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Blog Entries posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate
    I've been thinking about the Pumpkin Patches, past and present, and I know there are at least a couple I'd still like to try. Here's a breakdown so I can get it all straight in my mind. There are so many, it's kind of hard to keep track of them!
    So, I will rate these on a scale of 1-5, based on interest. Anything 3 or above, I'll probably track down a decant at some point.
    Pumpkin Patch '05 and '06......
    I......Pumpkin with apple cider and mulling spice.
    This sounds pretty yummy, but I think my ultimate mulled cider scent has already been found (Fearful Pleasure). I wouldn't mind sniffing this but I won't go way out of my way to find it. However, if I found a cheap bottle, I'd probably grab it for a room scent. 2/5
    II.....Pumpkin with cocoa, hazelnut and walnut.
    Nah, don't like cocoa that much, and not crazy about nuts in perfume either. I can safely pass on this one. 1/5
    III......Pumpkin and pomegranate.
    I'm not a big fruit scent fan either....I already have a few, and they are more than enough to fill that niche in my collection. Pass on this one. 1/5
    IV......Pumpkin with sandalwood and orris.
    I don't like orris that much. I like sandalwood, but I already have plenty of nice sandalwood essential oil. If I ever get the urge for pumpkin and sandalwood, it would be pretty easy to recreate on my own. Pass on this one too! 2/5
    V.......Pumpkin with five woods, English ivy and galangal root.
    Now this one, I have always wanted to try. I tend to like green scents, and a lot of woods work well for me. Some woods go kind of flat for me but this is worth a try, for sure. 4/5
    Pumpkin Patch '07
    I.......Pumpkin with pear, white wine grapes, and jasmine-laced tea.
    No.......not for me. Probably smells nice, but just not my thing. 2/5
    II........Pumpkin with tobacco, champa flower, carnation, and tonka.
    Hmm, I thought I had tried a decant of this, but I never wrote a review. It does sound like something I'd like. Tobacco is the only iffy note, but it works for me sometimes. Would like to try except I have this nagging feeling that I already have a decant of this somewhere. I'll have to look for it. 3/5
    III........Pumpkin with white chocolate, caramel, pomegranate, and cream.
    Again, not crazy about chocolate. I remember thinking this sounded interesting when these first came out. Since then, I've had my fill of chocolate and/or fruity scents. 2/5
    IV.....Pumpkin with cactus blossom, sage, and sweetgrass.
    Definitely already have a decant, not a bad scent, but do not need more. 1/5 (would be higher if I didn't already have some)
    V.......Pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger.
    Yes! Already have a decant, and could probably use another one. I have tested this side by side with Pumpkin Queen, and although they are different scents, it's really hard to tell the difference. 3/5 (would be higher if I didn't already have some)
    Pumpkin Patch '08
    I......Pumpkin with mango, persimmon, coconut, and myrrh.
    Already tried it, have some, do not need more! It smells like sweet potato casserole to me. 1/5
    II........Pumpkin with black musk, leather accord, tonka, teak, orange wood, and opoponax.
    Yes, yes, yes! Have a decant, would not mind another. 4/5
    IV......Pumpkin with white sage, cherry tobacco, honey, smoky vanilla, cedar, and pine.
    I had an interest in this one, but I let it pass by because of the honey, probably. Still wouldn't mind trying it, as long as the honey behaves itself. 4/5
    V.......Pumpkin with cranberry, strawberry, red musk, red rose, rosehip, frankincense, fig, jasmine, and carnation.
    No ma'am, no sir, not for me! Red musk, jasmine and frankincense are nice, fig and carnation are okay, red rose can be wearable sometimes, but all together, and with the fruits, make this one an easy pass for me. 1/5
    Pumpkin Patch '09
    I.......Pumpkin, almond, brown musk, and honey.
    I usually can't wear honey, with a rare exception here and there. And I don't think I like brown musk that much. Pass on this one. 2/5
    II.......Pumpkin, rosewood, red sandalwood, and tea rose.
    Not really of interest to me, except for maybe the red sandalwood. 2/5
    III......Pumpkin, fir needle, pitch, rosemary, and tomato.
    I am interested in trying this, not sure if it's something I'd wear, but it's unique and I'd like to try it. 3/5
    IV......Pumpkin, black musk, tobacco, myrrh, and clove.
    Reminds me of a couple of the past ones. I wouldn't mind trying it, but I also have lots of scents like this already. Maybe not with pumpkin, though. Interested enough for a decant at some point. 3/5
    V........Pumpkin, chocolate, coffee bean, vanilla bean, and hazelnut.
    At first I wasn't interested because of the chocolate, but the will-call reviews are saying this is heavier on the coffee, which makes it a little more appealing in my eye. Would like to sniff at some point. 3/5
  2. forspecial_plate
    Oh yeah, the moodiness is here. I don't want to talk to a single person that I work with and I feel like I hate everyone. I'm pissed off because I haven't had a break for over 9 hours, and instead of getting up and saying I'm taking a break, I'd rather sit here and be pissed off. Yup. This is nicotine withdrawal at its finest.
    The one good thing is I only have about an hour left, then I can go home and slam doors and whatever the hell I want. And I'm off tonight, due to the holiday tomorrow.
  3. forspecial_plate
    These are worth a try......
    Bijoux Y'Ha-Nthlei......."A strangely proportioned, opulent, lustrous scent: neroli, Hawaiian ginger, white musk, tarragon, beeswax, heliotrope, yellow rose, oud, coriander, amber, and lime peel"......worth a decant
    Inganok Jewelers....."Gleaming stone and silver"......might be cologney but worth a decant.
    The Steeple....."Otherworldly fungus, Provençal herbs, and dark, shadowy woods".....fungus might contain a dirt note, which doesn't always work......worth a try, though.
    Signior Dildo....."A scent of pearls and ivory: orris, violet leaf, narcissus, and Madagascar vanilla".....can't remember if I mentioned this in my first breakdown....might be too perfumey but I'd like to try it.
  4. forspecial_plate
    Here's what I've ordered from the Yule update, so far.
    Großvater Tanz, The Nutcracker, A World Of Fools, The School, Mr. Fezziwig's Ball, The Second Of The Three Spirits, Bob Cratchit's Hearth, Ignorance And Want, The Last Of The Spirits, Whoop
    Autumn & Winter, Haloa, Woods In Winter, Herr Drosselmeyer, Rat King, Ebenezer Scrooge, Christmas Eve In The Counting House, Marley's Ghost, Incessant Torture Of Remorse, Chained Phantoms, Christmas Eve On The Moor, Altar To Cold Rigid Dreadful Death
    The Waltz Of The Snowflakes (along with The Infernal Lover)
  5. forspecial_plate
    I've been meaning to complain about this for a while but was never sure where to do it. Let me just get it out of my system so I can move on.
    I get so irritated when I see someone post: "Oh, just buy the bottle! Even if you don't like it, you can always swap it later!" Um, I disagree that it's totally easy to just swap stuff away.
    I have had lots of good swaps, and even successful sales, so don't get me wrong. Also....I do not bump my swaps/sales posts a whole lot, not even once a week. Usually I'll give it a bump just to keep it from being sent to the post cemetery. So it could possibly be said that I don't try hard enough.
    I couldn't even swap away rares like Vanilla Bean SN, Corazon, Ice Queen, Snow Angel......things I wanted to swap for stuff on my wish-list, which IMO is a pretty long one and not too narrow. And I don't think I was being too picky about what I would swap for. A single note for a single note......well, that's what most everyone else does, isn't it? A whole bottle of Samhain sat on my swaps/sales pages for weeks, until I finally decided I would rather just keep it. In fact, I took pretty much everything off my posts and even retired my swaps post.
    Actually I'm not completely bitter. Part of it is indecision on my part. I hate to get rid of something unless I'm absolutely sure it's not going to work for me (Pruno, Selkie, ahem....). I'm glad I didn't get rid of Samhainophobia because it turns out I really do like it. Also....I don't regret my purchases. I have found a new hobby and I feel more enriched because of it. : )
  6. forspecial_plate
    This scent is warm, fuzzy, fruity, and musky, all at the same time. The juniper berry doesn't stand out like it normally would in my nose, but it might be adding to the fruity aspect of the scent. I think I can smell almost all of the notes, actually. I've never really decided if I like this, and I've had my decant for quite a while. I think it's just a strange combination of notes. If I was going to enjoy this, it would be as a comfort scent, on a chilly fall day. Maybe something to wear to the zoo! : )
  7. forspecial_plate
    I was really curious about this scent! So glad that Sally let me try hers. As it turns out, it's just not for me. At all.
    I see where people are getting rose from this, I smell it too. Actually this has more rose than some rose scents that I've tried. I think I wanted more sweetness or caramel/cake out of it. It's kind of strong and cloying, and almost plasticky for the first half hour to an hour. However after that, it does reach a middle stage where it smells kind of good to me. It takes on almost a hint of chocolate, and has a nice, complex cake-y smell.
    Much later on.....stale dusty roses. : ( Or maybe : ) because that means I one less scent for me to hunt down.
  8. forspecial_plate
    Notes: saffron, mandarin, cardamom, lychee, aromatic woods, immortelle (or everlasting flower), patchouli, oak moss, amber, incense
    This smells good, but it's kind of a hyper-dude-fume to me. I admit that it softens somewhat after it's been on the skin for a little while. I love this kind of scent, but this particular one is just not for me. It smells good but it's way too butch for my liking. It's warm and woodsy, a little spicy, just a little powdery amber, and something almost like leather which might be saffron playing tricks on my nose.
    Frank Los Angeles 2 is my go-to scent for woods and spices, and luckily I have a full bottle of that, so I don't need more of this.
    Edit: This does sweeten up considerably after a few hours, and I think what I'm smelling now is mostly the immortelle and incense. It's much nicer now but takes a long time to get there.
  9. forspecial_plate
    Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. Colored text indicates added after first post. I try to update this pretty often....
    possible bottles
    Baron Samedi
    Dragon's Blood
    Fearful Pleasure
    Great Sword Of War
    The Mad Hatter
    Satan and Death With Sin Intervening
    Three Gorgons
    On the Fence, at the Carnaval!! (not sure if I want whole bottles of these or not)
    Carnaval Diabolique
    Isaac, the Living Skeleton
    Priala, the Human Phoenix
    The Chapel
    Theodosius, the Legerdemain
    Wulric, the Wolfman
    GC imps that I want
    Black Hellebore
    Bruised Violet Compound
    The Caterpillar
    Death Cap
    Deep In Earth
    The Dormouse
    Dragon's Reverie
    Frumious Bandersnatch
    Hanging Gardens
    Hymn To Proserpine
    Jersey Devil
    Kubla Khan
    Kumari Kandam
    Love's Torments
    Mad Hatter
    Mary Read
    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale
    No. 93 Engine
    Nostrum Remedium
    The Phantom Wooer
    Phoenix Steamworks
    Port Royal
    Queen of Sheba
    Santo Domingo
    Scales Of Deprivation
    Schrodinger's Cat
    Strangler Fig
    To A Woman
    'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants)
    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt
    The Ecstacy of St. Theresa
    Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji
    The House
    Judith Victorious
    La Vague
    Three Brides
    Decant Me (partial decants? half decants? droplets? all are acceptable, I just want to try these)
    The Bloody Sword
    Boo Bam
    The Chapel
    The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana
    The Cracked Bell
    Dia De Los Muertos
    Fire Eater
    Isaac, the Living Skeleton
    Long Night Moon
    Pumpkin Patch III (2007)
    Tiki Queen
    Upa Upa
    Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood
    The following are basically for my own reference....it helps me to keep this all in one place, and the update onslaught is just about killing me! But I do love trying all the new stuff.
    Czech and Speake
    Frankincense and Myrrh
    Rhode Island
    CB I Hate Perfume
    Wild Hunt
  10. forspecial_plate
    I am so freakin' excited! And I want to talk about it but I have nobody to yak at.
    There is a new game coming out, made by the people who made Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus. I have been waiting patiently for info for a very long time. I knew it would be exclusive to PS3, and I knew I'd have to get a PS3 system just to play this, whenever it comes out.
    Anyway, there was a trailer for the game leaked to the internet last week (working title is Project Trico). It looks amazing. It hasn't been confirmed as being real, but I'm betting it is, because it looks too good to be a fake. Apparently the video is over a year old, so the finished product will be even better. I can't wait to play this!!
    I would be really happy if it came out this fall or winter. I realize it may take longer, but my fingers are crossed. Hopefully more will be announced at E3 this week.
  11. forspecial_plate
    Played through Bioshock 2 twice, rushed through the first time and then went more slowly the second time (got 2 of the different endings). I do really like it, the story is not as good but game play is a little more fun, more options of what to do with the little sisters, more plasmid upgrades, etc....etc....now I want to go back and play the first Bioshock again! However.....
    I want to get some use out of my SNES and I keep feeling this attraction to older games. I ordered Zelda Link To The Past, and also Megaman X, so I can play those, as well as Super Metroid which I really didn't get into, but would like to start it back up again. I also have Earthworm Jim which is really fun but I didn't get very far into it (I played it on the old Sega Genesis, and was never really good at it, although I watched my room-mate at the time beat the game).
    So, anyway......oh I also would like to finish Final Fantasy IV, which I started when I was waiting to play Bioshock 2.
    (.....and I'm trying to be a student at the same time, LOL)
  12. forspecial_plate
    I got A's in both of my classes. Medical Terminology was a breeze but Excel had was much more of a challenge for me. And it stayed challenging, not just for a week or two, but for most of the quarter. But I did well, and got A's on both of my final exams. So, I'm off school for a week and just feeling like relaxing and celebrating. Not sure what I'll do specifically, but I might go to Columbus to visit my friend Kevin. I'm meeting my dad for lunch Tuesday and after that I'm free until Thursday night. Woo Hoo!
    Next quarter will be strange......both of my classes are online, except one of them does meet in person for a total of three times. Other than that, it's all online. I have Medical Terminology II which, obviously, will be harder than Med Term I was. The other class is an Intro class for Health Information Management, which shouldn't be too hard, I don't think.
  13. forspecial_plate
    Lots on my mind, and lots to do in the next week or so....and beyond. I've pretty much decided to move when my lease is out which is at the end of November, which means I'm looking at an apartment tomorrow, so I can get things moving ASAP.
    The apartment sounds really great, and it's in an area that I like, so I'm really excited and I hope that I like it. It has many more pros than the place where I live now, and honestly, I can hardly wait to move out of there. Cat friendly, laundry in basement, off-street parking, secure building, paid heat and water, nicer neighborhood.....and the landlady seems okay to me, just from the phone conversations we've had. Also it's only a couple of blocks away from the Cincinnati Zoo, which I think is really great (the Zoo is in kind of a bad area but that's not the part where I'm looking.....I'm a little further south of that which is more of a college- and medical-student area).
    Other than that, I have a whole bunch of smaller stuff that I need to get done, including cleaning up my current apt so I can be sure to get my deposit back. I will feel a little bad telling my current landlady that I'm not staying, but......well, I can't think of a but. I just never felt at home there, can't stand the neighbors, can't get comfortable in the space....what more really needs to be said? It's a nice apartment but I just for whatever reason couldn't get myself adjusted there. And I'm definitely not staying for another year, and she won't go month-to-month, so there ya go.
  14. forspecial_plate
    As we all know, the Carnaval is leaving town very soon. I have a pretty decent selection of CD scents that I like, even a few bottles. Now is the time to get off the fence and decide on a couple that I've been waffling over.
    I had a decant of Wulric the Wolfman, and I did like it a lot. For some reason I swapped it or gave it away, I can't remember....probably because I thought I would end up getting a bottle. Well, I still haven't, and time is running out.
    I have a bottle of Doc Constantine, but it's only half full, and I'm wondering if I should get more or just leave it at that.
    .......actually now it's getting busy here at work, more later.
  15. forspecial_plate
    I bought a book of the Alien comics (comic books compiled into a softcover book, 'Omnibus'). The story starts up after Aliens, but the characters' names are changed, and Ripley isn't in it. Actually only Newt and Hicks are in them. Anyway, good story, alternate sequel material, and I haven't read a comic in ages, so it's kind of fun. The last comic books I got into were Eightball but that's been a few years.
    There are a couple more volumes of the Alien Omnibus, I might keep following the story, we'll see.
    Oh and I tried Melainis again today.....just doesn't work for me, due to the black musk I think. Just too blecch papery powdery and reminds me of Haunted. Another one for my swaps if they ever get off the ground.
  16. forspecial_plate
    Well, here's what I think....
    I first came to bpal.org to read reviews and shipping updates. What I have found has been much, much more. I've made friends here from my own city as well as around the world, as well as finding a 'hobby' if that's what you want to call our collections. The people here and the oils we collect have enriched my life and opened my mind, and I've been through several big life-changes since coming around here. I can always find advice or just a shoulder to cry on when I'm here, and I know it goes even deeper for others in this community....some have mentioned that their sanity and their lives have been saved by their friends here, and I believe that is not an exaggeration.
    I do not blame anyone who is still friends with fairnymph, or who decides to sell to her when (if) all this is resolved. Let's face it....she's going to get the perfumes that she wants. She will find a way. Her posts that I've read strike me as coming from someone who is.....maybe the ultimate control freak? Self will run riot? I don't know, this probably isn't the place for it. My point is that she will find ways to get the oils that she wants and nobody here should lose sleep if she finds ways around the things we do to block her. She kind of reminds me of a little kid who wants all the toys for herself and then finds herself all alone with her toys because nobody wants to play with her any more. In a way that's sad because she's brought her own punishment on herself, worse than anything we can do by blocking her from buying stuff. She's cut herself off from a lot of potential friends and rich opportunities, and she did it to herself. I bet there are people around here who still would forgive her, and give her a chance, and be friends with her, and I don't find anything wrong with that at all.
    *sigh*......I don't even know where I was going with this or what my point is.....I think I'll just leave it at that.
  17. forspecial_plate
    Czech and Speake No. 88
    "No. 88 is the signature fragrance from Czech & Speake. From its Aromatics Collection, No.88 is a blend of woods, bergamot, geranium, rose otto, cassie flower, frangipani, vetiver, and sandalwood. This gorgeous fragrance is worn by both men and women." (description from The Perfumed Court)
    I was attracted to this because I read Morrissey wears it (and Elton John, too). I was so glad to find a source for a sample.
    This is fabulous! It's a rose scent, but unmistakably gender-neutral, although some may find it masculine. The closest bpal I can think of is Thanatos, but No. 88 is definitely lighter, fresher, and not as powdery (not that I dislike Thanatos). It's definitely woody, but also floral and slightly fruity. It strikes me as a versatile scent.....I could wear this at work (and I did), or out on the town, or for a formal occasion. I would call it almost a studious rose scent, but dark, hinting at naughtiness.
    Now I need to try their Cuba scent, because I definitely want a bottle of one or the other. This stuff is pricey and only available from the UK, so it's going to be a treat to splurge and indulge myself. If Cuba is as good as this, it's going to be tough to decide. I could absolutely wear No. 88 on a regular basis.
  18. forspecial_plate
    [i will periodically copy and past my wish-list, because I edit it pretty often and sometimes like to look at old versions]
    Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. I try to update this pretty often....
    5ml interests...or partials, I love partials! : )
    A Blade Of Grass
    Baron Samedi
    Carceri d'Invenzione
    Carnaval Diabolique
    Cloister Graveyard In The Snow
    Great Sword Of War
    Satan and Death With Sin Intervening
    Scales Of Deprivation
    Three Gorgons
    Wood Phoenix
    GC imps that I want (imps/decants would be delightful)
    Black Hellebore
    Bruised Violet Compound
    The Caterpillar
    Deep In Earth
    Frumious Bandersnatch
    Hanging Gardens
    Jersey Devil
    Love's Torments
    Mary Read
    No. 93 Engine
    Nostrum Remedium
    The Phantom Wooer
    Port Royal
    Queen of Sheba
    Santo Domingo
    The Sea Foams Blood
    Serpents With Glittering Eyes And Forky Tongues
    Strangler Fig
    To A Woman
    The Witch's Garden
    'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants)
    The Ecstacy of St. Theresa
    The House
    The Ifrit
    La Vague
    Three Brides
    Three Gorgons
    LE/Trading Post/etc Decants ISO any testable amount
    413 U.S. 15/Miller Vs. California
    The Blood Garden
    The Bloody Sword
    The Chapel
    The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana
    The Cracked Bell
    Long Night Moon
    Pumpkin Patch III (2007)
    Scattered Gloom
    Uncertain Horror
    Upa Upa
    Virgo 2007
    Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood
  19. forspecial_plate
    Writing from work again, only a short shift today and not at all my usual time of day to be here, so it's a little disorienting. I am off at 2:30pm, then I'm free until tomorrow night. I wouldn't mind going out and celebrating a little, but at the same time, I really don't have the money right now, not for another 2 weeks. Also, it's supposed to rain today, and I think I could just as easily stay home, play video games, maybe do some cleaning, maybe organize my bpal collection, etc, etc. We shall see.
    Scent of the day is Bad Luck Woman Blues.....just love the moss in this, it's so wonderful.
  20. forspecial_plate
    This is for my future swap post. I'll have some Possets bottles up for grabs, and here are some that I would swap for:
    The Awakening Conscience
    Dark Lady
    Queen Of The Night
    Sex With The Spirits
  21. forspecial_plate
    I don't think I trust the internet enough to really write about some of the things going on right now. I certainly wouldn't post on facebook, and not really on livejournal either, which is dying a slow death anyway (unless I just need to update my friends list a little bit, which is possible).
    Anyway, change is in the air, and I'm kind of excited. I seem to have gotten stuck in a loop of insanity, repeating really stupid behaviors, and I'm finally feeling like I might be breaking free. One thing I know for sure is I can't keep doing the same things over and over, and expect things to somehow magically become better.....without changing what I'm doing. I don't want to be too cryptic but again, it's not really stuff that I want to post on the internet....even on a 'private' forum.
    My point (and I do have one) is that I'm really lucky right now. I have 2 real paper journals that are only partially filled, with plenty of room left in them. Also, I bought a membership to our zoo, which is right next door to my apartment building. It is so, so easy to just walk a block, show my card, and walk right in.....skipping the whole line for tickets. And as long as it's not too crowded, it is a great place to walk for some exercise, and sit and relax, while writing in my journal. I'm off work tomorrow night so I think I'm going to take a little trip to the zoo and say hi to my animal friends. The cat house makes me a little sad, though, because I feel like the cats would be happier outdoors, with lots more room to roam around. I guess they don't know what they're missing? I hope not. They look kind of sad all confined as they are.
  22. forspecial_plate
    I can't seem to resist making outrageous bids on ebay, for bpal scents that I've been wanting for a while. I guess I shouldn't feel guilty.....some of these things I've really wanted for a long time, and they never seem to come up in swaps around here. Of course, it doesn't matter in the end, when I'm outbid less than 12 hours after I place my starting bid (this was for the Holly King proto)! And the winning bid is more than twice what I was willing to pay. I was kind of surprised at that one, I guess I'm not the only one who wanted it badly!
    But now I have another auction that I placed a bid on, and we'll see how high that goes. I'm not going to raise my highest bid, because I've already bid more than I really should spend. So, we'll see. It's actually a scent that I already have half a bottle of, and this would be a back-up bottle (something nearly unheard of in my collection, except for Snake Oil which is for aging).
    In other news........I'm in the middle of my long stretch of work, interrupted only by being off Tuesday night, until the weekend. I'm looking forward to Tuesday and really looking forward to the weekend, although it's pretty far off. I bought an annual pass to the Newport Aquarium, because I miss the Zoo's aquarium, which was made into the manitee exhibit. The manatees are pretty cool, but the aquarium was always my favorite part of the Zoo. And the Newport Aquarium is not even that great.....there are some cool parts, though. I only have to go once more to make up for the cost of my annual pass (and I'm pretty sure I'll go more than once more in the next year).
    Anyway, yeah.....spending lots of money when I should be concentrating on credit card debt. Oh well, gotta have fun somehow, right??
    Oh and speaking of spending money, I made an order with Nature's Gift. I bought their Sacred emotional synergy for a room scent. I wanted something for a sort of peaceful meditation blend, although I already have their Meditation blend....and it's pretty awesome.....but I wanted another spiritual blend, too. I also bought some jojoba oil and something for my occasional dermatitis/eczema.....now I can't even remember which oil, LOL.....oh yeah, calendula oil for skin care. And I asked for some samples of their fir/pine essential oils. Can't wait to see what they send me! They're always really nice about sending free samples when I ask for them.
  23. forspecial_plate
    Pascal Morabito Or Black
    I sought this after reading Luca Turin's perfume blog, he seemed to really like it. This review is from one test on the skin (I'll probably wear it again, so I may add to this entry later).
    top Note : bergamote, pepper, leather
    Note de cœur : benzoin, ciste, cyprus
    Note de fond : vetiver, ylang-ylang, amber, Tonkin Musk, oak moss.
    Didn't refresh my memory on the notes first, so I thought it was primarily an incense scent. Wet on the skin, it was exactly that. Slightly reminiscent of Midnight Mass, but murkier, more 'black'. After a few minutes, very shortly, I realized there was a strong note of leather. It reminded me of something from my past, maybe Drakkar Noir. It seems to be a formal, almost stern scent. Heavy and dark. Not for everyday wear, but probably good for special occasions. The leather comes out strong and lasts for a long time.
  24. forspecial_plate
    I just realized I have 2 entries about custom scents that start out almost exactly the same! I totally forgot I had already written about that. *smacks forehead*