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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante

  1. Boo sickness! My immune system shall squash you like the insignificant bug you are! #immunesystempeptalk

  2. Bracing to empty my bank account. Going to get the car's oil changed. The way my luck has been, the engine is about to explode.

  3. By the end of today I will be very excited. Or rather disappointed. Or still waiting.

  4. Checking out more houses tomorrow ... still really wish the first one had worked out.

  5. Chose to do yard work instead of cheesecake. I made the healthy choice, not the tasty one. Feck.

  6. Debating about watching True Blood tonight. I really love watching the whole season in one go & I don't have a DVR.

  7. Decided I was going to skip store-bought crusts & suffer with my crappy ones until I learned to make them right. Finally did!

  8. Do I want a peanut butter & jelly sandwich now, or in 20 minutes?

  9. Eating chocolate goo & loving every moment of it.

  10. Feeling a knitting project coming on. This is because I packed all my yarn up, put it in storage & now it's a pain in the ass to get at.

  11. Finally remembered to cut my nails. Most of my clients will be happy that I'm no longer leaving gouge marks on them.

  12. Fly or take the train? Wish I knew what train travel was like in this country. Guess I'll start asking my chatty clients.

  13. For some unknown reason I never seem to get tired of watching these people shoot alligators. #SwampPeople

  14. Found a class! Just need to procure the time off, & like a moron I will be in Valley Forge, PA in December!

  15. Friday is yoga & laundry day in my house. I like to be bendy & clean at the same time.

  16. Glad my horse is over being wild & not needing me to adore him. I even got a horse hug, which are some of the best hugs to be had.

  17. Going for a walk, despite Winter's brief return. When I return, there will be hot tea, a bath & brown sugar-coffee scrub. Oh yes.

  18. Got Amish butter at the farmstand today. SO HAPPY! The strawberries & tomatoes are divine too, but today it's all about the fresh butter.

  19. Got to hang out under a tree in the pasture this morning just watching the horses. It was so peaceful. I wish I could do that all day.

  20. Ha-Jolly-Ha with double knobs on! #JeevesWooster

  21. Had a really good day. Am thinking I'll have gin & juice while I make dinner, to make it a fan-fucking-tastic day.

  22. Here's hoping that my headlight is actually fixed & I don't get pulled over for a 3rd time.

  23. Horse is now in a huge backwoods pasture. I must always bring treats to remind him how nice humans are to have around.

  24. How dare I eat popcorn while my cat is in my presence? I know I'm only allowed to consume things she also enjoys. Bad human! BAD!

  25. How scared am I of Hurricanes?
