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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. T-3 days & counting until major disappointment.

  2. I feel sooooo relaxed right now.

  3. Okay. I should do something. Besides this.

  4. I'm a little bit drunk. Shhh. Don't tell.

  5. By the end of today I will be very excited. Or rather disappointed. Or still waiting.

  6. Still no news. But there is something else out there that is promising.

  7. Seriously. I want to know what's going on.

  8. Sometimes having enigmatic & mentally unbalanced people around can be more tiresome than interesting.

  9. Just had such a relaxing bath. Now I don't want to get dressed. But I think just a towel in public violates something.

  10. This slight chill in the house is excellent for staying in bed all day.

  11. It feels like my fingers will never be warm again.

  12. I want to go out for a walk, but my cat is being so affectionate & cuddly ... I don't want to hurt her feelings by not being her pillow.

  13. "For God's sake ... let us sit upon the carpet & tell sad stories." #blackadder

  14. Am lusting after 2 of the chefs on #chopped right now.

  15. When I play the lottery I make sure to check the numbers before I go to work. #sadbuttrue

  16. Checking out more houses tomorrow ... still really wish the first one had worked out.

  17. Why on earth did Keanu Reeves get cast in this? He is so flat. It's even worse that everyone else is so over-the-top. #Dracula

  18. Seasonal focus adjustment. Progress!!!

  19. I ate so much food. I regret nothing!

  20. Found a class! Just need to procure the time off, & like a moron I will be in Valley Forge, PA in December!

  21. My feet are cold. I wish my cat would sit on them.

  22. I've grown so accustomed to the instant gratification of #iTunes that when they don't have what I want it REALLY upsets me. #want

  23. My procrastination skills are legend.

  24. I accomplished taking a walk & cleaning a room today. Give me a cookie.

  25. Someone tell me what I want for dinner. I can't decide.
