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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. Pleasantly surprised that week 1 of #couchto5k is very easy for me. I'm in decent shape, I just don't look it.

  2. Psyching myself up for some DIY surgery. #nohealthinsurance

  3. Pumpkin cookies are done. And delicious. That girl picked a bad week to hurt my feelings. #revengeissweet

  4. Putting my entire #TomWaits collection on my iPod to counteract the terrible x-mas music that has already permeated every corner of my life.

  5. Ronnie, no! You made a fake sacred oath to me!! #strangerswithcandy

  6. Sadly I wish I was still with my ex (history masters) just so I could say that to him.

  7. Saturday night is cute kitten show night apparently. I guess I'll embrace my crazy cat lady-ness & enjoy.

  8. Seasonal focus adjustment. Progress!!!

  9. Seriously. I want to know what's going on.

  10. Shut up brain! I want to sleep!

  11. Sigh. Life would be much less complicated right now if I had gotten that house. FALL APART OTHER CONTRACT!!!!

  12. Sigh. Not surprised by the election results, but still disappointed.

  13. Sigh. Someone give me some damn answers, please.

  14. Sigh. Sprained my ankle during my walk. Thank the deity I saved some painkillers from my previous horribleness.

  15. So excited to see @neilhimself's book Coraline on the Book Drive list for the Kenyan Students my Mom sponsors! Donating my well-loved copy.

  16. So tired. I was up at 4:30 am, but a 9 am seems kind of early for a nap.

  17. SOMEONE put a craving for blueberry cheesecake in my head. WANT!!!!

  18. Someone tell me what I want for dinner. I can't decide.

  19. Sometimes having enigmatic & mentally unbalanced people around can be more tiresome than interesting.

  20. Still no news. But there is something else out there that is promising.

  21. T-3 days & counting until major disappointment.

  22. Thanks for letting me vent, Twitter.

  23. The lady who always says things are oily is on #ironchefamerica!

  24. There is going to be so much oooo-ing & awww-ing at the TV in the next hour, I'm disgusted with myself. And yet. AWWW! KITTENS!!!!
