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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Schmoozy

  1. I realized I haven't done a review, and while I was sorting through frimpage from my lab order that arrived on friday, I realized I was frimped with this. I kinda of find it funny, because I had a decant that I kept using and bought a bottle in my year end order, and then stuck another bottle in with my Jan. order, and then I am frimped it. I am rolling in the AM love. To me this is a beautiful, dark and rich. Teak and black vanilla are the major players until hints of tobacco creep in. It reminds me of Haloes and Black lace, you just know that this is going to age wonderfully. While oak is prevalent, teak, vanilla and tobacco are the stars and it doesn't get any better than this. The throw is long, and lasts forever, and it is sexy, confident and simply gorgeous.
  2. Schmoozy


    I realized I have never reviewed Hamadryad. This is all soft florals mingled with dry woods and the presence of green moss and lichen smattered throughout. It is lush, dewy, and extremely comforting. There really are no words to describe it. Simply breathtaking. It always feels like a Yule blend on me as I get Beth's snow note vibe from it.
  3. Schmoozy


    Wow. This is not what I was expecting at all. It is so much sweeter that I anticipated. It definitely has a airy, ozone, almost aquatic fresh vibe. Resin coated wood and musty velvet are the two notes that really stand out. Even though it is crisp and clean smelling, I can feel the must & dust. Side by side with Christine the two compliment and stand out in their own way. Just beautiful.
  4. Schmoozy


    Floral explosion. Wow, it is pretty pefumey and not one floral is dominant. I love when they all blend into each other, rather than one standing out and screaming. Very lush, juicy blooms and with the touch of frankincense this is very pretty. Not sweet floral, but deep, sexy floral.
  5. Schmoozy

    413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs. California

    This is fantastic. Berries and leather with hints of fig and cream. The dryness of the paper bag is very noticeable, and seems to even out the sweetness from the berries and cream. Leather and fig mingle beautifully in the background. This is a masculine berry & cream blend. The touch of cognac rounds it out and adds more depth.
  6. Schmoozy

    Earth Ox

    Another juicy, fruity news year blend. Bamboo, lychee, pine resin and peach blossom really stand out. For some reason they all blend together and the delicious melon scent appears. Oakmoss, tobacco and dragons blood help to keep the fruit from exploding out of the bottle. I always think of spring when it comes to Chinese New Year Blends. This one does not disappoint.
  7. Schmoozy

    White Rose

    This is the lighter, sweeter of the two. Pretty white rose enveloped in vanilla tea with benzoin and frankincense. Coconut meat mingles softly in the background and adds another dimension. Comes across as creamy, vanilla roses. Beautiful.
  8. Schmoozy

    Red Rose

    Spicy exotic red rose, wrapped in amber, fir and clove. This is golden, yet dark; sweet but slightly soured by clove and tobacco. Absolutely gorgeous.
  9. Schmoozy

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    Slightly fruity, spicy vanilla. Feels and smells dry. Curses vanilla. It's going plastic. Damn.
  10. Schmoozy

    Man With Phallus Head

    Unfortunately the initial application of the Man with Phallus Head was all black currants and honey. Sweetness overload. I was really hoping tonka, ambergris and sandalwood would come out a little more, but unfortunately tonka and ambergris only serve to sweeten the already way too sweet blend. While I appreciate and adore the woods from sandalwood, it is almost like it is a little too late, and can't save this blend. I really wish honey would work on my skin, but it does simply does not like me and overpowers everything else.
  11. Schmoozy

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    Wow. So not what I was expecting. This is soft, unisex, herbal and almost aquatic. The moss gives it a green vibe and combined with vanilla musk comes across as one of my husbands cologne. The cherry blossom is very subtle, and while the overall blend is soft, crisp and pretty, I just don't think it would warrant a bottle.
  12. Schmoozy

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    Orange blossom, blackberry, amber mint, and red sandalwood. Blackberry and sandalwood. Starts off quite berry/fruity and minty. Kinda reminds me of fruity gum. Smell pretty good, and once the sandalwood and amber appear the gum similarity ends and it is all sandalwood and amber with blackberry. Somehow the orange blossom comes across as cinnamon and it gives it a spicy feel. Overall, a juicy, spicy fruity golden blend.
  13. Schmoozy


    I was pleasantly surprised with Morpho. I thought the jasmine and honey would overpower and create a cloying sweet blend that I would not like because I don't like jasmine or honey. Somehow ginger, ambrette, labdanum and rosehip keep jasmine and honey in check and help temper the sweetness. While I don't love the blend, I am proud of myself for trying and giving it a chance. I'll definitely keep my decant!
  14. Schmoozy


    Oh no. It's that plum note and wine combo that hate me. Together with champaca this turns into smoky plum wine incense that is not my thing. I had to try.
  15. Schmoozy


    Spicy, dark and slightly herbal. Unfortunately this is not working. While teak, frankincense, oakmoss and labdanum are stunning on me, it is the other notes that don't mesh well with my skin chemistry. The combination of red currants, clove, patchouli and black musk turn really bitter on me and become so cloying it is making me sick. Oh well. I can't love them all.
  16. Schmoozy

    Pothôn Mêtêr

    Spicy, resinous, slightly foody berries. Pink pepper, benzoin and berries. This is stunning. Rose is simmering in the background, but this is spicy pink pepper and benzoin playing together. It gives a slightly foody angle, and the cognac rounds out the sweetness. The mention of chai is really bang on. I could sniff this for hours.
  17. Schmoozy


    Resins and rose. Hmmm. Why am I smelling lavender and something herbal? My nose is going crazy. I am not getting this blend at all. Where's the amber? Unfortuantely during dry down this is all rose, and while I do love me some rose, I have a couple of oils that work better. It's too bad the resins and amber won't come out and play more. They might have helped keep the rose in check.
  18. Schmoozy


    Again another pretty floral. Iris and orchid dominate this one, and while I can detect violet and a touch of ylang ylang, I was hoping for more of an amber/frankincense blends with hints of florals. I do prefer this one much more than Psithyristes, but at the same token, it is too floral for me.
  19. Schmoozy


    Hmmm. While it's pretty, Lily of the Valley and tea rose are the dominating notes, and for some reason I can't detect anything else. I can't see myself wearing this blend too often, and all I can sum up is that it is pretty, but not earth shattering gorgeous that would require more than a decant. I was really hoping plumeria and ambergris would shine through, but the LoV and tea rose own this blend.
  20. Schmoozy


    Fruit explosion, featuring peaches. This is juicy, crisp, fresh and just screams summer. Juicy peach wine, blood orange and lemon peel, combine beautifully together and wood violet, carmation and tuberose add a spicy floral dimension that is truly spectacular. I can't believe how well this blossoms on my skin, and lasts forever. It is such a ahppy go lucky scent.
  21. Schmoozy


    Two of my favorite notes. Lavender and bergamot. Simple. Effective. And oh so beautiful. This is a stunning combination and I will require bottles, being the lavender lover I am.
  22. Schmoozy


    It is so soft, light and gentle that I can barely detect anything, other than a soft musk with hints of rose and pear. In fact it is so light and disappearing that I have to add more. Unfortuantely though, while I love all the notes in this, pear, rose and white wine grape are just not jiving on my skin. I am going to have to test this again.
  23. Schmoozy


    Oh wow. Dia is soft, cool and very pretty. On initial application it is a dewy amber musk with hints of coconut and tobacco flower. I was worried the coconut would overpower, but it just mingles beautifully with amber and musk. Oakmoss creeps in and adds a sensual woody sweetness. This is definitely bottle worthy. Maybe even multiple!
  24. Schmoozy


    Wow. Hello single note white gardenia. This is sweet, crisp and perfumey. I can't detect any honey or rice paper. However I think the honey is helping gardenia be very sweet and very loud! Several minutes after drydown the white gardenia has been subdued, whiffs of rice paper (more of a dry note than anything) help to temper the strong gardenia. It is very feminine and pretty. I do not need alot of this oil. On my skin it is pretty strong, and long lasting.
  25. Really a simple blend of sake, apricot and blonde wood. The apricot is very light and the sake feels astringent and cool. Together all three combine for a cool, apricot, woody oil. It is clean, bright and I can see myself wearing this as soon as spring hits.