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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by noumenon

  1. I'm back! I wish I'd never left. :)

  2. I'm not sure how much longer I can listen to this annoying hold message.

  3. I live on Twitter these days - add me there! MegEtc.

  4. Woo! It's like myspace on bpal. Love these new features. How are ya, babe?

  5. I miss you, Grifyn! I'm glad you're still on bpal. :)

  6. I'm kinda bummed this round of Switch Witch is coming to an end. I hope you'll do the next one! Nice icon, too!

  7. You're not just my friend - you're, like, my Switch-Witch-in-law! :)

  8. I saw a big block of tempeh at the grocery store and thought of you today. :)

  9. I've been meaning to show you my beach photos of Four and Six for ages! I wasn't sure if you were going to think, "OMG that crazy dork really meant it when she said she'd send me photos." They're DELICIOUS. :)

  10. Good luck with finals! Just think...summer is around the corner, and with it - the next update! :)

  11. Thank you for pointing out my Blue Moon review in the not-to-be-missed thread! I'm trying to be a little more creative these days. :)

  12. Hi Kelly! Welcome to the forum! You have the prettiest Chihuahua in the world! :)

  13. I'm so intrigued by all your invisible posts in the Yule thread! I hope you're okay - if you're trying to type "HELP I'M TRAPPED IN THE FORTUNE COOKIE FACTORY!" Leave me a pm and I'll call in the army. :)

  14. You made my day! Thanks for backing me up in the Baby Drama Thread (I mean, Upcoming and Unreleased Scents thread). LOL

  15. A slightly belated welcome to the forum! You should pimp your profile a little! :)

  16. Your sig cracks me up: "So many perfumes. So little arm." ha!

  17. You've been online lately! I am so glad to hear it! Now that our respective hibernations are over, let's go find a common social network site and boogie. Twitter? Facebook? Etsy? Where you at?

  18. Hey Dymphna! The Book club thread got away from me before I could reply! I'm getting back into bpal...it's good to see you!

  19. Thank you! I'm getting out of the cast in another six weeks, I'm told. It does feel a lot better than at the beginning.

  20. I hate facebook...I have an account but I go weeks without checking it. I actually missed my best friend's stepmother's funeral because I failed to log in to facebook for a week. Which had the effect of doubling my hatred for it. Not being on it at all is better, I think. Sadly, my workplace found ways to use it professionally, so it's a necessity...
