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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Aurelius

  1. Remember the cartoons you saw as a kid where witches would stir their cauldrons? Each item they threw in would float to the top, bob at the surface for a while, until a new element was added. Blue Moon reminds me of those cartoons; it seems perpetually in flux. The ingredients almost seem to jostle with each other.


    Blue Moon seems very berry-like in the bottle, and it remains that way on my skin. There are so many ingredients, and I could smell many of them. It's very complex, unique, and somehow thick.


    This is gorgeous, but I'm not sure if it's gorgeous on me. I intend to try this several times because my body chemistry is psycho and this creation is divine.


    I'm interested to see if people plan on using this as a magical oil. I agree with heartbeast; Blue Moon seems laden with intent!


    ETA: I wore Blue Moon this weekend and it was gorgeous. The notes continued to jostle, almost as if they were in rotation...left wrist cucumber-y, right wrist berry-ish...left wrist flowery...right wrist melon-y. Mmmm!

  2. Warm cinnamon, husky clove and white pepper.

    I smell like Halloween! :P

    I smell mostly clove and cinnamon in the vial, and on me. This is gorgeous, and I bet it would also smell really fantastic layered with another scent. A keeper, for sure! Spicy, hot, but not too hot on the skin.

  3. I had trouble sleeping last night so I decided that a drop of this might do the trick. It smelled light and soothing in the bottle.


    As soon as it touched my skin it changed. Something acrid...and tangy...mustard! But something sweet too...






    I washed it off. It's hard to fall asleep when you feel you should be working at Hot Dog on a Stick. :D


    I promise to try this one again, hopefully when my body chemistry isn't set to "crazy."

  4. Hello!


    This may be a very stupid question, but I'm sure you'll all be nice. :P


    Some BPAL scents list almond as one of their notes. Is the almond note similar to almond extract (such as when you're baking)? I cannot stand the smell of almond extract, so I'm very hesitant to buy any of the BPAL oils with almond listed. But so many of the other notes sound so wonderful...


    Thanks for the help!

  5. I received Imp as a freebie imp in my first order. I sniffed everything (hey! I couldn't wait!) and as soon as I pulled the lid off I nearly threw the vial across the room. I declared I hated it. :D


    Silly me. :P


    In the bottle Imp smells (sorry) god awful to me. It SO SO fruity to me, full of sticky candy sweetness.


    After reading all the reviews on this site of so many scents I decided I should be brave and at least try it once. So I placed a teeny drop on my skin.


    Yay! The scent calmed down quickly and I could smell a lovely peachy-ness. After about twenty minutes the patchouli came out and mixed wonderfully.


    This scent is not for me at work, but it's PERFECT for me when I'm lazy, at home, when it's nice and sunny. Imp makes me feel happy, flirty, naughty, and just generally pleased to be doing whatever.


    Beth & Co, you rock. The scents I picked out are okay, but the scents you guys threw in as freebies ROCK. :D

  6. Another freebie imp from the Lab. You guys are so wonderful. My first order--and you throw in some imps that have turned out to be even better than the ones I picked! Yay!


    Danube is beautiful. I smelled a somewhat bitter note in the bottle, but once on my skin, it turned beautiful and flowery, with a water-y tone to it. This will probably be my "girlie" scent. It's so rich and lovely. I feel calm, beautiful, and cool. :P

  7. An ethereal bouquet of night-blooming flowers. Evening primrose, ruellia, flowering nicotiana, wild petunia, panani-o-kai, night phlox, night gladiolus, moonflower and the elusive scent of Nottingham Catchfly.

    This was a generous freebie imp. I couldn't stop myself from ordering more while my first order was still en route, so I ordered this. But I don't mind! This is lovely!

    In the bottle: This smells dark and rich.

    Wet: Wow. Flowers. A big fat bouquet. I'm not sure about this.

    Dry: Oooh, pretty! The flowers have calmed down. This is a very pleasant, calming scent on me. It smells like my mom, and that's a good thing. I feel like she's giving me a hug! This is gorgeous. Not too flowery on me, but just the right amount.

    Yay! Thanks, Lab! You rock! :D

    ETA: I wore this a second time. This time I smelled a slight bitter note, something with an edge. It still makes me feel like my Mom is giving me a hug, but also telling me to go kick some ass. I felt both calm and slightly bitchy, if that makes sense, as if I'm having a bad day, but I know it'll pass (and if you cross me, god help you). I like this even more!

  8. Oh Jebus, I LOVE this one. The mandarin doesn't seem to make its presence known at all on me. I could smell it in the vial, but on me, nothing. But I don't mind because I love the smell of fig! Yay! I SO will be buying a bottle of this. It smells rich, thick, and sensuous. I only wish it had more staying power; this scent fades to nearly nothing in about two hours.


    Mmm, mmm, mmm. I'm so glad my body chemistry didn't turn this one into old man's cologne on me (like Noir did). Ahhh... :P

  9. I love the smell of eucalyptus and mint, but man, my body chemistry turns them into something completely different! Banshee smelled clean and flowery (!) in the bottle, very nice. On me it turned into something very clean and soft. I didn't get any sharp notes at all, nothing piercing. It turned somewhat baby powder-y (but not as much as my scare with Ultraviolet), but in a very nice, sweet way. I kept sniffing my wrists. It fades fast on me, but I think I sniffed it off! I'll surely wear this one again. Mmm!

  10. In the Bottle: Sharp and clean with another scent that reminded me of a lemon rind.


    Wet: More flowery, clean, but still with an edge.


    Dry: I'm not sure about this one. I like it, but that lemon rind thing keeps bugging me. Very pretty though.

  11. In the bottle: This smells thick and complex. Very heavy on the cinnamon. Mmm!


    Wet: Wow. Cinnamon. Lots and lots of cinnamon. I smell nothing else. It's warming up my skin, but not in an overpowering way.


    Drying: I kid you not, this smells like cinnamon and marijuana. Kind of like someone smoking cloves to cover up smoking out. Heh. Funny, but I hope it goes away.


    Dry: The cinnamon has calmed down. This reminds me of Christmas: warm, spicy, sensual (but not sexy).


    This one doesn't really embody it's name on me, but I do like it. It also faded very fast, which surprised me considering the cinnamon comes on really strong at first. I'll be trying this one out again!


    I tried this one the other night in my diffuser and it worked SO well. My room smelled so lush and gorgeous. Yay!

  12. I got a freebie imp of this in my order. Thanks lab! I LOVE this one!


    In the bottle: I can't smell any single notes, but this smells clean and fresh, but with a bite. Something citrus-y?


    Wet: Still clean, like soap, but with a zing.


    Drying and dry: This scent retains it's smell on me which is completely different from the other scents I've tried so far. (Most stuff morphs into something completely new) It fades fast, but it smells SO good. I can't wait for my second "test run" with it. Mmmmm!

  13. In the bottle: Mmm, this is thick, spicy and lush. I like it!


    Wet: Ew! This smells like an old man's cologne. I barely put any on and it's overpowering. This smells like someone's Grandpa.


    Drying: Grandpa has entered a head shop. Old man's cologne with some insence, something earthy. A different scent, but still just as strong.


    Dry, later: Good god, this scent won't calm down on me. It's practically screaming.


    Another scent off to trade. Lovely in the bottle, but my body chemistry changes it into something much too sharp, much too loud.

  14. All I could smell in this scent was the violet. The mint and eucalyptus were nowhere to be found. Silly body chemistry!


    In the bottle: Fresh, flowery. Light and pretty!


    Wet: Wow. This has completely morphed. It smells like Kansas! My Great-Aunt and Uncle have a farm. This smells like being outside in the fields. It smells like crops, dirt, and that faintly metallic smell when it's just about to rain. Mmmm!


    Drying: Hello Grandma! The scent has changed again, and gotten louder. I smell like an old lady.


    Dry, later: Ew. Baby powder. Nothing but baby powder.


    Well, this imp is off for trading. It smells lovely in the bottle, but my body changes it into something that doesn't agree with me.
