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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. I guess I'm just not meant to find a place right now. Grrrr.

  2. Bracing to empty my bank account. Going to get the car's oil changed. The way my luck has been, the engine is about to explode.

  3. I hate it when the internet lies to me.

  4. I really wish I hadn't quit smoking. Gods I want a cigarette.

  5. ARGH!!! I love traveling, I HATE airlines. And driving. Next trip I'm taking a fecking train. I swear.

  6. SOMEONE put a craving for blueberry cheesecake in my head. WANT!!!!

  7. A little bit of panic. Small things happen, & that means big things are real & coming. Also, there is a dentist in my future. #freakedout

  8. So excited to see @neilhimself's book Coraline on the Book Drive list for the Kenyan Students my Mom sponsors! Donating my well-loved copy.

  9. Naked, tattoo-covered Viggo Mortensen is just as good as naked, long-haired Brad Pitt. Better, actually. #eyecandy

  10. I made fresh tomato sauce for dinner tonight. It was amazing, if I do say so myself. #cooking

  11. I'm pretty sure there is no Tom Waits album that I don't absolutely love.

  12. I so want to be lazy for the rest of today. Someone care to write me a permission slip?

  13. I am boring. I know.

    1. het4377


      It's ok, we all are at times. Should you feel the need to remedy the situation though, I hear adventure sports are a good way to beat the doldrums.

  14. So tired. I was up at 4:30 am, but a 9 am seems kind of early for a nap.

  15. I really don't want a house on a flood plain. Thanks FEMA, for being a waste of time & providing me with an unreadable map.#FEMAsucks

  16. Am feeling melodramatic & gothy. The only solution is to watch Interview with the Vampire. So much brooding hotness.

  17. Argh! Must. Tear. Self. Away. From. INTERNET!!!

  18. This apple & pear chutney I'm making might possibly be the best thing I've ever put in my mouth.

  19. I should be asleep. Instead am watching LA Confidential.
