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Posts posted by Schmoozy

  1. Absolutely stunning. Sweet vanilla and lavender combines with honey, dry sandalwood and orris root with hints of powdry amber. Surprisingly the rose is nowhere to be found, which kind of saddens me. I was hoping to catch whiffs of it. I can't describe how much I adore this, and will definitely be ordering more bottles. I love how soft, and close it sticks to my skin. :wub2:

  2. Such a beautiful blend from start to finish. At first it is very juicy, lush pear with a smattering of coconut. It's sweet, fun, fruity and summery. After it has a chance to dry down, it completely morphs. The pear and coconut take a back seat and the tiare, spice from the carnation and incense take over. The coconut becomes dry and over all, the feeling is smoky, spice and hazy. At this point the throw is very faint, and sticks really close to the skin. I love it! :wub2:

  3. Tangerine, black currant, white musk, honey, and tagetes.

    When I first apply this the tagetes & white honey have this really bad smell when combined together. I am pretty sure it's just my skin chemistry, but I have to agree with other reviewers. This just smells foul.

  4. Holy shit WILF is all over the place. I can't make heads or tails of it. I agree with most reviewers, uopon initial first application and the first few huffs, this is Snake Oil/Boomslang/Green Tree Viper/Snake Charmer/Khrysee??? all rolled into one.


    But after a couple of minutes, the chocolate note fades into the distance, the mint cools off and it's almost like the juniper berry is on steroids. The spice at this point is unbelievable, and coupled with the musks, champaca, patchouli and sandalwood I am a little in love and little confused. Half of these notes love me and half of these notes I detest. I'll have to restest this in a few days, but so far this could be a winner.

  5. Just like the perfume. :heart: Creamy amber with top notes of teak. Lotus is barely detectable, but it`s presence is there. The overall effect is soft, creamy, woody amber that sticks close to the skin. I mainly use the oils as in-shower moisturizers, but this time I had to have a bath. So luxurious. I`ll definitely need a bottle of this.

  6. I can't explain how thrilled I am to have this in massage oil form. I agree with others that is predominantly mint followed by geranium, lavender and clary sage. I love how the scent combination is mind numbing, sinus clearing, headache relieving and so much more. The massage oil will allow me to wear as perfume and give my bottle of oil a break. :wub2:

  7. Stunning. I love how mint and honey combine together for a tingling herbal scent. The apple blossom takes away the herbal element and adds a touch more sweetness. Afterwards the mint quickly burns off and it becomes this creamy honey apple blossom.

  8. Pomegranate honey brightened by orange blossom with the tiniest hints of chocolate. It's a different combination, and although I was hesitant to try it, I really kinda like it. Not sure it's bottle worthy, but I'll definitely enjoy my decant.

  9. Interesting scent, but not something I would wear. It's earthy & herbal and dusty with slight incense overtures. While I love the herbal aspects of Ignorance and want (ie. the chamomile, carrot seed and orris root) the other notes are too strong and overpower the earthy herbalness.

  10. This is straight up Beth's winter/snow/ice note in all it's finest glory. I happen to love it, but if your looking for a more vanilla based scent, this is not it. In fact I couldn't detect any vanilla what-so-ever. The mint is also faint, but it's there if you give it time. I adore this bath oil, I have been battling a horrible cold throughout the holiday's and this is pretty much the only scent I have really been able to smell. It's tingling, and really relaxing and has helped with my sinus headaches.

    The oil is thick, but sinks in easily, the scent is extremely strong and a little goes a long way. I used too much the first time and it not only did it scent my skin but also my pj's, my bathrobe and blanket that I had wrapped around me that day.

  11. My Christmas wishes were granted when Snow White Bath Oil went live. It's such a decadent oil, with layers and layers of scent that lasts forever after the shower/bath. To my nose I smell all things wonderful about Snow White. Not one of the notes is dominant. My only problem at this point is wondering how many bottles I will need.

    Well done Beth and Lab, well done. :wub2:

  12. Absolutely stunning. My bar is beautiful shades of grey/blue, with darker blue swirls throughout. It is heavily scented and lathers really well when wet. I will need to stock pile this before it goes away. I can't be without. :wub2:

  13. Amber and lavender with hints of rose and the faint traces of vetiver moving throughout. I think if there was no vetiver this could have potentially been way too sweet, medicinal and powdry, but the smokiness of the vetiver manages to ground all three scents and meld them together beautifully. I don't quite think it is bottle worthy, but I'll enjoy my decant.
