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Status Updates posted by CelestialNM

  1. *GLOMPS*

    I didn't even know they had comments here... You're a newbie and already teaching me stuff. XD

  2. !!! Some say Gaddafi has left the country... They are burning one of his palaces.

  3. "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown

  4. "The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

  5. 16th century Ottoman fatwa: "Question: Zeyd enters Hind's house, and tries to take her by force... Hind, unable to repel Zeyd in any other way, injures him with an ax and he dies from the wound. What should happen to Hind? Answer: She has performed an act of holy war (jihad)."

  6. A boy wanted $100 & prayed but nothing happened. Then he wrote a letter to the Lord 4 $100. When USPS got a letter addressed to the Lord, they decided to send it 2 Obama. Obama was so amused he sent $5, as this was a lot of money to a boy. The boy was happy & sat down to write a thank-you note. It said: Dear Lord, Thanks for sending me the money. But I noticed you sent it thru DC & as usual, those jerks deducted $95.

  7. After finals, I will give myself a mani-pedi. After finals, I will deep clean the house. After finals, I will study guidebooks for Israel and Jordan. After finals, I will finish the biography of Queen Noor. After finals, I will google every question and random thought to my heart's content. I just have to keep reminding myself I only get to do these things AFTER FINALS.

  8. Al-Jazeera offices in Cairo have been shut down by the government - transmissions are jammed, satellite channels taken off the air, press credentials revoked, offices now invaded as they are shoved out...

  9. Already starting to have international travel anxiety dreams. Dreamt we were at the airport but before they'd let us on our flight, we had to call a number and tell them everything that was in our suitcases They put us on hold and then when we finally got through, I wasn't ready with the information and we were bumped from the flight. Mom started to cry and I plotted with Dad to sue the airline. Stupid dreams...

  10. Ancient Israel and Palestine prof, talking about copper artifact found at Nahal Mishmar site: "So, you've got this copper scepter, with a bit of wood found in it, so imagine, you probably had this big wooden stick and you just plop it up top there, and BAM. Gandalf!"

  11. asdflkjlkjf it feels like -6 outside. I know it'll be much colder in 3 hours! I don't wanna go to class, walk on campus if it's that cold! My face still hurts from the wind this morning!

  12. Associated Press news agency is reporting that China has blocked the word "Egypt" from the country's wildly popular Twitter-like service, while coverage of the political turmoil has been tightly restricted in state media.

  13. Caffeine + Wikipedia = looking up management practices I'll probably never need to know about at 3 am in the morning

  14. DARPA just followed me back on Twitter. Of all the people that follow them, they have only followed 204. I am one of the chosen ones!This totally made my morning.

  15. Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. - William A. Ward

  16. Gaudete, gaudete Christus est natus, ex Maria virgine, gaudete...

  17. Happy SAINT Valentine's Day. Y'know, the martyr who died because of his faith in God and love.

  18. HUGE portfolio due on Friday, along with make-up stuff. Then get to class today and am told that we have a 10 minute presentation on Thursday (in ARABIC), and he gave us 4 hours worth of homework tonight. FML. In other news, I have the flu. I'm gonna go headdesk myself into a coma now.

  19. I can't stop giggling because one of my friends on Twitter is joking about being the "Sufi secret police". Their method of torture? Forced ghazal composition. This is why I'm weird... nobody else will understand that.

  20. I find it ridiculous how much time I send at work just answering email.

  21. I hate those organizing articles that say only keep stuff you love and use often. what if I have stuff that I love and know I need to use now and then, but not always? Such as my super heavy winter coat that is fantastic and useful, but only on certain days of the year. >_>

  22. I have to say I never thought my Arabic and French would come in handy. To be listening to audio pouring in from Egypt, translating it from Arabic to English and then to French, has been so completely fulfilling. I've been wondering about my degree, is it all worth it, will it be useful after I graduate. But it's useful now, in clearing away the wall of censorship.

  23. I'm glad people are fighting back against unhealthy media body images, but sometimes I hate how they choose to talk about women like me who are skinny and busty and closer to the "ideal." I am sick of being called a "Barbie", told I'm not a "real woman" that I MUST be anorexic/have had plastic surgery. People can struggle with being underweight, too!

  24. I'm such a nerd, but the biggest way to make the funnest things for me boring is to give me an assignment on them. Any day of the week I'd happily read a journal article about King David and the Davidic line, but gimme a paper on it and Facebook suddenly seems utterly fascinating.

  25. If ever I needed proof that horoscopes were a bunch of crock, they go and change them and now I'm an Aries with different qualities.
