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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by bella_delirante


    #CriminalMinds has made me realize that if I insist on jogging outside I'm going to be abducted by a serial killer.


    #Dollhouse season 2 is relentless. Good, but soul-crushingly dark. Someone crack a joke, please?

  3. ... so much as the "I'm grateful to be able to eat solid food" feeling that should result. Make it easier to appreciate unfried veggies.

  4. ... that I could actually find a job AND make a decent wage at? I don't want to be rich, I just want to be comfortable as a single person.

  5. "For God's sake ... let us sit upon the carpet & tell sad stories." #blackadder

  6. "it was like a giant candied tennis ball, with mustard in it." #Chopped #TedAllen

  7. "With two guns in the swamp, things have gone awry in the past." #swamppeople

  8. $140 to see David Sedaris?! I have an undeniable fondness for Mr. Sedaris, but I'm too poor to listen to him read to me & 500+ people.

  9. 9 Beet Stretch is amazingly soothing. Feels like I'm floating in warm water.

  10. A little bit of panic. Small things happen, & that means big things are real & coming. Also, there is a dentist in my future. #freakedout

  11. A walk in the rain, or yoga in the house? Leaning toward walk in the rain, to soothe my repressed goth soul.

  12. About to have a margarita. Haven't had tequila in years. Could be bad.

  13. Allowing a 15 minute meditation then I am getting dressed & doing STUFF. You heard me. STUFF.

  14. Am feeling melodramatic & gothy. The only solution is to watch Interview with the Vampire. So much brooding hotness.

  15. Am going to watch Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but am sure I will fall asleep during. I will have messed up dreams in Swedish.

  16. Am listening to the new Beats Antique. Loving it & mightily missing my drug days.

  17. Am lusting after 2 of the chefs on #chopped right now.

  18. Am off for a walk & my weekly dose of smut. #SavageLove

  19. Am officially going to Valley Forge for a class in December! Am I going to take the train or fly?

  20. Am sad that I have no TV shows to look forward to on Mondays & that I am moved to feeling about that.

  21. Argh! Must. Tear. Self. Away. From. INTERNET!!!

  22. ARGH!!! I love traveling, I HATE airlines. And driving. Next trip I'm taking a fecking train. I swear.

  23. As soon as I get my lazy ass out of the house to get raisins, I will make giant oatmeal cookies.

  24. At least after that I'll be able to start getting over it.
