutely divine combo of musky and fruity. The musk makes it sexy, the fruit makes it playful. It makes me feel confident and flirty! Fae seems ideal for warm summer nights out with the gals or in with the man. :D


    Mmm, Fae. <3

  5. I am looking for some good scents for a guy who is really into foresty things. One time I gave him a cologne that smells like Cedar and he adored it, so I'm wondering what "woody" scents there are to choose from in addition to all around Earthy nature scents that aren't too feminine for a guy to wear. Also, I am hoping to find an oil for him that smells like old books! What can you recommend?

  6. Bathsheba smells quite energetic, floral and spicy in the vial. (A bit fruity, too!) Once it's on my skin, it seems as though the warm musk begins to develop and the scent becomes sweeter and more calm. It is not a harsh scent at all, which is nice if you know people who are sensitive to strong perfumes. There is definitely a hint of romance and innocence to it. It feels like the kind of scent I can enjoy wearing on either a warm spring day or a cold winter one. It's got just the right balance of warm and cool for me to make it an appropriate 'year-round' perfume.


    Bathsheba's floral notes make it romantic and feminine, while the sweet and spicy notes give it a hint of innocence and curiosity. When I put this on, I feel like I should be drinking tea and reading Jane Austin; on the porch or in front of the fire. Or perhaps snuggling with a very handsome English gentleman.
