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Everything posted by Schmoozy

  1. Schmoozy


    Oh good god this is lovely. So many things going on that I can't pick what stands out most. It is herbal, and woodsy, resinous, and simply stunning. On skin the lavender makes the first appearance, and combined with cedar, woodmoss and peru balsam it is a lovely lavender woodsy blend. As it dries down the golden amber, white sandalwood, pale musk and ambergris meld together and combine with the herbal woods that I can't stop sniffing. It is gorgeous. I get whiffs of floral in between the creamy, golden amber, sandalwood, lavender and cedar. I am so thrilled I have a bottle on the way that I may have to add another before they come down.
  2. Schmoozy

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    Wow. Starts off really sweet and spicy. It is all plum with hints of vanilla sandalwood. Once it begins to dry down, the plum backs off, and the nutmeg, rice and vanilla sandalwood really shine through. It is spicy, creamy, grainy and simple beautiful. I was worried the plum blossom wouldn't settle down, but it has and sits very nicely in the background.
  3. Schmoozy

    Giant Vulva

    I was so not expecting this. I thought for sure the beeswax and honey would make this too cloying and sweet. This a beautiful balance between sweetness (from sugar cane, beeswax, and honey), skin musk and resin. It literally latches onto my skin and stays there forever. This brings feeling of warmth and golden memories.
  4. Schmoozy

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    Wow. I can't believe how much I love this. It is soft, gentle, sweet and woodsy. Sandalwood and amber incense, make this blend extremely golden and give it a woody vibe. vanilla and cinnamon sweeten it, while also making it creamy, warm and spicy. Just when you think this blend can't get any better, the mums and chrysanthemum join the party and offer a delicate floral lift. All in all Flowering Chrysanthemums is stunning, and I will definitely be purchasing a bottle of this.
  5. Schmoozy

    Bony Moon

    Oh this is breathtaking. A simple combination of cedar and sandalwood with a smattering of lunar herbs. It is dry, woodsy and very clean smelling. Lunar herbs add a slight perfumey/floral vibe, but this is mainly cedar and sandalwood. This would smell amazing on the hubby. It is comfort and warmth and perfect.
  6. Schmoozy

    Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms

    Hmmm. This was actually not what I was thinking it would be, and I am pretty happy that I didn't order a bottle staright away. This scent is all over the map. It starts off with a citrus explosion with hints of black tea in the background. Mandarin, lime and yuzu go really well with tea, and so far this blend is quite yummy. During drydown, the tuberose, labdanum, tonka and ambergris mingle with the citrus tea, and I can't quite put my finger on it, but they just don't really jive together on my skin. It's almost like two completely different scent families hooked up, who had no business hooking up!! I really thought this was going to be the shunga for me.
  7. Schmoozy

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    This is definitely an interesting combination. It's sweet, salty and smoky all at the same time. I can barely detect dark chocolate in the blend, and was half expecting to see a darker oil like Dk. Chocolate and cherry. My decant has thick blobs or oil through out, just like boomslang. While I get whiffs of dk. chocolate every now and again, the smoky caramel and pepper are confusing me. I am going to have to try this again before I fully commit to a bottle. I just can't decide whether or not I truly love it, like other chocolate box blends.
  8. Schmoozy

    Milk Chocolate Buttercream

    OMG. I wasn't sure I was going to love this, because I have been blown away by the white chocolate blends, and sometimes chocolate and I don't mesh. This is unbelievably creamy, and thick Milk Chocolate buttercream frosting. It is rich, decadent and very sweet. I might just have to invest in a bottle of this. Well done Beth!
  9. Schmoozy

    Dark Chocolate and Cherry

    On first sniff Dark chocolate and cherry is a little too boozy smelling for my liking. On initial application, the cherry is extremely powerful and not in a good way. During drydown, all I think of are those horribly disgusting chocolate liquers, and unfortuantely, the striking comparision between the two will not work for me. Reading reviews, I was really hoping for a twizzler scent. I would have been all over it.
  10. Schmoozy

    White Chocolate and Sugared Violets

    Simply gorgeous. The white chocolate blends from the chocolate box have been a huge hit with me. In this blend, white chocolate really mingles with sugared violets and almost comes across as a milk chocolate blend. This is more sweeter than the other two white chocolate scents, and a little more powerful throw wise. Another bottle worthy blend.
  11. Schmoozy

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    Another winner. While it starts off boozy, it dries into a creamy coconut and white chocolate blend with just the tiniest hints of marshmallow. It is light, soft and very delicious. I have to agree with Tramp that at the beginning it really does smell like Kahlua or Baileys!
  12. Schmoozy

    White Chocolate and Strawberry

    I am soo pleasantly surprised by this one. I don't like White Chocolate at all, so I was hesitant. On, this is a creamy, sllightly sweet and tart strawberry with just hints of white chocolate in the background. My husband hates chocolate scents and for him to sniff this and say it smells delicious, just means that White chocolate and strawberry is bottle worthy. There truly is a difference between the scent of white, dark and milk chocolate.
  13. Schmoozy


    A simple blend of orange blossom and vanilla amber. Just beautiful. She is creamy, golden and powdry all in one breath/sniff! Slightly sweet, and I am thankful the vanilla stays in the background. The vanilla amber note reminds me of Inez, another blend I adore. Khrysee is multiple bottle worhty.
  14. Schmoozy


    Straight up vanilla licorice. It doesn't get any simpler than this. I find the anise to be more stronger than the vanilla which is just fine with me. Vanilla tends to react negatively sometimes with my skin chemistry, but this one is just lovely. The licorice is sharp at first, but dries down to a slightly sweet/tart scent. After awhile this is just a creamy, vanilla licorice and I adore it.
  15. Schmoozy

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    In hopes of a Luper update, and all the recent talk about GV, I just had to break out my decant. GV is warm, creamy and utterly fabulous. It has aged really beautifully, and I can imagine what more time will bring.It reminds me of haloes. The melding of teak, amber and cream accord flow together seamlessly and sort of stun you into silence. The lotus blossom for me is very quiet and hides in the background, letting the other three notes be the stars of the blend. Sexy, warm and inviting.
  16. Schmoozy

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Beaver'versary 2008 Lol, it's exactly the same only fresh!
  17. Schmoozy

    Sandalwood Scents

    The Little Sparrow and Mole are 2 new favorites for sandalwood fixes. So very good.
  18. Flesh eating reindeer beats gingerbread poppet to a pulp. hahhaha! Definitely a spicy gingerbread cookie with hints of rum and musk. It is an adult's gingerbread, which makes me love it even more. Not too sweet, with loads of spice, fruit and booze. What more could you ask for?
  19. Schmoozy

    Mutant Hot-Rodders from Hell High

    I ordered this for hubby, and it smells amazing on him, just as I thought it would. Mutant hot-rodders is all cool metal, leather and lime. Kind of reminds me of the leather in Brom Bones.
  20. Schmoozy

    Spawn of the She-Demon

    This is heaven. I was worried about the red musk. Sometimes it can be very owerpowering, and drowns out all of the other notes. In Spawn, the red and black musk combine beautifully and balance each other. Black musk on my skin is always dark and earthy, but combined with the Mango tea and rooibos add a touch of sweetness, and keep it from being musk-y.
  21. Schmoozy

    That! The Terror From Over There!

    This is the one DD scent that I was the most interested in. It is so refreshing to slather to on a scent that screams summer, when you are buried in snow. This is definitely a summer scent. It is green, and the presence of kiwi is remarkable. I love the smell of kiwi, but hate the taste of them, and so it really excites me that I can detect it. The wasabi gives That! a really unusual dimension. It takes the sweetness of the greens, kiwi, and the airy notes within and slaps them in the face. This is everythign I was hoping for and more. Bright, airy, sweet greens with kick.
  22. Schmoozy

    Crimson Christmas

    I love the way this one smells right from the bottle. It is tart, and sweet and just a hint of peppermint in the background. Once on, I can definitely smell the snow note. It is crisp, and I can detect just the tiniest trace of pine. This blend confuses me though, as I can also smell something fruity. It feels and smells like red fruits, and when mixed with the snow and peppermint, it reminds me of Midwinter's Eve. Sort of! The leather appears in drydown, and rounds out the snow and tart fruity peppermints.
  23. Schmoozy

    Candy Phoenix

    I find Candy phoenix to be slightly sweeter Lady Una, and I can see the comparisions to LUSH's Rock Star. This is definitely a bubbly pomengranate and black currant candy scent. It is fun and playful and girly. I was hoping more of the sugared pear and white apple would come through, but they just sit quietly in the background letting the other two scents bop around.
  24. Schmoozy

    Water Phoenix

    Water Phoenix is stunning. Musk with notes of rain and ocean mingle together makes a sweet and salty combination that is very soft and aquatic. Frankincense provides depth and rounds out the juniper berry and flowers. Lavender is present at first but combined with sweet pea and Lily of the Valley, it settles down instead of overpowering. Not that I wouldn't mind, I adore lavender. Overall Water Phoenix is soft, sweet, aquatic and depending on one's skin chemistry could come across as unisex.
  25. Schmoozy


    Bitter, dark cocoa layered over warm, glorious amber. At the beginning it is very chocolately, but it is a bitter chocolate, and it is very fragrant. The sweetness comes from amber. It warms up the blend, gives it depth and it is amazing how beautiful amber is when mixed with cocoa.