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Posts posted by Schmoozy

  1. Oh this is surprisingly dark and very, very musky! I also detect patchouli at the beginning, but dark musks tend to read patchouli with my skin chemistry. However once the amber and berries pop in and temper the musk, this is exactly what I was expecting. Dark, sensual, sweet and incredibly sexy!

  2. I kinda have to agree with moosue here. Upon initial application the first thing I smell is a an O based scent ripened with sweet, lush berries. However the O base disappears as fast it appeared. Once dry, this Berry Moon is musky, sweet and very red. The brandy seems to warm the blend on my skin, and overall just deepens the richness of it. I'm happy to report that the cherries behave on my skin, as cherries & I don't get along all that well!

  3. A blend where brown sugar doesn't ruin it. This is lovely. Sweet, delicious honey, orange blossom and the tiniest amounts of tonka and tobacco leaf. The saffron is hardly noticeable which is kind of a disappointment, but who cares. :lol:

  4. At first it's all hemp and moss with some sap. It feelsl very dry and sun burnt, the sap sticky and sweet. Once it has a chance to fully dry the almond, amber and milk creep in and it becomes this creamy, nutty blend with hints of corn and hay. It is so damn lovely, reminescent of hot summers with fields of corn and dry hay, the milk and amber sweetening it slightly. :wub2:

  5. Hot damn this good. Worn leather and woods, hints of incense, all sweetened with tonka. It's so sexy and comforting, and it reminds me of B. I will definitely be passing all my imps of Dee to my husband, but will keep one for myself when he's away, so I can huff it and feel like he is right beside me.

  6. Spicy, amber, berries and wood. It's soft, delicate, dusty, dry and utterly sexy. The dryness eventually wears off and it becomes really incensey. I can't tell if it's sandalwood or balsam, because it kinda remonds me of Tombstone or the Mutter Museum scent U. Whatever it is though, I adore it. :wub2:

  7. Soft black leather with touches of red rose. Neither one overwhelms each other, they just meld together beautifully. The leather is tough, and raw and masculine. The rose is lush, velvety and heady. Together they strike a perfect balance. :wub2:

  8. Bliss is well bliss. Haha how original, but seriously, it is exactly as described. Creamy, sweet, indulgent chocolate. I used to love smelling like chocolate, but over the years my tastes have changed considerably, my husband detests it, so it's difficult to wear it often. However, I found bliss was a perfect layering scent, especially if you wanted to up the chocolate factor of a particular blend - ie: Boomslang. Bliss and Boomslang.... :wub2:

  9. Soft delicate florals mixed with sandalwood and some type of vanilla based resin. This is very well blended as others have mentioned, and the result is a light, kinda creamy, dry, woodsy vanilla blend. It's comforting and soothing and the sandalwood is absolutely perfect. :wub2:

  10. Spicy, warm and golden. The Egyptian amber is the star of this blend, and it is very reminescent of Pumpkin Queen without the pumpkin. It's resiny, woody and extremely comforting. 3 years ago it was like a fizzy cola scent, but aging has done wonders for Leo. I've I fallen in love all over again!

  11. I finally just received my bottle of Morocco Bath oil, and I have to say that it is absolutely stunning. In fact, I love it so much that it may just edge out my beloved Snow White bath oil. It is exactly like the perfume oil, and as others have stated this is so soft and more delicate than I had expected. Now I am not saying that the scent is so light you can hardly smell it, it is just the perfect stick to you skin scent. Warm spices, sandalwood and musk. It doesn't get any better than this!

  12. A heavy dry cake scent, with almonds and berry filling. This particular version of Eat Me is without the rich, moist buttery feel of the released version, and while Almond rarely works on my skin, with the exception of all versions of Snow White, it really works here.

    However the scent is fleeting. It lasts all of 10 minutes on my skin before disappearing in a cloud of dust.
