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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. Obsessively checking my e-mail is not going to give me the news that I want.


    #CriminalMinds has made me realize that if I insist on jogging outside I'm going to be abducted by a serial killer.

  3. No address, price, description ... just FSBO. Terribly curious now. Grr.

  4. Sigh. Life would be much less complicated right now if I had gotten that house. FALL APART OTHER CONTRACT!!!!

  5. Just had a scentgasm over Falling Leaf Moon. #BPAL

  6. Am off for a walk & my weekly dose of smut. #SavageLove

  7. Off to take a bath, from which I shall emerge smelling like a rose. 'Cos I put rose water in it.

  8. Am listening to the new Beats Antique. Loving it & mightily missing my drug days.

  9. 9 Beet Stretch is amazingly soothing. Feels like I'm floating in warm water.

  10. Shut up brain! I want to sleep!

  11. Ha-Jolly-Ha with double knobs on! #JeevesWooster

  12. Why am I so tired? I only did 3 massages & not much else. Oh & I want cake. I don't deserve cake.

  13. I should be packing or doing laundry or something. But instead I'm dicking around on the internet. #lazy

  14. I'm hungry. How likely is it that some delicious food will randomly manifest in my hands without any effort from me? #please

  15. I am disturbingly sad about the amount of meds I have left.

  16. You know what's good? Coffee. That's what. #Coffee

  17. Ok, NOW I bought a GPS. Had an out of date credit card. Whoops. I hope it comes before I go out of town next week as I plan on getting lost.

  18. Just bought a GPS. Am conflicted. I CAN read a map but I can't do it & drive at the same time. Decided it was cheaper than a driver.

  19. $140 to see David Sedaris?! I have an undeniable fondness for Mr. Sedaris, but I'm too poor to listen to him read to me & 500+ people.

  20. Finally remembered to cut my nails. Most of my clients will be happy that I'm no longer leaving gouge marks on them.

  21. I am sad. I ate all my cookies.

  22. Psyching myself up for some DIY surgery. #nohealthinsurance
