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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Iceblink

  1. Iceblink


    I was expecting total root beer from Slaugh, and it IS very very root-beer-y when wet, but the drydown brings out the champaca and tonka and it's much more subtle and soft. Very pretty! Unfortunately it did a pretty quick fade, but it was nice while it lasted.
  2. Iceblink

    Licorice Bats

    Mmm, yes, this is anise/licorice and cocoa (which separates out like crazy) all right--straightforward and delicious! Doesn't seem to have great staying power but I'm going to shake it up a little more since it was so separated and try again. ITA that it's a bit like a Tootsie Roll!
  3. I wonder if the lab's thought about using the new blog for posting info about backorders...they're updating it frequently; it seems like it would be easy to do.
  4. Iceblink

    Old Demons of the First Class

    Dark, spicy musk--the pepper is really prominent here. It's sweetened by the tonka and opoponax but that pepper really gives this blend a kick. I don't think it's really *me*, but it's good stuff, and probably will age fantastically. Would smell great on a guy, too.
  5. Iceblink

    The Night-Raven

    I'm intrigued by the indigo musk in this--it's very light and pretty and I don't think I've smelled this in anything else before. Unfortunately the rose geranium and the jasmine in here are quite strong and doing that powdery ick thing on my skin. I do get a bit of plum and benzoin, but those flowers, they do not like me. I'd love to see this musk used in another blend, though!
  6. Iceblink

    The Death-Horse

    A miss. The lily turns to old funky powder on me almost instantly and that plus the heavy opoponax makes this smell really off.
  7. Iceblink

    Anne Beany

    Butterscotch! I was a wee bit worried that the rum in this would make it too boozy for wearing out and about it polite society (heh) but although it's present it's not dominant. This reminds me a bit of a rum cake my grandma used to make, and there's definitely an ice-creaminess about it (I also am reminded a bit of Destestable Putrescence). Weirdly it doesn't smell like Beaver Moon to me at all and you'd think with the cheesecake, it would. Butterscotch, rum, and ice cream are what I get, and it's absolutely delicious! A winner.
  8. Iceblink

    The Grave-Pig

    BPAL fig is almost always great to my nose, and it definitely is here! This is a very earthy/clean dirt note with fig...not like Gomorrah but the patchouli underneath comes out as it dries and makes this richer and less overtly "dirt"-y. There is a faint mustiness to it that I associate with mushrooms, but it's not unpleasant. Really nice and I'll be giving this another try for sure.
  9. Iceblink

    Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery

    I'm not getting a beer vibe from this either--it's grassy (almost too green, really), grainy and herbal, but not alcoholic. Fresh and clean. Something in it makes me think of dandelions a bit. Not something I'd wear but it's pleasant and light.
  10. Iceblink

    The Old Goblin

    A chilly ozone that on my skin comes across as dryer sheets immediately. I'm just not one for these icy blends! Alas.
  11. Iceblink

    The Hag

    This is that perfect BPAL black musk note that I love. And the rum is mercifully weak here. The vetiver gives this an earthiness that I really like too. The only problem is the bay leaves--they are quite prominent and I'm not a big fan of bay...*has flashbacks of testing Nero*. I'm going to let this age for a few weeks and see if the bay fades with time, because that black musk and vetiver together are really sexy and deep and I think I could love this if the bay behaves.
  12. Iceblink

    The Decrepit House

    Mahogany, musk, faint tobacco, leaves, oakmoss--there is as others have said something slighly smoky here too. It's very atmospheric and evocative but I think it would smell better on a guy.
  13. Iceblink

    Odd Portents

    Strong lavender that made me recoil a bit when wet--but the drydown of Odd Portents is beautiful! I smell amber, rose, a faint black currant, and musky myrrh, but it's all blended smoothly and it's wonderfully "perfumey". A little bit on the powdery side. I'll definitely test this again.
  14. Iceblink

    Pomegranate IV

    Pomegranate and a TON of thyme. I don't think I've ever sniffed a blend where the thyme was so dominant. I get zero red musk here, weirdly, and I had a hard time getting even my little decant blended so the cocoa may not be representing here like it should. Mostly it's just fruit and thyme. I do like the pom note here though.
  15. Iceblink

    Pomegranate II

    The citrus notes here are bright and crisp when this is freshly applied--lots of grapefruit and lime! Once this dries it's all strong, almost overripe pomegranate and cloying white musk, though--too sweet and oddly heavy for a scent with such light notes. Too much for me.
  16. Iceblink

    Pomegranate III

    Starts off as sharp, medicinal, slightly headache-inducing lavender and clove. The pomegranate isn't very strong here at all but lends a sweet softness to that herbal lavender as this dries. The woods and myrrh come out to give this more depth. For such a complex scent, though, this is very light and has little throw.
  17. Iceblink

    The Madwoman

    Nothing but soap/shampoo on me. That bridal bouquet may be long dead but those soapy flowers overpower everything else!
  18. Iceblink


    Aquatic and masculine. The drydown of October is much more pleasant than the wet stage, though, with a dry leafiness coming forward. But it's still way too manly on my skin.
  19. Iceblink

    Punkie Night

    YUM--crisp, tart apples sweetened with cranberries! These are definitely the apples of a cool autumn orchard. I love that this doesn't make me think of generic apple spice candles, too--it's fresh and light and smells very realistically fruity.
  20. Iceblink


    Very sweet cherry/almond/amaretto with a hint of coconut--but this fades very fast! I do like the coconut here; it smells like macaroons. I'll give this another shot to see if the staying power improves after it settles a bit more.
  21. Iceblink

    All Souls

    Strong incense when fresh, but as this dries the cake underneath blooms and makes this more interesting. It's not at all foody, though--more of a light, sweet incense thanks to that cakeyness! Really unusual and I'll need to try this again for sure.
  22. Iceblink

    Dia De Los Natitas

    Oddly watery and masculine to my nose. I do get a hint of rose, but this mostly just smells like a generic man's cologne to me, with a hint of smoke.
  23. Iceblink


    *sob* Golletes begins as light pink cake/frosting but very quickly turns to that plasticky note that some cake blends have on my skin. WOE. It was so pretty while it lasted!
  24. Iceblink

    The Infernal Lover

    Sweet red musk. I'm one of those who loves the BPAL red musk note so this is wonderful to my nose! The honey comes out more and more the longer this dries, and the musk isn't rubbery like it is in fresh Smut. Very nice and of course this will age magnificently.
  25. Iceblink

    The Unsteady Governess

    I love the Lab's white tea note but have never really found a blend that I truly like with it--but this just might be it! White tea sweetened with light violet--it's simple and beautiful, and has nice throw and staying power for such an ethereal scent. Love!