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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Electra

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    I don't think your chemistry is wonky - or if it is, then it's wonky in the exact same way that mine is, because Embalming Fluid was a dead ringer for EA Green Tea on me. I didn't get much lemon out of Nanshe. I think I'm the weird one.
  2. Electra

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    June Gloom, if you can get your hands on some. The lemon was so strong it gave me a headache, and I *like* lemon! Also Embalming Fluid. Shanghai has a bit of lemon in it, but it's much gentler.
  3. Electra

    Perfume to match songs?

    BPAL Samhain smells like Poe's "Haunted." To me, anyway.
  4. Electra

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    Are Malkuth and Lughnasadh at all reminiscent of one another? People's reviews are saying that Malkuth smells like mulled cider with blackberries instead of apples, and Lughnasadh smelled like mulled cherries to me. ETA: Penance/ChupaChup/jayla, thanks for the Storm Moon/Hurricane comparisons!
  5. Electra

    Milk Moon 2005

    I loved Chaste Moon so hoped that Milk Moon would also be gorgeous on me. Unfortunately the evil coconut has ruined the scent for me. As usual. I really need to accept the fact that I *cannot* wear coconut in any way, shape, or form. It just smells like plastic on my skin. This basically did the same thing that Spooky did on me - taunted me with faint whiffs of scents behind the plastic (chocolate/mint in Spooky, creamy honey sweetness in Milk Moon) that would have been lovely but for the damned coconut. This wasn't nearly as bad on me as Spooky was, but still unwearable. Ah, well. Off to a better home.
  6. Electra

    Suggestions for scents based on the 4 elements

    Bumping this thread because I'm suddenly becoming very interested in using scent to meditate on the energy of the elements. I've got water well covered, between Storm Moon and Kingsport. Queen of Clubs sounds marvelous for earth, and I'm trying desperately to get my hands on some to try. Yog-Sothoth or Niflheim could be air, I think? Stumped on fire. I've tried Inferno and it was just way too almondy.
  7. Bumpitty-bump. Here's an odd one. Whenever I wear Black Dahlia, I have to carry a stick to beat the men off with. I don't know what it is in that scent that they're responding to, but the response is unreal. I've also gotten unsolicited male compliments on Frost Moon (my friend Javier went absolutely berserk over that one) and Kali (but that was just a "Hey, you smell nice!"). Black Dahlia seems to be the big winner, though.
  8. Electra


    When I first got this (back in November or thereabouts) my review would have read like this: "Ooh, pretty light spring flowers!...aaaaaaaand soap. Damnit." Chiroptera sat, lonely and forgotten, in the back of my box for months. Recently I thought to pull it out again. Good gravy, this is nice! Within about twenty seconds of hitting my skin this morphed into a deep, rich herbal scent. There's still a hint of the soap under the velvety herbs, but you have to sniff really hard to find it. This is totally intoxicating. Wow. Yum. Love. (I do have to note that I had my first skin reaction ever from this oil. Odd! I can handle cinnamon and most of the other usual suspects just fine. Oh well. This is so pretty I'll wear it anyway.)
  9. Electra

    Astrology Recommendations

    Interesting. I'm a Leo and my favorite scent category hands-down (and also the one that works best on me) is aquatics. Hmm. I do also LOOOOOVE spicy scents, but I'm very picky about them. And I really like amber, when it plays nice. Looks like I'm neglecting earth and air .
  10. lol...how funny! The second I saw this thread title I thought "Graveyard Dirt?" because to be honest dark unsweetened cocoa smells (and tastes ) like dirt to me. FWIW, Intrigue wasn't chocolate on me either. I got pine and pencil shavings, IIRC. Not unpleasant, but definitely not chocolatey with my chemistry.
  11. Electra

    Looking for scents that smell like chai

    Morocco is creamy clean spice on me, but not chai-like. One (at least one, but I think there were more) of the reviews of Whippoorwill said it smelled like chai. That made me order a bottle. Haven't gotten it yet, though. I have been looking for a chai scent for YEARS and never found one that I liked. Bummer.
  12. Can anyone compare Hurricane and Storm Moon? I love Storm Moon (ozone? salty aquatic? YUM.), but since I'm from the coastal Southeast I'm really curious about Hurricane .
  13. Electra

    Butch yet not manly scents?

    Dude. Tombstone would be HOT. Seriously. It's a bit too masculine for me to wear myself, but...wow. I am DYING to smell Dracul. Dying. No pun intended =P.
  14. Electra

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Funny - for me the EA Green Tea dupe is Shanghai! Embalming Fluid is way harsh on my skin for some reason, but Shanghai is a dead ringer (I used to wear EA Green Tea for a couple of years in college. Can't wear Shanghai now because I don't revisit scents. Oh well.) If you like Sudha Segara, you'll like Origins Ginger Essence.
  15. Electra

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I always pronounce it as "Bree-SING-ahmun" in my own head... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sort of similar - I've been mentally pronouncing it "Brih-sin-GAH-mun."
  16. Electra

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I think "B-P-A-L" - I "pronounce" all the letters in my head. I've never said it out loud, but I would undoubtedly say "Black Phoenix." I usually just say "the little goth company where I get hand-blended perfume oils" and leave it at that. Moving on - how does one pronounce Dunwich? Is it "Dun-witch"? Or is it "Dun-itch" (like Greenwich)? Or is it something else altogether?
  17. Electra

    Breezy/Outdoorsy Scents

    Storm Moon, yo. I'm hoping that Kingsport will be as evocative.
  18. Electra

    Cinnamon girl...

    Almost every BPAL cinnamon scent, honestly. Which is bad for me, since I love cinnamon but want cinnamon SPICE, not artificial cinnamon candy! Eclipse, Inferno, Chimera would be good choices for you. Hamadryad (on me) is cinnamon sticks rather than red hots.
  19. To me, Dorian does. I hated White Rabbit and love Dorian - it's what I had hoped White Rabbit would smell like.
  20. You might want to try a Tarot oil - The World and The Hierophant would both fit the bill. Not available in imps, though . Hamadryad to me is pure woodsy cinnamon rather than "herb garden," but is heavenly. Shanghai smells like green tea and lemon. Not herbal. Embalming Fluid is even stronger lemon. Absinthe on me was just about straight anise, but other people really like it, and I've heard it described as a "herb garden" scent. Zephyr didn't work on me either (very masculine and cologne-y), but is apparently quite different on other people.
  21. Electra

    Suggestions for scents based on the 4 elements

    For water, how about Kingsport or Sea of Glass?
  22. Electra

    Cinnamon girl...

    Another vote for Hamadryad. BEAUTIFUL cinnamon - the spice, not the candy or gum. When I put this one on for the first time my eyes rolled back in my head. Gorgeous. Inferno and Chimera both smell like red-hots, with a lot of almond in Inferno. I like cinnamon, but neither one was my cup of tea.
  23. Electra

    Cold Moon

    Wet: Berry Skittles. Um... . Right, my nose is not very sophisticated, if that's the best description I can come up with. Actually, it smells a lot like the opening notes of Blue Moon on me. Drydown: That's the aquatic that's in Wolf Moon (and that I haven't smelled in any of the other moons I've tried - Frost, Chaste). And yep, smells like Ice Queen sans the pine. Which is not good for me, because Ice Queen made me physically ill .
  24. Electra


    I don't get any blackberry from this either. On me this is a clean, slightly soapy, wild-smelling floral (as in something that you would smell outside in a field, rather than in a flower garden or a flower shop) that develops an interesting salty note as time passes. Pretty, but not me.
  25. Electra

    Hollywood Babylon

    This one is STRONG. And very, very sweet. I see where jj-j is getting the Snake Oil comparison at the beginning - for the first 30 seconds wet on my skin it threatened to turn into the same boiled potatoes smell that Snake Oil and Sin do. On drydown, it's strawberry incense. Way too sweet for me, but I suspect that had I tried it when I was a teenage goth I'd have liked it very much indeed.