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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by CelestialNM

  1. My first thought when this was wet was "berry." It was just tart and very, very sweet. I was rather surprised. As it dried it grew deeper-- greener, if you would. I could smell a hint of lime and more of the musk. It seemed to get more "masculine" as it dried down. At first it reminded me of Yerevan but when dry is rather unique. I was pleasantly surprised by this. I don't think I like it enough to get a bottle, but I'll definitely wear it from time to time. This would definitely be scrumptious on a guy. I would give it a 3.5/5.

  2. This was a scent I was very excited about, but when I opened the bottle to sniff-- I was attacked by the evil vetiver and myrrh! GAH! It smelled like rancid peanut butter. I was so sacred to try it on my skin.


    But I was so glad I did! It lightened in a currant, fruity, smoky tea and it's just wonderful. Now I am glad I have a bottle-- I just don't like the smell of it wet! This will teach me to always skin test. :P

  3. This scent pleasantly didn't change much from the bottle to my skin, and it had good throw and stayed on for almost 24 hours!! It smells just like the description, and I found that the sakura, ume, and wisteria all balanced each other out. It was like a perfect flower trinity that wafted about me all day. Very delicate, but fresh, feminine... Evocative. This is a new favorite, I will hoard this. Very very wonderful. I am so glad I bought a bottle.

  4. I have an interview (or a series of interviews) coming up for my absolute dream job. I wear BPAL to exams and things to relax me and help me feel more confident... however you don't want to be too smelly for an interview! I'm looking for something comforting, and discreet... And since it's a conservative environment I would ask for no patchouli, too... Basically I just want something that I will get a little whiff of but no one else has to know unless they're getting very close.


    What scents would you wear? I don't want anything citrusy or lemony or too green but I don't want anything super-heavy or cloying, either...something very warm and zen.

  5. It's taken me a long time to post a review on Port Royal because I wasn't sure what to make of it. To me it is more sweet than woody, perhaps that is the "perfume" note coming out, boozy rum and spices... almost cinnamon? With a watery, dark undertone. A very dark scent, subtly bawdy (if that oxymoron makes any sense)... It's a wonderful, wonderful, a sophisticated pirates scent and is definitely one of my favorites. But I love the boozy stuff.


    It ages quite nicely, too. But, I got more sweet and boozy than woody... to this day I can't smell much woods. Oh, well, I love it like it is.

  6. Maybe I'm crazy, but last year's Snow Maiden was the perfect winter scent for me. I like Old Moon, I like Mistletoe, but Snow Maiden just smelled like winter and Christmas to me.


    Of course, it's not easy to find, and even if you could I would try to hoard it, LOL. :P Just had to go on record saying that.


    But Old Moon is pretty good too, and so is the Snow Storm.

  7. So... Rose Red and Peacock Queen are back, and I want to get myself a rose scent. Because I like roses. Buttt London seemed a very astringent rose to me (if that makes any sense). Too sharp, almost acidic. o_O


    I loved the rose in All Saints and Midnight Mass (I could swear there's rose in Midnight Mass). But London doesn't like me as much as I try to reconcile myself to it.


    Is the Mirror Mirror pack for me? How is Rose Red compared to London?

  8. I pulled out all my Halloweenie decants from last year, all the ones I never really tried properly or reviewed. Creepy being one of them.


    To me, this smells like taking Jack and pouring rum all over it. My imp had trouble opening this morning so I had to pull and pull until it popped open and I got tons of oil all over myself... First thought was: GROG! RUM!!! Smells like a apple rum! YUM!


    Then the caramel hit. Now I get this trade-off between coconut rum, the butterscotch, and the caramel, with the apple lingering in the background. This is the first blend I've really been able to pick out all the individual notes in, but it's wonderful. Very light-hearted, playful almost blend... At least that's what I get from it. It cheers me up like giving a kid some candy... It's a very nice scent.

  9. Samhain '06...


    When I got this last year I was eh on it, but decided to give it another year... Now, I'm still not impressed. I don't get much of the foodiness others have mentioned... To me it smells like wet leaves... Wet leaves that were on fire and then burnt? I can sense notes between the surface. It WANTS to work on me, I can tell... It just doesn't. Eventually it just smells to me like wet leaves and burnt maple syrup... I so wanted to like this one. It does remind me of autumn, but it isn't something that works on me, or that I'd wear. Even in the bottle it isn't appealing.


    :| I'm afraid I'll have to swap/sell this one... Too bad.

  10. I got a decant of this last Halloween, and for some reason set it aside for about a year. Going through my stash now that it's fall I decided it was time to start wearing (and thus reviewing :P) these Halloween scents. Yay for fall!


    Anyway, this is a gorgeous scent. The pumpkin is very light, and it's well blended. Other than pumpkin, it's hard for me to pick out a single note. It's very smooth. Others have said buttery, but for me it smells creamy. Absolutely wonderful. I have to keep huffing my wrist. Now I'm sad that I didn't take a chance on this and order a bottle of it!


    So far it has good wear-length... I will be wearing this a lot now.

  11. Every since reading the description I knew I really wanted to try this one. Was finally able to purchase about a third of an imp! I definitely know I'll need to find more!


    It's creamy, a little bit spicy on me, yet there is a floral side that's present too. Very smooth. Chaste Moon it may be, but there's some... how do I say it? Wisdom here. Innocent and naive don't have to mean the same thing! But that's just me reading into it, what the smell did for me.


    I put this one when I went to the gym tonight and promptly ran 5.5 miles and was sweating up a storm-- it had great throw! I could smell it wafting all around my head and yummmmmm! Still could smell it after an hour of running. Oh, this is divine.



  12. I am absolutely stunned by the fabulous-ness that is Kindly Moon! I'm not a florals person, but this... This is incredible!


    Very light and sweet, and a tad fruity (to me). Slightly wet-smelling-- a bit of aquatic? Absolutely divine and cheery. I completely agree with Heavenlyrabbit-- it IS like a Rococo painting. Faites gallant, my French teacher said about the painting.


    This is very grown up, "perfume-y" yet still fun, cheery, innocent, refreshing. I just....


    Wow. 5/5 Why didn't I order more of this? Instant favorite.

  13. This was my first Lunacy, and I am so glad I got this one!! Chrysanthemum Moon has become one of my favorite blends of all time.


    In the bottle: At first sniff, I get a whiff of a note that instantly reminds me of Snake Charmer, but that quickly seems to fade.


    Wet: Warm, sweet, but not in a sugary way... Just warm and sweet.


    Dry: Mmm... A bit of spice. I can't pick out individual notes here, but it definitely has a floral side to it; but that's held at bay by the ginger and the musk I think. This is a very warm, languid, hazy scent. Eveloping and evocative. Precisely what I would think an opium den would smell like, what I would imagine, at any rate... Never actually been in one. :P There's almost a creamy uncurrent to it as well.

  14. In the Imp: Ahh! So very strong. Menacing is right. But in a citrus way. I'm scared.


    Wet: I smell like lemony laundry detergent.


    Dry: I smell like citrus Joy dishwashing soap. It smells bright, but in a blinding type of way, very in-your-face. It doesn't do anything for me. Swap!

  15. Melpomene is the muse of tragedy, and this is apt, because that's exactly what it is on my skin: a tragedy.


    In the imp: I've heard others say cutting, sharp, cold, biting, etc-- VERY much so. A wee bit scared of this one.


    Wet: Not so sharp, smells rather pleasant, but...!


    Dry: Pure soap, within five minutes. Soap for hours (going on 7 now). I wanted to like it. :P

  16. For me, unlike the scent description, eucalyptus is all I can smell in the imp. I get an even more Vick's Vapo Rub than I did with Jabberwocky.


    Wet: Lots of eucalyptus, still, but I'm getting some juniper and cypress. This is delicate, not masculine at all to me, incredible, wonderful, sensational, and...


    ....gone. Within less than two minutes, completely gone from my skin. Not a single lingering note left. My skin just eats this up. *sigh* And the imp top broke this time so I ended up mixing it in lotion.


    This obviously didn't work for me, even though for a brief, passing moment, it was absolutely glorious.

  17. Okay, got this as an imp off of eBay. Read the description and knew I had to try.


    I wasn't disappointed!


    Bottle (or imp, rather, lol): lovely gorgeous peach color! I smell something floral and something fruity, but not a strong banana scent at all. A bit sweet. Hmm.


    Wet: Still that sweetness, more fruit is coming out. I sense a bit of aquatic, just a bit.


    Dry: This is such a happy scent. Very fruity, tropical punch, just a tinge, but yet... I lived in Hawaii, and we used to go hiking in the tropical rainforests, and I'm getting quite a bit of that from this scent, as well as a kind of beachy bit too-- I guess that's the palm. Very buoyant, uplifting, tropical, lovely.


    I'm not sure if I love it enough to buy a 5ml, but I will definitely be using the imp and then I'll decide. But I'm quite happy with it.

  18. Freebie in my order from the Lab.


    Bottle: Woah! Can we say 'Vick's Vabo Rub'? I like Vick's, but not sure I want to smell like it. But, then, a whiff of orange! Perhaps promise is lurking within...?


    Drying: Still very much smacks of Vick's, but I'm getting a bit of a citrusy thing going on here. A very, very background note of pine as well.


    Dry: Orange and Eucalyptus introduce their acquaintance, Pine, finally! They all share the stage, though Eucalyptus (no longer Vick's), takes a monolouge every once in a while.


    All in all? I really like it for summer-- but it's a bit masculine for my tastes. This would be great on a guy, I think... A clean, wood-chopping... Okay, won't got there. I'll wear it for summer but I don't think I'll buy a bottle. I like it, but it doesn't grab me.


    On a side note, though, LOVE the Jabberwocky poem itself... It WAS cool to try out a scent inspired by it.

  19. This one surprised me (in a good way!!!)


    In the bottle: Eww. I smell cherry cough syrup. Figured it would not be that good, put it on anyway. Smelled nothing but cherry cough syrup.


    Drying: Cherry cough syrup. Something a little spicy, but still cherry cough syrup. Yuck.


    Dry: Oh. My. Goodness. :D I am in love. The cherry cough syrup has softened into a beautiful, delicate yet robust Sakura-- I get a small hint of the sandalwood and the star anise began to mellow beautifully. I smell feminine and delicate and lovely and wonderful but yet, mysterious and strong. This is now a huge favorite, I MUST get some of this.


    So, goes to show, ya never know unless you put it on! I worship Kyoto now. :P

  20. Um, first review. ^^;;


    In the bottle: Yummy! This smells soooo amazingly exotic-- the iris and the coconut come out very strong.


    Now, I tried this twice


    1st time on skin: Smelled great for the first 5 minutes, then all I got was the musk, I think-- it kept reminding me of sandalwood.


    2nd time on skin: Much better! I get a hint of the coconut, and the iris comes back-- sort of plays peek-a-boo. Apparently the perfume takes to my skin much better after I've showed in the past hour or so.


    This is definitely a fav-- will be wearing it a lot. Only sad thing is that I have to reapply every 3 hours or so.
