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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. Saturday night is cute kitten show night apparently. I guess I'll embrace my crazy cat lady-ness & enjoy.

  2. Woo! Go Troy & Liz! My favorite hunters! #swamppeople

  3. Oh my stars, the man on #americanpickers right now has a pristine mullet. And fancy whiskers.

  4. Chose to do yard work instead of cheesecake. I made the healthy choice, not the tasty one. Feck.

  5. I should be making that amazing cheesecake that takes forever. At this rate it'll be done tomorrow.

  6. There is going to be so much oooo-ing & awww-ing at the TV in the next hour, I'm disgusted with myself. And yet. AWWW! KITTENS!!!!

  7. I keep downloading music to listen to on my walk to postpone my walk. My collection's getting respectable, but my ass no smaller.

  8. Allowing a 15 minute meditation then I am getting dressed & doing STUFF. You heard me. STUFF.

  9. Horse is now in a huge backwoods pasture. I must always bring treats to remind him how nice humans are to have around.

  10. I found a hammer under my bed. I don't think I put it there. I'm disturbed. Maybe I should feed Morgaine when she asks & not tease her.

  11. NC gave me a little windfall! Yay! That'll help pay for my first Meditation Instruction class. Now I just need to get registered.

  12. About to have a margarita. Haven't had tequila in years. Could be bad.

  13. There's a cupcake shop close to me, and it's on the way to the movie I'm seeing tonight. I don't think I can resist. Or that I want to.

  14. My cat has officially stopped drinking pure water. She must have milk mixed with it or it isn't fit for consumption.

  15. A walk in the rain, or yoga in the house? Leaning toward walk in the rain, to soothe my repressed goth soul.

  16. I am the youngest person at this Patsy Cline tribute show. #elderlyatheart

  17. My desire to knit things is returning! Yay!

  18. Going for a walk, despite Winter's brief return. When I return, there will be hot tea, a bath & brown sugar-coffee scrub. Oh yes.

  19. I have easter candy beckoning me.

  20. I really need to stop watching cake on television. I'm hungry. Ooo! Crime! Now I want to murder someone ...

  21. Had a really good day. Am thinking I'll have gin & juice while I make dinner, to make it a fan-fucking-tastic day.

  22. I hate you, heat rash. LEAVE!

  23. Maybe I'll suggest the difficult trail at Crowders Mtn. That'll be an adventure in possible leg breakage.
