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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. There's a cupcake shop close to me, and it's on the way to the movie I'm seeing tonight. I don't think I can resist. Or that I want to.

  2. This apple & pear chutney I'm making might possibly be the best thing I've ever put in my mouth.

  3. This class better make me awesome. It's proving rather expensive.

  4. This slight chill in the house is excellent for staying in bed all day.

  5. Thrift store hunting, visiting my wild horse, evening walk & Swamp People tonight, plus cinnamon toast for breakfast. Hooray #thursday!

  6. Today is day 1 of my #couchto5k reboot. Did it before over a year ago & got up to running 3 miles, then quit. I am dumb.

  7. Today will be a good day to practice tolerance, patience & not throttling stupid people. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife

  8. Tomorrow is going to be fun. Ren-fest & #Samhain bonfire! I plan on throwing fear into the fire.

  9. Well I managed to make it out to see my horse. Had a brief energy burst. Sat down & now I'm tired again.

  10. When I get my house, I'm totally going to grow broccoli.

  11. When I play the lottery I make sure to check the numbers before I go to work. #sadbuttrue

  12. When I scratch my cat's ear, it apparently feels so good that it makes her eyes cross.

  13. Why am I so tired? I only did 3 massages & not much else. Oh & I want cake. I don't deserve cake.

  14. Why on earth did Keanu Reeves get cast in this? He is so flat. It's even worse that everyone else is so over-the-top. #Dracula

  15. Woo! Go Troy & Liz! My favorite hunters! #swamppeople

  16. You know what's good? Coffee. That's what. #Coffee

  17. You never want a cannibal hanging around your honey hole. Things you learn from #swamppeople
