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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. Going for a walk, despite Winter's brief return. When I return, there will be hot tea, a bath & brown sugar-coffee scrub. Oh yes.

  2. My desire to knit things is returning! Yay!

  3. I am the youngest person at this Patsy Cline tribute show. #elderlyatheart

  4. A walk in the rain, or yoga in the house? Leaning toward walk in the rain, to soothe my repressed goth soul.

  5. My cat has officially stopped drinking pure water. She must have milk mixed with it or it isn't fit for consumption.

  6. There's a cupcake shop close to me, and it's on the way to the movie I'm seeing tonight. I don't think I can resist. Or that I want to.

  7. About to have a margarita. Haven't had tequila in years. Could be bad.

  8. NC gave me a little windfall! Yay! That'll help pay for my first Meditation Instruction class. Now I just need to get registered.

  9. I found a hammer under my bed. I don't think I put it there. I'm disturbed. Maybe I should feed Morgaine when she asks & not tease her.

  10. Horse is now in a huge backwoods pasture. I must always bring treats to remind him how nice humans are to have around.

  11. Allowing a 15 minute meditation then I am getting dressed & doing STUFF. You heard me. STUFF.

  12. I keep downloading music to listen to on my walk to postpone my walk. My collection's getting respectable, but my ass no smaller.

  13. There is going to be so much oooo-ing & awww-ing at the TV in the next hour, I'm disgusted with myself. And yet. AWWW! KITTENS!!!!

  14. I should be making that amazing cheesecake that takes forever. At this rate it'll be done tomorrow.

  15. Chose to do yard work instead of cheesecake. I made the healthy choice, not the tasty one. Feck.

  16. Oh my stars, the man on #americanpickers right now has a pristine mullet. And fancy whiskers.

  17. Woo! Go Troy & Liz! My favorite hunters! #swamppeople

  18. Saturday night is cute kitten show night apparently. I guess I'll embrace my crazy cat lady-ness & enjoy.

  19. How dare I eat popcorn while my cat is in my presence? I know I'm only allowed to consume things she also enjoys. Bad human! BAD!

  20. Got Amish butter at the farmstand today. SO HAPPY! The strawberries & tomatoes are divine too, but today it's all about the fresh butter.

  21. I am NOT a sex worker. I am a massage therapist. I am sick of looking at ads & job openings using "massage" as a euphemism for sex work.

  22. When I scratch my cat's ear, it apparently feels so good that it makes her eyes cross.

  23. Thrift store hunting, visiting my wild horse, evening walk & Swamp People tonight, plus cinnamon toast for breakfast. Hooray #thursday!
