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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. I really wish I hadn't quit smoking. Gods I want a cigarette.

  2. I saw a lot of cruelty to dead animals this evening. Multiple dead horses were relentlessly beaten. I hate work meetings.

  3. I should be asleep. Instead am watching LA Confidential.

  4. I should be making that amazing cheesecake that takes forever. At this rate it'll be done tomorrow.

  5. I should be packing or doing laundry or something. But instead I'm dicking around on the internet. #lazy

  6. I should do the wash. The magic towel (formerly the magic hat) that banishes annoying horses is too filthy to continue storing in my bra.

  7. I smell like hot chocolate! My co-workers are going to be pleased.

  8. I SO don't want to take the GRE again. UGH.

  9. I so want to be lazy for the rest of today. Someone care to write me a permission slip?

  10. I think I may give Bleak House a try. It keeps popping up in my life.

  11. I want a day where I don't have to do anything! Been trying for almost a month!!!!!

  12. I want alone time so badly. I like people in small, nugget-like doses. Mmm savory people nuggets....

  13. I want to go out for a walk, but my cat is being so affectionate & cuddly ... I don't want to hurt her feelings by not being her pillow.

  14. I wanted to take a picture of chocolate cherry brownie mountain ... but I can't find my camera. Boo.

  15. I'm a little bit drunk. Shhh. Don't tell.

  16. I'm hungry. And sleepy. Could someone take care of this for me?

  17. I'm hungry. How likely is it that some delicious food will randomly manifest in my hands without any effort from me? #please

  18. I'm pretty sure there is no Tom Waits album that I don't absolutely love.

  19. I'm sleepy. Someone bring me a bed.

  20. I'm stuffed, but this damn show with it's grits, greens & tasso gravy is making me really hungry again. Stop it, food porn!

  21. I've been fighting it for weeks, but I finally caved & placed a #BPAL order. Don't judge me!

  22. I've grown so accustomed to the instant gratification of #iTunes that when they don't have what I want it REALLY upsets me. #want

  23. If I could I would hike the mountain every day. As it is I'll try to make it at least once a month.

  24. If somebody is sexually harassing you, you know, rubbing up on your bumpy parts with something sticky. #strangerswithcandy

  25. It feels like my fingers will never be warm again.
