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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. It's pretty important. Hmmm.

  2. If I could I would hike the mountain every day. As it is I'll try to make it at least once a month.

  3. Sadly I wish I was still with my ex (history masters) just so I could say that to him.

  4. Ronnie, no! You made a fake sacred oath to me!! #strangerswithcandy

  5. This class better make me awesome. It's proving rather expensive.

  6. Here's hoping that my headlight is actually fixed & I don't get pulled over for a 3rd time.

  7. Sigh. Not surprised by the election results, but still disappointed.

  8. I want alone time so badly. I like people in small, nugget-like doses. Mmm savory people nuggets....

  9. I want a day where I don't have to do anything! Been trying for almost a month!!!!!

  10. Tomorrow is going to be fun. Ren-fest & #Samhain bonfire! I plan on throwing fear into the fire.

  11. I smell like hot chocolate! My co-workers are going to be pleased.

  12. I'm hungry. And sleepy. Could someone take care of this for me?

  13. ... so much as the "I'm grateful to be able to eat solid food" feeling that should result. Make it easier to appreciate unfried veggies.

  14. Am officially going to Valley Forge for a class in December! Am I going to take the train or fly?

  15. Pumpkin cookies are done. And delicious. That girl picked a bad week to hurt my feelings. #revengeissweet

  16. Thanks for letting me vent, Twitter.

  17. Fly or take the train? Wish I knew what train travel was like in this country. Guess I'll start asking my chatty clients.

  18. Am going to watch Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but am sure I will fall asleep during. I will have messed up dreams in Swedish.


    #Dollhouse season 2 is relentless. Good, but soul-crushingly dark. Someone crack a joke, please?

  20. Someone tell me what I want for dinner. I can't decide.

  21. I accomplished taking a walk & cleaning a room today. Give me a cookie.

  22. My procrastination skills are legend.

  23. I've grown so accustomed to the instant gratification of #iTunes that when they don't have what I want it REALLY upsets me. #want

  24. My feet are cold. I wish my cat would sit on them.

  25. Found a class! Just need to procure the time off, & like a moron I will be in Valley Forge, PA in December!
