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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eoifemacbeth

  1. Another added benefit- the coconut oil seems to have really kept my last two surgical incisions from scarring much. Both are barely visible.

    Agreed with this! I have a bionic knee that's had two surgeries and I've been using coconut oil most of my life as a moisturizer (my mom used it on my siblings and me when we were babies and kids and the habit stuck into adulthood). You can barely see the scars on my knee, which were UGLY and huge and puckered. I also have a recent enormous second-degree burn scar from the popcorn popper (I work in a movie theater) that's fading incredibly quickly and is nearly the same color as the rest of my arm now. So, highly recommending coconut oil to the dry or accident-prone among us :lol:


    I also put a few drops of BPAL in my palmful of coconut oil every morning or evening post-shower. It's one of my favorite ways to be scented! My current jar does have a delicious coconut scent (Kelapo, if anyone's wondering) but it hasn't interfered with any of the scents of the oils. And in fact some smell even better with it mixed in (Banshee Beat in particular is AMAZING).

  2. I've been watching the new show Hannibal... wonder what the characters of this show would smell like.

    I don't know why, but I'm torn between imagining Lecter smelling like something heavy, bloody and warm, and smelling like a cold, distant men's cologne, with just a hint of something evil underneath... Transeo maybe?


    Will must smell fuzzy and insane... like a mix of Ivanushka and Pain...


    Jack Crawford, I don't know, I have trouble with this character... Baron Samedi, maybe. Something a bit acrid, edgy...


    Freddie Lounds, she's very annoying but smart... a smart version of Loise Lane... maybe Blood Countess, because it's feminine, without being overly soft, it's pop and colorful, just like Freddie, and can be a bit on the annoying side, on the wet stages.


    Abigail Hobbes... I see her as a softer, more human version of Will. A smarter one, too, despite the mistakes she makes due to her age. White Rabbit. That's my guess.


    Alana Bloom, well, I find her to be motherly and a bit flat (sorry if someone is a fan), so I would go with something like Tomora.


    Dr.Bedelia du Maurier, well, this is the most feminine character of the whole show, and I would go with... Sudha Segara. Because I imagine her scent to be soft, feminine, and so close to the skin, you can smell it only if you are close enough.


    Hope to hear your opinion.


    I love all of these. I'd been mulling over this too, recently, recataloguing my collection during a Hannibal marathon, and came up with:

    Will - Fenris Wolf - this is literally a scent that says "fuzzy but insane" to me

    Hannibal - Villian. PERFECT because Villain doesn't smell villainous at all to me, it smells very gentlemanly and proper, but it's called Villain... I think Hannibal would get a kick out of it

    Jack - Hellhound on my Trail: masculine, rough, a little smoky and gunpowdery... yet funny with the name again!

    Alana - something classic and understated like Ode on Melancholy (lavender and wisteria, heart-wrenching pale rose, desolate white sandalwood and thin, tear-streaked white musk), which also works for the name

    Freddie - Vixen for her red hair and sassy, clever, foxlike attitude

    Abigail - The Girl; this immediately came to me, I think it was the first one I thought of

    Beverly (she's my favorite) - Embalming Fluid because, hurr hurr, the name again, but it's fresh and clean and pretty and no-nonsense, just like Beverly

    Bedelia - I actually think Bedelia would smell like White Rabbit; it's the crispness of the scent mixed with the subtle warmth, mixed with the... something-not-right that I always smell in White Rabbit. Plus, with the recent things we've learned about her relationship with Hannibal... we can see she's sort of gone down the rabbit hole, so to speak.


    I love this! Anybody else have ideas about Hannibal characters? I can't wait until season two and the possibility of having David Tennant, Lee Pace and particularly DAVID BOWIE on the show. !!!!!!!!!

  3. I just realized after a quick reorganization of my stash last night that my "musk" partition in my BPAL box (I use a tea chest with different compartments) is completely full! Mostly with red musk blends, but a couple of other musks (Oisin's white, Coyote's skin/animal, SN Siberian Musk) are in there too... and I'm expecting a bottle of Third Charm soon! Gonna have to reorganize them into "dark" and "light" musks in separate compartments.


    What's everybody's favorite red musk? I think mine is a three-way tie between Devil's Night (2009 is my personal favorite), Red Lace and Snake Oil.

  4. I'm a classical musician (I play bassoon), so I never, ever wear more than a tiny drop of something in my cleavage to a concert, and only then if I know the hall is big enough to give me some elbow room --- there is nothing worse than having a musician come in reeking of perfume/cologne... no one in the wind section can breathe and it's miserable. But on the rare occasion I'm playing in a chamber group or, le gasp, alone, I do tend to match my scent to either the feel of the piece or the occasion --- I wore Snake Oil to my senior recital, for instance, because it's a scent my school of music friends associate with me, and it's comforting and radiant, which was exactly what I needed for calming strength that day. But then when I played Firebird a few years ago I wore Fire Phoenix --- it just depends on if a scent feels enough like the piece to me; otherwise I usually go completely scentless so as not to clash with the music.


    It's been my dream for years and years for Beth to do a classical-music-themed collection with all my favorites --- Le Sacre du Printemps, Dvorak's 8th, Hindemith's Symphony in B-flat, Nessun Dorma from Turandot, Vaughan Williams' Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis, Beethoven's Egmont Overture, Rachmaninov's second piano concerto... I could go on, but you guys get the idea :lol:

  5. I actually can only sometimes tell the difference between Winchester and Rogue. They're INCREDIBLY similar to my nose, both in the bottle and on my skin. Sometimes I amp the dustier notes of Winchester and that's basically the only time I can tell them apart. Definitely track down some Rogue --- I hope they're as similar for you!

  6. Then I noticed that you said you like rootbeer scents CaffinatedAngel, and for the truly bizarre in rootbeer I'd recommend The Elephantine Colosuss. Rootbeer, buttered popcorn, and something dark and alarming that I can't put a finger on. Based on the description, I just desperately wanted it to be my signature scent... however, that "something wicked this way comes" element it has going on weirded me out a bit too much.

    The Elephantine Colossus certainly is one of the more unique BPALs I've ever smelled --- I LOVE it, and save it for special occasions, as it does have a really sexy/frightening thing going on. On me it's very red musky mixed with the salt of the popcorn and sweetness of something sexy, but in a way like... does anybody remember on America's Next Top Model cycle 7 (Caridee's cycle) when they did the "circus freak" photo shoot? And they were all sexy carnies? This smells like that. Like these pictures:





    Just like that. And I love it.

  7. YMMV, but every time I wear Purple-Spotted Swallowtail I can smell the lime from the initial citrusy blast all the way into the soft, delicious drydown. It's not LIME LIME LIME by any means but the lime is there the whole time for me, and it balances the other notes well for me (most of which are over-amping notes on me, like clove). Every time I want lime, I reach for this.

  8. I wore Great Grey Witch when I went into labor for the birth of my daughter last week.

    GGW is one of my go-to peaceful/calming scents, and the throw is subtle enough that I thought it would be a good choice even with the scent sensitivity that can accompany labor. It worked beautifully. I will always have a special place in my heart for GGW now.

    Oh gosh, I just have to say, that's beautiful. There couldn't possibly be a better olfactory connection. Congratulations on your new baby girl!

  9. So I'm trying to put together an imp (or decant) pack for a friend, who is not into BPAL but is into Harry Potter. We've never actually met in person (not yet!) so I have no idea what type of scents she prefers, what she smells like, etc--what I'm looking to collect for her would be scents that are evocative of the series (or parts of the series), but also possibly good for someone new to BPAL. So they don't have to be all universal crowd-pleasers, but maybe one or two, at least.


    As for the series, her favorite character is Remus, so I'm thinking of definitely decanting WILF for her, and maybe Fenris Wolf. I'll also be looking for a decant of Werepuppy for Teddy, but not sure about Tonks--I skimmed the thread and didn't find any scent that screams of Tonks to me. Maybe something has come out recently that works for her?


    Certainly getting her:

    The Lion

    The Raven

    Snake Oil

    (unsure about Hufflepuff--someone suggested Enraged Groundhog Musk? in terms of feel, I think Halfling might work, but Halfling is a bit too steeped in RPG/etc that I want to steer clear of it, if possible)


    Likely shoo-ins:




    I don't have anything for Hogwarts yet though. I've seen recs of Miskatonic U and Tintagel, I might decide for the former myself.


    I'm also steering clear from the ingredients suggestions (i.e. Boomslang) because then I'd feel like I'd have to included ALLLLL of them. I don't want to overwhelm her haha.

    Dude, for Hufflepuff---Badger! It's a 2008 LE, but you should be able to track down an imp with an ISO over in Wanted.


    Also, I think you should throw in Bewitched---it's a sparkly, magical scent, and it's light and pretty, a great starter BPAL.


    And I definitely say Tintagel over Misk U; Tintagel is definitely the scent of Hogwarts to me.


    For Tonks---kind of a long story and probably wouldn't make sense to your friend, but I have always worn Coyote when I've dressed up as her (which has been the last two midnight book releases and the last four midnight movie premieres; before Tonks was introduced to the Potterverse I was always Hermione). Fenris Wolf is Lupin's scent to me, the wild untamed beast in Lupin mixed with a gentleman's mild aftershave, and Coyote is almost the feminine form of FW in my head---a softer, more delicate scent, but with every bit of the lust for the wild and the sense of freedom. It's a complicated analogy, but Coyote suits Tonks so much IMO.


    And Werepuppy for Teddy is too inspired, I love it.


    ETA: Oh, and perhaps Spellbound!

  10. I am absolutely obsessed with Hunter right now. Soft suede leather, furry musk, soft breezes of sage... I think I might layer this with Coyote. And then pass out from hyperventilation because I'll be so busy huffing myself. :rofl:

  11. Everyone's said everything I'd say except for Elephantine Colossus. I'm so obsessed with finding a bottle of this it's not even funny. It's lush and smoldering and foody and throw-someone-up-against-the-wall sexy and playful all at once.

    I agree. I just received a bottle of The Elephantine Colossus, and it is almost all red musk, in an utterly amazing way. It is fairly foodie, and just incredible. I love it! If you're up for foodie scents at all, try this for sure.

    Bump of an old thread to say that yes, the Elephantine Colossus might be one of my top ten favorite BPALs of all time. Someday I'm gonna have funds for a backup bottle.


    And adding that Red Lace is a new favorite red musk of mine. Very sweet and dainty, but just a little slutty from the twist of musk :lol: I love it.

  12. This is some discussion of this in the Carnival Diabolique thread, but thought I should post here as well. Can anyone comment about similarities between WILF and Temple Viper? The notes for Temple Viper are: Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop.


    WILF is: Warm fur coupled with red and black musk, vanilla bean, patchouli, champaca flower, juniper berry, chocolate peppermint, frangipani, browned sandalwood, ferntop ash resin, and massoia bark.


    I love WILF, and on my skin it's primarily Snake Oil and champaca. I'm guessing that is due to the musks, vanilla, patchouli, and sandalwood notes that are likely components in Snake Oil. I really don't get the chocolate-peppermint-juniper notes at all.


    I've yet to try Temple Viper, and have been wondering if there is enough similarity between the two that I have enough bottles of WILF to satisfy me, or do I spring for a bottle of Temple Viper too?


    Some have posted that they get a similarity between WILF and Boomslang, and I've yet to try Boomslang as well. So... anyone want to chime in here?

    The drydown of WILF smelled exactly like Snake Charmer to me. YMMV, of course, and mentioning it isn't super helpful since it's another (harder to find) LE, but if you know of anything that smells like Snake Charmer smells on you, maybe you could start there!


    And if WILF is Snake Oil and champaca on you, then I think you would love Temple Viper, because that's what it was on me.

  13. I had a recital yesterday and wore Christine and Erik layered (one on each wrist and then smooshed together). <3 (I also wore Possets' Queen of the Night in my hair, shh!)

    You are officially awesome. I assume you sing, from the various implications of the scents? What did you sing on your recital? (Please tell me you sang ,,Der Hölle Rache"... that would make my day.)

  14. Coyote is one I've meant to try for years but never gotten around to---so when Michi and I recently were exploring each others' collections, I tried a dab of it, and fell instantly in love. It almost has a rosey smell to me, but not like a rose proper---more smoky, like rosewood, or rose incense. I can smell the doeskin and grass and a fire far in the distance. The amber is very dry and not powdery, and the scent melds with my own skin-scent beautifully. I am in LOVE with this scent, have already tracked down an aged half-bottle and ordered another bottle from the Lab. I know this is one I'm going to have to stockpile---if it were ever discontinued, I would be heartbroken.
