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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. My cat is awesome. Was yelling at my other cat to stop making a mess, so she smacked him on the head for me.

  2. I'm sleepy. Someone bring me a bed.

  3. Putting my entire #TomWaits collection on my iPod to counteract the terrible x-mas music that has already permeated every corner of my life.

  4. I look like an enchanted fairy in a polo shirt.

  5. I should do the wash. The magic towel (formerly the magic hat) that banishes annoying horses is too filthy to continue storing in my bra.

  6. Boo sickness! My immune system shall squash you like the insignificant bug you are! #immunesystempeptalk

  7. I don't want to jinx it, but I think I may have succeeded in keeping sickness at bay. Still doing Reiki & eating oranges though.

  8. Today will be a good day to practice tolerance, patience & not throttling stupid people. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife

  9. Made tea in a teapot & poured it into tea cups. I feel fancy.

  10. Eating chocolate goo & loving every moment of it.

  11. I've been fighting it for weeks, but I finally caved & placed a #BPAL order. Don't judge me!

  12. I think I may give Bleak House a try. It keeps popping up in my life.

  13. Feeling a knitting project coming on. This is because I packed all my yarn up, put it in storage & now it's a pain in the ass to get at.

  14. I feel so lazy today. Argh! It is very difficult to leave the house. Or this chair, for that matter.

  15. Well I managed to make it out to see my horse. Had a brief energy burst. Sat down & now I'm tired again.

  16. The lady who always says things are oily is on #ironchefamerica!

  17. Do I want a peanut butter & jelly sandwich now, or in 20 minutes?

  18. I made chocolate cherry brownies! Maybe they're cool. Maybe I should check.

  19. I wanted to take a picture of chocolate cherry brownie mountain ... but I can't find my camera. Boo.

  20. Maybe I'll suggest the difficult trail at Crowders Mtn. That'll be an adventure in possible leg breakage.

  21. I hate you, heat rash. LEAVE!

  22. Had a really good day. Am thinking I'll have gin & juice while I make dinner, to make it a fan-fucking-tastic day.

  23. I really need to stop watching cake on television. I'm hungry. Ooo! Crime! Now I want to murder someone ...

  24. I have easter candy beckoning me.
