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Blog Entries posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate
    Wow, I guess it's my turn in the barrel for forum problems tonight. I've had hour-long stretches where I couldn't get anywhere, because the page just kept loading and loading.....eeeeever so slowly. Apparently it has been going around lately.
    In other news, fingers are crossed because my requests are in for the last 4 Lupercalia decants that I wanted to try. Still waiting to hear if they're available or not. I had thought about risking a bottle unsniffed again this time, but the choice is just too hard. I want to try them first. As usual, excited as heck about pending decants!
    More later if I am still this bored.....
  2. forspecial_plate
    Yesterday I was seriously considering making a resolution for 2008......decants only. Like, no bottles whatsoever.

    When I think about it, it makes sense. I've never used up a whole decant. My first bpal bottle, over a year old, would still pass for new if you just glanced at it. I'm really just a dabber. It's pretty ridiculous for me to buy a whole bottle of, for example, Beaver Moon. That was a total impulse scent buy and I really should have just searched out a decant instead of a whole bottle. There's no way I'll wear all that!! I like how it smells, but I know I won't wear it much. So, decants only for a year would make sense for me.
    Then I think about it. A whole year. That includes next year's Halloween blends and Yule scents. Decants are plentiful, but really.......could I really do that?? I don't think I could. I mean, what if some incredible forum-only scent came out? Or that one elusive scent that was made "Just for me!!"?
    Well, even though I won't do it for a whole year, I will definitely be curbing my bottle habits, lol. And also I need to seriously do some de-stashing (like everyone else it seems). I'm gradually working on that......testing imps, writing reviews on my laptop, and wrapping plumber's tape around the ones I know I'll be swapping. I'm keeping them in a small cigar box, and when it's full, I'll be posting them for sale/swap.
    Speaking of swaps......when I look at my wish list, I think to myself 'do I really need to try all those?'. So little by little I'm whittling that down, too.
  3. forspecial_plate
    First of all.....if you're reading this, and I complain about something that you do, please don't take it personally. Just a minor pet peeve of mine.
    I've noticed a trend lately with reviews. People are writing their reviews based only on sniffing the scent in the vial, not putting it on the skin. This drives me crazy. Basically, it's like judging a book by it's cover. In my experience, most scents smell totally different, or they go through changes, after they touch a person's skin. I admit, when I go to a meet 'n sniff, I don't try on every scent that I come across. I smell some of them in the bottle and make a judgment based solely on that impression. But that is different from writing a review for other people to read.
    When I read a review of a scent, and the person didn't actually try it on, I write it off as completely useless to me.
  4. forspecial_plate
    I wore Lovers In A Rice Field again today, and I like it more and more. The plum blossom was much more apparent, and overall it smells like some kind of fabulous plum/cream dessert, but still not totally foody. It's rather on the femme side for a bearded guy like me but that doesn't hasn't stopped me from wearing it, and in some situations it would be just great. Possible bottle? Or maybe just another decant would suffice. Still have to test my other decants which are still pending, and there may be another favorite among those.
  5. forspecial_plate
    The amber stands out, and it really is grey amber, but everything else is just seamlessly blended. I smell a marshmallowy sweetness, and I would think that's tonka, but it's not the warmth of tonka that I usually can pick out. I have been known to really pick out the sweeter notes in scents, for example, Oblivion also dries down to a very marshmallow sweetness when I wear it.
    Anyway, this is really a great scent. As long as I've had it, I have kind of neglected it, but I always knew I liked it. It just got lost in the shuffle of my other oils. But I'm wearing it now, and it's one of those great, sophisticated, gender-neutral scents that I think are my favorite category, if you can call it a category. This could be worn equally by either men or women. It's ambery, slightly sweet, a little woody, and somewhat velvety. There is a nearly dusty grey quality but it's not a dusty scent. Very sophisticated and definitely one of my favorites of all the Lupercalia scents.
  6. forspecial_plate
    I don't have a scent locket. I've thought about buying one, and I bought one for my sister, but I've never bought one for myself. I always think, "I have so many different scents that I can hardly decide what to wear on any given day. A scent locket is just going to make that decision more complex and difficult. It's like adding another layer to the whole business when what I really want to do is simplify".
    However, every once in a while I come across a scent that is really nice, but seems that it would be better suited for a scent locket. So now I'm going to start making note of that here. Tamamo-No-Mae is such a scent. It is very, very lovely, but somewhat fleeting. When I first put it on, it has these delicate, sparkly top notes, something almost minty, that could be from the tea or maybe ginger, or who knows what. Anyway, I love that part of the scent, but on my skin it lasts all of 5 minutes! It's still a great scent after that, just very subtle and kind of like skin-incense, the powder stuff (although I've never tried that). Kind of fruity and smokey-sweet at the same time.
    So, as a note to myself, or a reminder, when I do eventually get a scent locket, Tamamo-No-Mae would be a great scent for it. I think that sparkly note in the beginning might last longer, and the scent as a whole might be a little stronger in a locket. If I find more scents that seem tailor-made for a locket, I'll continue to make note of it here.
  7. forspecial_plate
    Notes: cedar crystals, wood sap, black thyme, oak, immortelle, beeswax, silver birch, rum absolute and tonka bean
    I'm getting mostly sharp woods, verging on sour like patchouli sometimes does to me. I can sense thyme, just a little. I like woody scents but lately I've been more in the mood for something a little sweet and spicy. Maybe because it's almost fall? I like Chene but won't be hunting down more. I'll keep my sample in case my scent moods change again back to more intense woods.
  8. forspecial_plate
    List of notes: "Bergamot, candied ginger, honey, patchouli, pepper, and dark cocoa"
    Well, this is quite a warm, cozy scent, very yummy, as could be expected just from reading the notes. But....it's not really a straight-up foody blend, and it's not quite as sweet as you might expect either. It's spicy but it's also very smooth and wearable, on the male side of unisex in my opinion, and just completely blended, with no notes standing out very much except maybe the ginger. I can't smell dark cocoa but I can tell it's there supporting. Overall I really like this and I'd love a larger bottle if it weren't so dang expensive. As it is, I'll keep wearing my little sample and maybe some day get a larger amount.
    Edit: I got busy here at work, so I didn't really finish what I was writing. This scent has a small component of the whole that adds some kind of strange salty or doughy part of the scent. It's just an interesting little twist that kind of reaches out from the scent from time to time.
  9. forspecial_plate
    I don't wear food scents a whole lot, mostly just around the house as 'comfort' scents. I was curious about this one. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work out for me. It comes off kind of flat, like stale popcorn. I didn't get much of a butter note, it's more salty and a little stale. And it fades really fast....within an hour or less, it's pretty much gone unless I sniff up close to where I applied it. So there ya go, curiosity satisfied.
  10. forspecial_plate
    I got A's in both of my classes. Medical Terminology was a breeze but Excel had was much more of a challenge for me. And it stayed challenging, not just for a week or two, but for most of the quarter. But I did well, and got A's on both of my final exams. So, I'm off school for a week and just feeling like relaxing and celebrating. Not sure what I'll do specifically, but I might go to Columbus to visit my friend Kevin. I'm meeting my dad for lunch Tuesday and after that I'm free until Thursday night. Woo Hoo!
    Next quarter will be strange......both of my classes are online, except one of them does meet in person for a total of three times. Other than that, it's all online. I have Medical Terminology II which, obviously, will be harder than Med Term I was. The other class is an Intro class for Health Information Management, which shouldn't be too hard, I don't think.
  11. forspecial_plate
    I am finally done with early fall term, and I think I got some good grades. I know I passed CPT coding, which I was really worried about for a while. I was worried because I just wasn't getting it and I bombed a test and a couple quizzes, but I finally got the hang of it more or less, and ended up doing okay. So I am on a short break until late fall term starts (a week from today, I think), and just enjoying that even though I'm at work right now. I placed an order with the lab and I'm impatient for that to arrive, but it won't be here for a couple more weeks. It's just a relief to be done with those 3 classes. For the last 2 or 3 weeks I've been really stressed out and was having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  12. forspecial_plate
    I got so many decants today yesterday! Add that to the Lab order I got this week, and a couple other forum swaps this week also......I have a whole big bunch of new sniffies to try. I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday, even though it's my weekend to work. I'll have time tomorrow to relax and try out all my new stuff. Well, I doubt I'll get to everything but I'll try a bunch.
    I already tried A Countenance Forboding Evil, and didn't like it much. : ( I usually like patchouli but it disagreed with me in this blend, for some reason. Maybe the ylang-ylang contributed some weirdness, because honestly I couldn't smell that note, but there was something there that just wasn't sitting right for me. I will, of course, try it again......maybe in a few days, maybe sooner.
    I also tried Monsterbait: Underpants and honestly......I wondered all day if I got a mis-labelled decant. It smells exactly like Morocco to me. I did some searching and found that some other people smelled the similarity, but really....I thought it really was Morocco and not Underpants. I told moonarcana I think she'll help me figure it out, she has a decant of Underpants.
    I tried both Christmas Rose and Buena Noche, and I liked B.N. much better. It did remind me a little of Chrysanthemum Moon (which I was hoping for), and later some soapiness came out (from the lily, probably). Christmas Rose was sharper than I was expecting, and almost aquatic with the snow note. Not sure that one is going to work for me but I'll be trying it again.
    Out of all the Yule LE blends this year, I know I want a bottle of Jolasveinar. Beyond that I don't know yet, I've got a lot of testing to do. I probably don't need a whole bottle of Buena Noche, but I might want one. I can't wait to compare Rose Red and Peacock Queen.
  13. forspecial_plate
    My unofficial speculation for the anniversary update.....
    I still think the periodic table scents might be the Phoenix scents. I know someone said those were for the upcoming local alchemist section, but I still have this nagging hunch. I counted and it seems there were 7 periodic prototypes at the will-calls, which is close to the number of Phoenix scents we are expecting. And it just seems to fit the themes from the past Phoenixes. Or, it seems like a natural progression.
    As for resurrected scents, I'm going to make some guesses. Someone recently posted that they got frimps of Mantis and Neo-Tokyo in their order, which I thought was unusual since those were both discontinued a few years ago. So I'm guessing we might see one or both of those resurrected. As for LE, I'm just going to make some wild guesses: Underpants, Pinched, or Glowing Vulva. Those are because Beth seems to like to bring back popular and longed-for scents in the past (Midway, Snake Charmer, Hod).
    It also crossed my mind that we could see Pumpkin King or Noir. Now I know that the recipe for Pumpkin King was lost, but I'm a firm believer that anything is possible and I would love to see Pumpkin King available some day. Same deal with Noir. That is another scent that lots of people would love to see come back.
    I can hardly wait to find out!
  14. forspecial_plate
    I hate this, but I don't see any way around it. I'm absolutely stressed out about money. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next month or two, and there is lots of stuff going on that I want to take part in. My friends are going to a big drag show in Dayton, which is about a 45 minute drive. They want to get hotel rooms so we can all drink. I don't even know if I can afford to drink at a bar, much less do that and get a hotel room.
    Then our gay pride weekend is the following weekend, and I'll be going out again, and spending money again. I guess I just need to sit down and write it all down, and figure out a budget because my funds are definitely limited. : (
  15. forspecial_plate
    I tried this at Sally's house, but it was kind of drowned out by the 50 other scents I was wearing. I smelled the cherry and a little booze, and it might actually be a nice, subtle scent, but I would have to re-test to give a real impression. Just posting this here for my own future reference (sorry that it's a useless review). : )
  16. forspecial_plate
    Rated on an "interest scale" of 1-5
    Brood XIX...."Tree sap, hay, almond blossoms, moss, hemp, corn stalks, acorn, sweet amber, and rice milk"
    Well, I don't like nut notes, but other than that I'm fairly interested. I'd love a dry summery scent and this looks like a fancy, lighter relative of Scarecrow (which I already have a bottle of and hardly ever wear). Worth a decant, for sure. 4/5
    Atlas...."Mallow, oak bark, coffee bean, hinoki wood, and khus"
    I haven't grown to love The Arabian Dance as of yet, and that's what this list of notes reminds me of, even though they only share the coffee. But this does look even more promising than that.....I'm all about woods, usually. Preliminary reviews are saying the mallow adds sweetness, and I'm not sure if that would be good or not for me. Bottom line.....worth a decant. 4/5
    Brahmin...."Rose otto, red ginger, caraway seed, myrrh, orange peel, mandarin leaf, black peppercorn, and vanilla orchid"
    Without the rose this would be sort of intriguing, but the rose kind of turns me off. Could be worth a sniff but I'm not actively seeking it. 2/5
    Io....."Red musk, pomegranate, cranberry, blackberry, mango, purple sage, thyme, and angelica root"
    Too much non-citrus fruit, not really my thing. 2/5
    Pussy....."Orange blossom honey, brown sugar, saffron, tonka absolute, and tobacco leaf"
    I am over my aversion to honey, and I will try it in the right combination with other notes. That said, this could be sultry and sexy, or it could be too sweet and cloying. Worth a try, for sure. 3/5
    Blue Morpho...."Wild orchid, pikake, honeysuckle, calla lily, agave nectar, pink geranium, violet leaf, and white amber"
    I like violet leaf and white amber, I think, but I don't like lily or geranium. Think I'll pass on this one. 2/5
    Goliath Birdwing....."White sage, lemongrass, lemon balm, dusty beige musk, and drops of anise"
    Sounds beautiful, and I think I need to try this! I just hope it's not too one-dimensional with all that lemony goodness.
    Mourning Cloak....."Opoponax, kumaru, cocoa butter, Mysore sandalwood, verbena, almond milk, guiac wood, beeswax, and myrrh"
    I do not like the smell of cocoa butter, but the other notes sound good. Not sure about this one but it's worth a try. 3/5
    Purple Spotted Swallowtail....."Black plum, opium poppy, dusky amber, opoponax, castoreum accord, dried berries, tolu balsam, clove bud, and lime"
    This is kind of a wild card, because it could be really good, but I just can't imagine what it's like. I really have no clue but I'd like to try it. 4/5
  17. forspecial_plate
    Okay, I can't handle being w/out a wishlist, it's driving me crazy. I'm going to start a temporary one and then I will integrate when we get our old ones back.
    5ml bottles......
    The Great He-Goat
    Mad Meg
    GC Imps.....
    Old Demons Of The First Class
    The Old Goblin
    The Curator
    The Floating Market
    The Marquis de Carabas
    Night's Bridge
    The Velvets
    LE to try.....
    Panther Moon
    The Traveller
  18. forspecial_plate
    More scent blogging because I'm boooored......
    The one good thing about doing laundry is, it's a good place to test scents. It's good because it takes a couple hours, my mind kind of wanders, and with the movement of my hands there is plenty of wafting so I get a good idea of 'throw'. So as my mind is wandering, I might forget what scent I put on, until it wafts up at me again. And the whole process has a little bit of zen that I enjoy.
    Other than that......I hate doing laundry. : )
  19. forspecial_plate
    I guess basically it's insecurity that I'm feeling. NYE was fun, but ever since then I've been worrying that I made an ass of myself....said the wrong things.....acted like a dumbass......etc. I hung out with 3 of my friends, 2 of them are a couple I know, both very good looking, good friends, always gracious to me and I know I worry needlessly. They were nothing but nice and let me crash on their couch, invited me to a great dinner, went out of their way to make fun drinks I hadn't tried before (caiphirina? I don't know how to spell it), but I can't seem to just let go of my worries and just have fond memories of the whole night. I envy them because I am single and when I let myself think about it, not really happy about it, so I usually just try to focus on school and work. Anyway.....just feeling totally unworthy and trying to write about it to get it all out. Really nothing new in my world.
  20. forspecial_plate
    I talked to my landlady and she might let me out of my lease even though I'm technically already into my next year. Not only that but I might have to be out by the end of October.....which is faster than I was planning on. I need to get all this resolved soon, because it's making my anxiety worse than ever. I need to know where I'm going to live! She's going to look over the lease and call me back (I guess tomorrow....I thought she would call me back tonight but she never did).
  21. forspecial_plate
    DSH Perfumes makes custom scents and ooooooh, how I'd love to get one. However, it's almost like getting a tattoo......it's kind of a big commitment and I would want to be sure I was getting the best one for me.
    [this is all hypothetical since right now I don't have 4 or 5 hundred bucks to throw around]
    My favorite scent is Djinn, but I wouldn't want another Djinn. The obvious choices would be resins, woods, musk.....smokey and incense.....perhaps opium. But really, do I want something obvious? Maybe I'd want a cleaner, fresh or spicey element in there. Ah dunno.....
    I even pulled up the questionnaire from DSH that she uses to get a handle on your scent personality. I like it because she asks some more abstract questions like what's your favorite color, what time of day/night do you like best. The questionnaire alone made me insanely curious as to what she would come up with for my scent. Then they send you 3 samples and go from there, I assume fine-tuning and whatnot.
    I know CB does the same thing, but after trying just a few samples from DSH I think I might like her style better. Nothing against CB but his scents are so light! I like them at times but as for a signature scent, something my very own, I think I'd want something stronger, more emphatic. Someday.....maybe........
  22. forspecial_plate
    The first time I tried this, I didn't like it at all. I gave it a couple weeks and tried it again, and it's better....but still not something I need a lot of. It's very dry and I do like the clove, but the black musk keeps wanting to fight with me. I have been having trouble with black musk lately. This scent reminds me of Velvet Bandito, but I think I like that better, and at any rate a decant of this is enough for me. I will probably keep it but not go for a bottle.
  23. forspecial_plate
    Since it has so many of my favorite scents, I think the Salon is my favorite of all the scent categories in the Lab's general catalogue. In light of that, I went back over the reviews and picked out a few that I want to try again. Some of them I even gave unfavorable reviews.....but still, I dare say that my nose is a little more seasoned now, and I may actually like them more now. And there were a couple that I traded or gave away and now I'm kicking myself....especially since they were the nice Lab labels from the imp packs.
    I even considered getting more imp packs!
    But I think what I'll do is continue going through my current (huge) stash of imps/decants, pick out the ones I don't want, and try another swapping post. This one will focus on the un-impables on my wish list. I figure since they are slightly harder to come by, it will be more of a challenging hunt.
    I also still think I would do well to just get decants from now on, and only get a bottle if something is just screaming at me to love it. With the sheer number of decants I already have, it's absolutely silly to buy more bottles since it would take forever even put a dent in them. For example, I traded for a bottle of Midnight On The Midway, which I hardly ever wear, even though I do love it. It's a scent for very particular moods.....when I'm feeling somewhat confident, sexy maybe, but also classy and refined. I could never wear it to work, it's just too emphatic.
    At work I've been wearing F5, Usher (bpal's Usher, not the commercial cologne), and sometimes CB I Hate Perfume scents......although now I can't remember which ones. Accords, I think....Snow and maybe Lava Rock. Tonight I didn't wear any kind of scent to work. I don't want to offend anyone so when I do wear something, it's very lightly applied.
  24. forspecial_plate
    I've been meaning to complain about this for a while but was never sure where to do it. Let me just get it out of my system so I can move on.
    I get so irritated when I see someone post: "Oh, just buy the bottle! Even if you don't like it, you can always swap it later!" Um, I disagree that it's totally easy to just swap stuff away.
    I have had lots of good swaps, and even successful sales, so don't get me wrong. Also....I do not bump my swaps/sales posts a whole lot, not even once a week. Usually I'll give it a bump just to keep it from being sent to the post cemetery. So it could possibly be said that I don't try hard enough.
    I couldn't even swap away rares like Vanilla Bean SN, Corazon, Ice Queen, Snow Angel......things I wanted to swap for stuff on my wish-list, which IMO is a pretty long one and not too narrow. And I don't think I was being too picky about what I would swap for. A single note for a single note......well, that's what most everyone else does, isn't it? A whole bottle of Samhain sat on my swaps/sales pages for weeks, until I finally decided I would rather just keep it. In fact, I took pretty much everything off my posts and even retired my swaps post.
    Actually I'm not completely bitter. Part of it is indecision on my part. I hate to get rid of something unless I'm absolutely sure it's not going to work for me (Pruno, Selkie, ahem....). I'm glad I didn't get rid of Samhainophobia because it turns out I really do like it. Also....I don't regret my purchases. I have found a new hobby and I feel more enriched because of it. : )
  25. forspecial_plate
    I went camping this weekend (well, I was in a cabin at a camp-site), and didn't bring any scent at all! I just figured, what's the point. I did bring my pillow and blanket. So I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into my cabin after a few hours and smelled......Snake Oil! Just the remnants that rubbed off my skin were enough to scent the whole cabin, not really strongly but enough that I knew it was from Snake Oil or the variations that I wear. Cool!
    As for the inquisition, I think I got the one I wanted most. I may swap a decant or two to try some of the other ones. I'm mostly interested in Egg'd Mailbox and maybe Pumpkin Smash. We'll see.
    I am so antsy to get my hands on my Halloween decants! Gimme! The CnS came yesterday. Now I'm worrying that Bonfire Night is going to be too sweet, based on the reviews so far. And still am up in the air about Sugar Skull. I really don't wear it that much, even though I love how it smells. Do I really need a whole bottle?
    And finally, the Possets Halloween update is enormous, even bigger than I thought it would be. There is one scent that I feel like came from a suggestion I made in the Possets forum, so obviously I need to get that one. And of course 7 or 8 others that sound tantalizing. I like how Fabienne doesn't list the notes for us. For me that makes it more fun when the scents are actually in my hands, and there's more anticipation, wondering what the hell is this going to smell like (Infernal Bar-B-Que, anyone??). So, I think I'll make a smallish order first, then read reviews, and make one more larger order in a couple weeks. I could wait and order everything at once, and get free shipping, but I really don't think I can wait that long. I really want to know what Bat Fur Cloak smells like, among others.