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Everything posted by Schmoozy

  1. Schmoozy

    The Phantom Calliope

    I wanted to like Phantom, however the patchouli did me in. It starts off ok - Very cherry and cinnamony but when the verbena and patchouli come into play they create a very oddball combination of scents that has me thinking of spicy dirt almonds. I like cherry, but not enough to get past the rest of the scent, and unfortunately this is making me ill. Need. to. wash. off. now.
  2. Schmoozy

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Wow. I wasn't expecting this. This is very fragrant, lush and sweet, but at the same time dark and sinnister. In my mind it is the perfect balance between dark and light. At first the scent nearly jumps out of the bottle and I have to tell myself this does not need to be slathered. However, as Midnight dries down it morphs into this beautiful aroma of night-blooming florals and sweetened incense. The sweetness appears to be tinged with vanilla, and the florals are light and wispy. Midnight on the Midway is simply stunning.
  3. Schmoozy

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Stunning! Lemon, vanilla and coconut with soft florals and musk. This is fun, playful and yet the opium smoke gives it just a hint of darkness and perhaps a touch of evil. The lemon at the beginning is tart and bold but fades after awhile and the barest of citrus notes linger while vanilla florals and musk dominate.
  4. Oooh this is beautiful. You can smell every single note, before they meld together seamlessly. Hot sun and scorched grass combine with whiffs of leftover coffee and pancakes from half drunk styrofoam cups and plates with just a splatter of incense. Not one note is dominant. This is earthy, slightly foody and a slap of resins to shake everything up.
  5. Schmoozy

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    I can't believe how incrediable this smells. Not only is it panacakes but it is buttermilk pancakes. The sryup starts off very fruity, and once it has a chance to dry down the boysenberry sort of fades off into the background and maple takes over. At the beginning the butter is prevalent, but again as this scent dries the goat butter takes a backseat. I can't believe how yummy this is.
  6. Schmoozy

    Bruised Violet Compound

    Herbal violets, with a hint of earth and greenery. I really like this. I thought it would end up being to sweet and sickly, but this is a darker more intense true violet smell. I think the patchouli root really gives it the darker more earthier vibe. After dry down the moss really comes into play and sort of squashes the crushed violets into the background.
  7. Schmoozy

    Slippery Poppy Tincture

    Bright, juicy berries & poppies. It starts off very bold and lush, there is definitely a green feeling, and it resembles grass or sweetened moss. Fruity, bold, green, tart and dewy. Fortunately like Nostrium Remedium, the honey only serves to sweeten the blend. It's beautiful, and lasts forever on my skin.
  8. Schmoozy

    Nostrum Remedium

    Medicinal, slightly herbal floral with just a trace amount of sweetened black tea. I am thrilled that I don't really detect honey, just the sweetness that comes from it. I love the medicinal vibe from wasabi and overall it feels gentle and very clean.
  9. Schmoozy

    Snake Charmer

    I wasn't going to get drawn into the lure of Snake Charmer, but after rifling through one of my imp cases, I discovered that someone had frimped me with it. On me Snake Charmer is a beautiful blend of resiny spices, musk, vanilla and amber. It starts of very subtle, but after minutes of drying down, it morphs into a sexy, slightly fuity, exotic spicy vanilla amber. It really is gorgeous. I can detect just a quick whiff of black coconut which lends a playful vibe to an extremely sexy scent. I can totally see the comparisons to Snake Oil, however, Snake Oil is a little more darker and medicinal, while Snake Charmer is more sexy and vibrant. Since I snagged a bottle off ebay, I can now slather with abandon and cheerfully stock up while the getting is good!
  10. Schmoozy

    De Røde Sko foot scrub

    Definitely a winter scrub scent wise. This is probably my favorite of the three. The scent is so warm and inviting, and just cozy. I would say that the foot scrubs are more along the lines of moisturizing scrubs, than exfoliating scrubs. While it exfoliates, I would say the scrubbies are mild to moderately scrubby, and I agree with elixireleven, that if your looking for something to really exfoliate with, you won't really find it with these scrubs. However, that being said the moisturizing capabilities are ridiculous. A little goes a long way. The shea butter, grapeseed oil and jojoba oil envelope your skin and provide long lasting moisturization. My feets are softer, supple, and smell heavenly!
  11. Schmoozy

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Hot cocoa with cinnamon, coffee and brown sugar. Oh. Wow. This is simply to delicious for words. It definitely is hot cocoa, but I don't find it very sweet. It is spicy, dry, and the addition of coffee makes this utterly delectable. My problem with chocolate scents is that they are too sweet, and after a 1/2 hour or so, I become nauseated. This is not the case with El Dia De Reyes. It is straight up cocoa and coffee. Bitter, tart and very appealing.
  12. Schmoozy

    Egg Nog

    Eggnog 2007 All I can say is that I like to smell eggnog, I like to smell like eggnog, but I actually hate drinking it. This is definitely boozy eggnog, heavy on the rum, sweetened with cream and sugar and has a touch of spice. Absolutely yummy on my skin, but as most foody blends go, this lasts for about an hour and then my skin eats it up.
  13. Schmoozy

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Gingerbread Poppet 2007 Delicious gingerbread cookies. It starts off very spicy, and almost unsweetened at first. Gingerbread Poppet has the ability to instantly envelope you in warmth. I swear at the beginning I detect coconut, but it it could just be the reaction of the spices and gingerbread. After dry down, it morphs into a spicy, buttery, gingerbread cookie. However, as delicious as it is, this is another foody oil that doesn't last very long. Within the hour it has completely disappeared, so it's a blend I have to reapply constantly.
  14. Schmoozy

    Discussion of all things Amber

    I just can't get enough amber these days as well. I never picked up a bottle or 10 of Jacob's Ladder when it was available in '06, so I am very, very happy to see it return this year. I was however, frimped with a decant of JL'05, and it is so damn beautiful. I have been slathering it like crazy, but I need to stop or else it will be all gone. Leo 2007 is one of my coveted amber scents. It is simply beautiful. As is L'Estate.
  15. Schmoozy

    Western Diamondback

    Snake oil leather with sandalwood. *swoons* I was worried Sage would overpower, but it just adds a beautiful herbal element that deepens the leather and sandalwood. Tonka Bean slightly sweetens, and adds a hint of spice. Overall it is a stunning snake oil blend, and just further proves that a few snake pits are definitely on order.
  16. Schmoozy

    Temple Viper

    Another snake for the win. Temple Viper is resiny and herbal, and at times very woodsy. At first the champaca is a little overwhelming, but after it has time to dry down it settles quietly into the background. Sugar cane adds a touch of sweetness while frankincense, opoponax and labdanum lend a musky, resiny scent. It doesn't begin very well for me at initial application, but after dry down and has time to morph this becomes so beautiful.
  17. Schmoozy

    King Cobra (2006)

    Oh wow. Resiny, frankincense snake oil. It is deliecious. Dark, mysterious, sexy. Frankincense, copal and orris really bring out the best of snake oil. This is heaven.
  18. Schmoozy

    Sugar Cookie

    2005 Sugar Cookie Buttery, brown sugar, caramel cookie goodness with hint of spice. There are no other words. This is straight up sugar cookie at it's best.
  19. Schmoozy

    Midnight Mass

    Midnight Mass 2005 I wasn't sure if I would like this as incense really isn't my thing, but Midnight Mass is magical. I am unsure whether or not to sniff a fresh bottle, as I can see it being a little to dark & incensey for me. However, 2005 bottle is dark and woodsy. There is pine and smoke, and it smells like a brand new peice of pine furniture before it is stained or painted. It is warm, and inviting and very intoxicating.
  20. Schmoozy

    The Peacock Queen

    In dramatic contrast to the soft innocence of Snow White and the dew-kissed freshness of her sister, Rose Red, this is a blood red, voluptuous rose, velvet-petaled, at the height of bloom. Haughty and imperious, vain, yet incomparably lovely to the eye, but thick with thorns of jealousy, pride and hatred. Peacock Queen 2007 Another gorgeous rose scent. However, unlike Red Rose, Peacock Queen is more grown up. There is no mistaking the scent of rose, but this feels more perfumey, more mature, and has more presence. While it is beautiful, I have to say I prefer Rose Red.
  21. Schmoozy

    Rose Red

    2007 Rose Red Absolutely the best BPAL rose scent ever. It is crisp, it is lush and it is heaven. It smells and feels velvety and really rich. The greens of the stem combined with the scent of rose, make this THE rose scent for me.
  22. Schmoozy


    Simple and stunning. Herbal lavender that permeates my skin and has me swooning. After it dries down, magnolia starts to make an appearance, but only to temper the lavender. It neither overpowers or stays in the background. It just combines beautifully with blue lavender to sweeten it a touch.
  23. Schmoozy

    Fairy Market

    Stunning. Lavender, sweetened with sugar and dewy wet grass. It is one of the first times I have smelt lavender and it didn't give off a herbal/medicinal vibe. While it is very floral, fae mist, green grass and golden incense keep it check. While I was afraid the incense would make this a strong blend, it comes across very light, wispy and almost etheral. Lke a fairy.
  24. Schmoozy

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    I just can't get enough of SSS. It is a delightful blend of creamy vanilla rootbeer. Sassafras is definitely the dominant scent which lends a herbal/medicinal vibe, along with tthe slightest hint of licorice. Oak leaf adds dimension and somewhat tones down the sweetness of vanilla extract. All in all this an extremely playful and fun blend.
  25. Schmoozy

    Wiley's Swamp

    Crisp, aquatic, and floral. There is this sweetness to it, which is very unexpected, but very welcoming, as I feared this would really be a rotten wood scent. It is effervescent and bubbly. The comparison to ginger ale or champagne is bang on.