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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. $140 to see David Sedaris?! I have an undeniable fondness for Mr. Sedaris, but I'm too poor to listen to him read to me & 500+ people.

  2. Just bought a GPS. Am conflicted. I CAN read a map but I can't do it & drive at the same time. Decided it was cheaper than a driver.

  3. You know what's good? Coffee. That's what. #Coffee

  4. I am disturbingly sad about the amount of meds I have left.

  5. I'm hungry. How likely is it that some delicious food will randomly manifest in my hands without any effort from me? #please

  6. Why am I so tired? I only did 3 massages & not much else. Oh & I want cake. I don't deserve cake.

  7. Ha-Jolly-Ha with double knobs on! #JeevesWooster

  8. Shut up brain! I want to sleep!

  9. 9 Beet Stretch is amazingly soothing. Feels like I'm floating in warm water.

  10. Am listening to the new Beats Antique. Loving it & mightily missing my drug days.

  11. Off to take a bath, from which I shall emerge smelling like a rose. 'Cos I put rose water in it.

  12. Am off for a walk & my weekly dose of smut. #SavageLove

  13. Just had a scentgasm over Falling Leaf Moon. #BPAL

  14. Sigh. Life would be much less complicated right now if I had gotten that house. FALL APART OTHER CONTRACT!!!!

  15. No address, price, description ... just FSBO. Terribly curious now. Grr.


    #CriminalMinds has made me realize that if I insist on jogging outside I'm going to be abducted by a serial killer.

  17. Obsessively checking my e-mail is not going to give me the news that I want.

  18. Am sad that I have no TV shows to look forward to on Mondays & that I am moved to feeling about that.

  19. Ok, time's up other mechanic, am calling someone else to charge an obscene fortune to fix my poor car.

  20. Sigh. Sprained my ankle during my walk. Thank the deity I saved some painkillers from my previous horribleness.

  21. At least after that I'll be able to start getting over it.

  22. I am watching Cops & reading a fashion blog. What?

  23. How scared am I of Hurricanes?
