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Status Updates posted by CelestialNM

  1. Al-Jazeera offices in Cairo have been shut down by the government - transmissions are jammed, satellite channels taken off the air, press credentials revoked, offices now invaded as they are shoved out...

  2. I find it ridiculous how much time I send at work just answering email.

  3. 16th century Ottoman fatwa: "Question: Zeyd enters Hind's house, and tries to take her by force... Hind, unable to repel Zeyd in any other way, injures him with an ax and he dies from the wound. What should happen to Hind? Answer: She has performed an act of holy war (jihad)."

  4. HUGE portfolio due on Friday, along with make-up stuff. Then get to class today and am told that we have a 10 minute presentation on Thursday (in ARABIC), and he gave us 4 hours worth of homework tonight. FML. In other news, I have the flu. I'm gonna go headdesk myself into a coma now.

  5. The worst place in the world to be is outside your house wig your keys I side.

  6. This status is dedicated to my very dear friend Monica Welch so she won't feel jealous of Facebook any more. :P

  7. Gaudete, gaudete Christus est natus, ex Maria virgine, gaudete...

  8. Just found out that skipping breakfast not only is the WHO's #1 thing to do to earn yourself an early death, but it also stops hair growth. Maybe this is why I only have .5 inches of growth in three months. Grrr. Healthy eating, ahoy!

  9. ilu, Mom: "Amy, don't get so worn out and fall asleep in the middle of nowhere like you always do and miss your flight." Not only CAN I sleep through a hurricane, I HAVE!

  10. When I booked tickets home I chose a three plane jump to Medford because it was cheaper. This was months ago. Today the gate is listed in c concourse. Go there, gate is changed to d concourse. Walk all the way down there. Start to board the plane when I'm told I'm not on the passenger manifest. WTF. They switched me to a direct flight without ever saying anything. This flight is in E concourse.

  11. The time is upon us. My mother has asked me to teach her how to use an iPhone, Facebook, and how to knit.

  12. I hate those organizing articles that say only keep stuff you love and use often. what if I have stuff that I love and know I need to use now and then, but not always? Such as my super heavy winter coat that is fantastic and useful, but only on certain days of the year. >_>

  13. Just heard about 15-20 rounds discharged within two blocks of the house. I think whoever was firing stopped once to reload. The last few were so fast it was hard to count. Called the police and said hey, I heard it and I know what it sounds like, and she said they knew it was gunfire and are searching for the source. If you're in the area be careful.

  14. If ever I needed proof that horoscopes were a bunch of crock, they go and change them and now I'm an Aries with different qualities.

  15. This one never gets old for me: India foxtrot yankee oscar uniform charlie alpha november uniform november delta echo romeo sierra tango alpha november delta tango hotel india sierra charlie oscar papa yankee alpha november delta papa alpha sierra tango echo tango oscar yankee oscar uniform romeo sierra tango alpha tango uniform sierra.

  16. You know, I wish I could find a Christian woman's blog that was written by someone that was NOT a mother/homeschooler/homemaker. If that's what you are, good for you and your blog-audience, but it'd be nice to read a Christian perspective from a woman without kids and making a career for herself.

  17. The weekend that Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford and six other civilians were gunned down, thousands of Egyptian Muslims attended mass and formed a human shield around Orthodox Coptic Christians celebrating Christmas in Egypt following the New Year’s Eve bombing in which 25 innocent civilians died and over 80 were injured. Their slogan: “we either live together or we die together”.

  18. In my Ancient Israel and Palestin class - one student asks "Are there any texts that are older than the Bible?" and I faceplamed. Do people realize that the modern day bible wasn't put together until after the death of Christ? That it has multiple authors? That it's composed of books written in different points of time and in different languages? It's not like the King James version was handed down from heaven.

  19. Ancient Israel and Palestine prof, talking about copper artifact found at Nahal Mishmar site: "So, you've got this copper scepter, with a bit of wood found in it, so imagine, you probably had this big wooden stick and you just plop it up top there, and BAM. Gandalf!"

  20. We have it so easy here. My generation has not had to fight for our rights and our democracy in the streets like people around the globe have. I'm proud to be an American, but sometimes I can get really annoyed at our navel-gazing when people overseas are fighting for their lives and freedom.

  21. Associated Press news agency is reporting that China has blocked the word "Egypt" from the country's wildly popular Twitter-like service, while coverage of the political turmoil has been tightly restricted in state media.

  22. صحفيون للجزيرة : الشرطة أطلقت الرصاص الحي تجاه المواطنين في السويس بأوامر من القياد...

  23. OK one more thing and I'll stop spamming the news feed with Egypt stuff. I am listening to Al-Jazeera and never in a million years did I think one of their anchors might say "I think this situation shows that the Bush administration was astute and correct in calling for democracy in the Middle East."

  24. I have to say I never thought my Arabic and French would come in handy. To be listening to audio pouring in from Egypt, translating it from Arabic to English and then to French, has been so completely fulfilling. I've been wondering about my degree, is it all worth it, will it be useful after I graduate. But it's useful now, in clearing away the wall of censorship.

  25. Weather says it's 15 degrees. I call BS. Look down below, the fine print says: feels like 1 degree. Damn straight it does!
