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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by octopusgrrl

  1. I've just started systematically going through a whole lot of old imps (and when I say 'old', I mean 2004!) I didn't review Anubis back when I first got it, but when I picked it out this morning my brain instantly associated it with being very dry, woody and 'hot' and one that I wasn't keen to wear again, so I was a bit worried. But oh my! When I put it on, my favourite cherry/almondy fruits wafted up, layered with some sandalwood and myrrh - it was just glorious! I don't know whether I'd mixed the name up with another oil, or whether Anubis has just matured beautifully in my favour, but it's wonderful. A few hours in and the initial fruitiness has worn off, but it's still a lovely warm myrrh and honey scent which I'm happy to wear all day. This one's a keeper, and makes me want to give some of the other oils that I wasn't too keen on back in the day another chance.

  2. In the bottle: strong spicy resins with a slight mint tang, of all things


    Wet: mmm, spicy and resinous, but not too warm or dry - more of a pure resin scent. There's a hint of tropical flowers as well, but not as overwhelming as they often become on me


    Dry: sweet creamy vanilla


    Verdict: I really like this one - it's a great blend of all the scents I like, and it's such a relief to not have the white floral notes take over!

  3. In the bottle: soft tearose


    Wet: starts to smell powdery as soon as it hits my skin


    Dry: grandmotherly lilac and tearose talc


    Verdict: unfortunately, this is another BPAL rose scent that turns to instant powder on me :P

  4. In the bottle: very gentle grapefruit/lemon citrus


    Wet: a pretty light citrus scent with hints of spring flowers - daffodils and freesias


    Dry: disappeared in about half an hour :P


    Verdict: this was really nice when I first applied it, but I wish it was a lot stronger, then it would be perfect.

  5. In the bottle: strong incense


    Wet: a mix of dark roses and patchouli


    Dry: the patchouli dries to an earthy scent, reminding me a lot of Zombi


    Verdict: intriguing and complex, but not really me. The drydown ends up too powdery and earthy for my liking.

  6. In the bottle: strong bergamot


    Wet: spicy tangy neroli


    Dry: a powdery floral that disappears after an hour


    Verdict: it's not unpleasant, although when it's first applied the orange blossom scent is way too strong, but it's not really for me.

  7. In the bottle: soft, spicy almond


    Wet: spices and flowers, reminiscent of Queen of Sheba but smoother and more rounded


    Dry: gentle spicy vanilla with hints of floral


    Verdict: very nice, but a bit similar on my skin to both Queen of Sheba and Old Kathmandu - I'll have to try them out against each other to see which I prefer.

  8. In the bottle: jasmine


    Wet: more jasmine


    Dry: yet still more jasmine


    Verdict: I really need to steer clear of jasmine in oils: my skin grabs on to it and amps it up, and it's really not my favourite scent to start with. This is not as overwhelming as Black Widow on me but it's ultimately disappointing - all the other notes sound lovely and they're completely drowned by the jasmine :P

  9. In the bottle: almond and rum


    Wet: buttery rum spice mixture


    Dry: strong clove and, I assume, sassafras - ugh, smells like a dentists office :P I like clove usually, but not this strong.


    Verdict: this comes out way too medicinal on me and is quite unpleasant. I ended up layering some Blood Amber over the top after an hour or so to tone it down.

  10. In the bottle: bitter almond


    Wet: cedar and sandalwood with a hint of pine


    Dry: dries to a creamy spicy vanilla


    Verdict: this starts off smelling like Queen of Sheba on me, but it's not as "dry" a scent, and turns out quite delicious as it dries.

  11. A festive, dazzling blend, layered in mystery and intrigue. Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom.

    In the bottle: very strong orange blossom

    Wet: orange blossom with a hint of spiciness

    Dry: up close, it's orange and warm patchouli (a really nice rounded patchouli, not incensey like most), but from a distance I keep smelling tobacco!

    Verdict: This is a really interesting combination - the first BPAL oil I've tried that has two distinct halves. I like both the original orange blossom and the dried-off orangey tobacco, though, and I'll be wearing this again.

  12. In the bottle: "clean", almost scentless


    Wet: vanilla and gentle floral


    Dry: vanilla fading to nothingness


    Verdict: a lovely scent. It's the first oil I've tried where the vanilla is more milky and ice-creamy than spicy and it's really unusual. I just wish it was stronger and lasted a bit longer


  13. In the bottle: jasmine with a hint of something aldehyde, like lavender - maybe that's the coffee?


    Wet: jasmine and patchouli - quite an unusual combination


    Dry: spicy jasmine with a little vanilla smoothness developing into vanilla-tonka creaminess


    Verdict: What is it with me and rose? Maybe it's because I've worn plain rose oil for a number of years, but BPAL's rose scents always come out too subtle on me. Mind you, maybe it's the jasmine that overwhelms the gentler rose. This is quite a pleasant scent especially once it's been on for a few hours, but the jasmine is too much for me in the beginning, so this one might be a swapper.

  14. In the bottle: a very resinous, syrupy, voluptuous fragrance


    Wet: more amber warmth coming through - I recognise the scent from Spellbound. This is such a strong, heady oil!


    Dry: the "roundedness" of the scent wears off, leaving a drier spicy incense that lasts for ages


    Verdict: I really like this oil - it's quite addictive, but so powerful that I don't think I could wear it as an everyday oil. However, it will be a great exotic indulgence every so often.

  15. In the bottle: very sweet, like candied apples


    Wet: sweet, reminding me of strawberry flavouring, with a hint of rose


    Dry: dries off to a powdery rose-musk


    Verdict: This is like Spellbound jnr. on me, but not as overpowering. It doesn't set my world on fire, I'm afraid. I don't hate it but I don't love it either.

  16. In the bottle: tobacco and chocolate


    Wet: ooh, lovely! This is like a mix of pipe tobacco soaked in rum, and cherries, with a hint of dark chocolate - or liquor-filled cherry chocolates and cigars


    Dry: less than an hour later, and this has faded away to virtually nothing, just a vague "perfumey" echo on my wrists. Stupid skin sucking up all the lovely Kali smells! :P


    Verdict: I really want to bathe in this scent, it's divine, but it's so short-lived. A tragedy in an imp!


    ETA: On subsequent applications, Kali has lasted a lot longer - not sure what happened first time around. Now it would have to be one of my favourite scents (despite my dh admitting that it reminds him of his granddad - it's the tobacco, apparently!) and I'm planning to get a full bottle as soon as possible.

  17. In the bottle: rich and fruity


    Wet: wow, this is pure cherry on me!


    Dry: it develops into being a bit drier and spicier on dry-down, but still lots of luscious cherry goodness


    Verdict: I adore cherry scents, so I'm sold on the scent of this oil - this is my favourite fragrance of the 5 Voodoo oils I've tried so far. As for the Voodoo powers: I'm wearing it today for good luck with our house purchase - I applied a dab to the logo of our bank to gain favour with regards to our mortgage arrangements and approval. I'll keep you posted :P

  18. In the bottle: spicy, red and fruity


    Wet: very strong and dry scent, vaguely fruity but also cinnamon/black pepper spikiness


    Dry: the fruit has worn away but the spikiness remains – it’s not unpleasant, but quite distinctive and forceful. I didn't smell any floral tones at all on me.


    Verdict: the scent didn’t appeal that much, but as for the Voodoo effects: I applied some to the backs of my hands just before we were to hear about a bid we put in on a house. I asked the loa to send me good fortune and that which would be best for us. Minutes later the real estate agent turned up on our doorstep to tell us the house was ours, despite ours not being the highest bid. Thanks be to the loa! :P

  19. In the bottle: black pepper and sugar


    Wet: intriguingly spicy and sweet, with a slight floral edge


    Dry: bitter almonds and spiced honey


    Verdict: I think I liked it better wet than once it dried, but it's still really yummy. I don't know whether I'd wear it every day because it's rather overwhelming, but at times when I want to smell and feel exotic, this would be the oil I'd go for.

  20. In the bottle: very sharp, apple-y and sweet, reminiscent of Eve or The Hesperides


    Wet: evokes the Islands with a fragrant group of flowers: frangipani, gardenia, lily and white ginger


    Dry: a lush and complex floral - I wouldn't call this a light scent, there's definitely a hint of something darker and more interesting going on


    Verdict: I would say that generally I'm more of a oriental than a floral person, but this is very intense and exotic, and I like it a lot.

  21. In the bottle: a sugar sweetness similar to The Hesperides, but with a hint of flowers


    Wet: wow, this is bottled Spring! The jasmine/daffodil combo really develops beautifully


    Dry: the jasmine and daffodil fade away leaving behind a sweet syrupy scent reminiscent of strawberries, which must be the plum


    Verdict: this is delicious! I really love this scent.

  22. In the bottle: very light floral scent


    Wet: citrus-y lemon (maybe the grapefruit) and gently floral


    Dry: disappeared when it dried off


    Verdict: a gentle pretty scent while it lasted, but doesn't really rock my world.

  23. In the bottle: light and floral


    Wet: lily and jasmine


    Dry: oh, yuck, there is something about this scent once it dries that reminds me of diapers, and does it ever put me off. I can't smell it up close, but everytime I move my head I can smell it - ugh!


    Verdict: no, I really don't like how this smells on me at all - I don't even want to give it another chance. This is the first BPAL oil that I'm quite happy saying goodbye to

