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Posts posted by forspecial_plate

  1. The Gay Pride festivities are next weekend, and I'm already thinking about what to wear. It will be hot, sticky, and sweaty, and possibly raining. So that probably eliminates anything light or ethereal as it would be just sweated off in a short time.


    Midnight On The Midway....this would be good because it's so strong on my skin. Would stand out in a crowd, for sure....also it reminds me of suntan oil that I used to love, so on a sunny/hot day it would be great.


    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener......even though this is on the lighter side, it's quirky and unusual, and I know I wouldn't smell like anyone else! : )


    Ile De La Tortue....to me this is a humid and sultry floral scent, with none of the bad things that florals can do (no soap, no powder).


    Scarecrow.....I wore this again recently. I had an imp a long time ago, but swapped it away. Something about the scent just stuck in my head and I bought another imp, and I'm glad I did. It's still slightly odd if I sniff up close, but the throw is amazing and unusual. Definitely the scent of a hot, dry day. This might be more of an August scent than June, but still it's good.


    Death Adder.....or maybe Snake Oil.....something from that family, might fit the mood.


    I think I'll put on Midnight On The Midway and see how I feel about it on a hot summer day. I haven't worn it much lately.

  2. I pick up on the fir and eucalyptus mostly, when I smell this. I can tell the other notes are there. Overall the scent is very subtle and doesn't stay on me after the shower is over. But I also started smoking again so maybe my nose is just deadened. : / I didn't really smell white ginger or plum, specifically. Not much fruity about it.


    I love the high quality of this soap. Very nice, moisturizing with soft suds. I think it's a good soap for hot weather, as it has a slightly bracing quality. I'd like to try the oil when they come out!

  3. Just for fun, I opened this w/out knowing what it was. I knew it was something from my new Imp-pack, but I didn’t look at the label, and I can’t remember the new descriptions yet anyway. The blind review:


    "First on: very tart and citrus, dry like a citrus peel, not juicy. Very nice and crisp.


    After some time: Golden resin and/or metallic notes start to rise majestically above the citrus. Beautiful transition. Something slightly soapy starts to come out, too. Not a huge throw….just strong enough. Yum. I hope the soapy doesn’t keep getting stronger, as sometimes happens.


    Still later: I’m thinking this is Galvanic Goggles. It sure isn’t the Antikythera Mechanism.


    Later: Well, this has settled comfortably into something like Satan And Death With Sin Intervening, except with metal instead of woods. It’s golden and citrus with gotta-be some resins, and probably some metallic notes. I think the metal is where the ‘soapy’ is coming from. It didn’t get more soapy, only slightly less as the dusky resins came forward. Almost dusty, but maybe you could say “time-worn”. This could be worth a bottle, I’m quite sure it will age with much grace and beauty."


    When I read the description again, I wondered where the heck I'm getting citrus out of this?? I was really curious about the Indian musk, and I think I was hoping for a substitute for Black Lace which turned way too soapy. Maybe Indian musk is soapy? Anyway, this is a great scent, and I'll be wearing it again for sure.

  4. I can't resist reviewing this even though I just got it today.....


    It starts out with a rush of sweet vanilla and sassafras, almost too sweet and rich, like a root beer float. But after just a few minutes, the notes settle down and start to interact, and it really is great. Light and effervescent, but the oak leaf comes forward to give the scent a solid backbone. I'm with Tartchef.....I thought of Glowing Vulva, but much lighter, and not powdery which that scent verges on. Nearly a "Root-beer flavored Glowing Vulva"..... :P ....but more than that (where else can I get away with typing that, and everyone knows what I mean??).


    The butter note is really not heavy to me at all.....I can smell little flashes of it, and it's more like a butter vapor to my nose, which sounds totally weird, but it makes sense in the overall composition of the scent.


    Bottom line......Laudanum is still my favorite sassafras scent, and I already have a big bottle of that, so I don't need more of this right now. But I am tickled pink that I have an imp! I want to always have this around for when the mood strikes me. It's a stimulating concoction, indeed.

  5. First impressions, possibly to be edited or added to later.....


    At first sniff, yep, this is my beloved Djinn, but also not! I agree that there's a big presence of vetiver in the scent, and that there's more going on here, more complexity (than Djinn), something a bit sweeter lurking in the background. After reading Reaver's review, purple was the color that kept coming to mind. I couldn't decide what kind of notes were buried in there......musk? incense? Um, flowers?? Maybe not.


    After a long while, this stays pretty strong. It becomes something like a sooty smear of a scent, making me think of aromatic charcoal, but good, not acrid or unpleasant. I kept thinking of a beautiful high-grade charcoal making a matte black smear on pure white paper (no paper notes in the scent, just an image in my mind), with the finest coal dust at the edges.


    The kicker is that I already have a well-aged bottle of Djinn, and Smokestack really is close enough that I don't need bottles of both. I'll definitely enjoy exploring this scent again, though.

  6. I can never quite figure out what fig actually does for my nose. I can't seem to pick it out in blends. Maybe some day I'll get to try a fig single note.


    When first applied, there is a sweetness to this scent, but also a gritty texture, just like the description reads. This is not nearly as fruity as I would expect, reading the notes. Actually the scent as a whole is very faint in the wet stage. Later as it dries, the herbs seem to pop out and it reminds me of the sage in Corazon. Overall, very herbal, slightly sweet, and mostly enjoyable. I like it enough to keep the imp and wear it again.

  7. Tiki King is mostly wood and musk on my skin. At first I was a little worried because it's almost powdery. But I've tried it a couple times and I think I really like it, maybe not for everyday wear, but something to definitely hold onto.


    The wood reminds me strongly of Mort De Cesar, and I agree with the post that mentioned sandalwood....it reminds me a lot of sandalwood too. I think this combined with black musk is what makes it seem slightly powdery. But it works for the scent....I could imagine this would be great for special occasions. The lemon is a slight accent, and the coconut seems to be just barely there, a supporting note. Maybe after some aging these will come out more.


    Overall, I'm happy with my bottle. It's a unique and compelling scent. The power of the Tiki King compels you! : )

  8. I love the wet-stage of this....almost tart, floral, but complex. As it dries, it starts to turn on me, sadly. I think I smell champaca, because there's a bit of faint banana in there (which that note seems to always do to me).


    This reminds me of Ile De La Tortue, but I like that scent a lot more. Tavern Of Hell is sweeter, almost cloying. And as it dries, it becomes more.....gritty or something. Something is just not working for me here. If I'd never smelled Ile De La Tortue, I might really like this. It's not terrible, but I prefer Ile when it comes down to it.

  9. I tried this w/out checking notes first. I've had it on for less than 10 minutes, and I'm going to break my own rule. I'm reviewing it w/out waiting, or trying the scent again later. I already know I can't wear this again.


    It's a pretty scent, don't get me wrong. It's not noxious or offensive. It just smells like soap to me. 100% pure soap. On first application, I noticed jasmine right away, which I'm generally not opposed too. But I'm betting there's a lily note, too. Lily amps up into shrieking soap territory for me, not every time, but more often than not.


    Anyway this isn't for me. And I bet it won't wash off (because the sharp soapy notes tend to cling to my skin like nobody's business).

  10. Brand new Imp....


    Wet on the skin, this is so, so sharp.....almost like soap.....but I like it, because it is very much the scent of peeling a lemon, with that little spray from the rind. There is a hint of flowers behind it, but then as it dries the rose comes out stronger (which I pretty much expected). This is so high pitched and nearly soapy, I doubt I will wear it much. Honestly I'm not sure if I'll keep the Imp or not. I never did smell any apple, but that note might come forward as the oil ages. I think apple would add a welcome hint of softness, because right now this is all sharp, eye-opening citrus and soapy rose (not necessarily a bad thing, but not usually my kind of scent).

  11. Caveat: I tried this first but I tried a few scents in different spots soon after. Anyway, the fir was the strongest note. It reminded me strongly of Nocnitsa, an almost fruity fir. Underneath that I could detect just a hint of something spicy or maybe smokey. This is not like the older Hexennacht whatsoever, in my opinion. I liked it, but as for fir/pine scents, it doesn't come close to the deliciousness of Stranger In Camp! That one will be hard to beat.


    For a bit of reference, the older Hexennacht was much more complex and also much sweeter to my nose. Something about it was almost like honey, with dark smokey embers. I think both (the old and the newer version) are great scents, but totally different.

  12. I really like this! It took me a few tries for it to sink in. Nothing stands out to me. Not one note. It's sweet but not powdery in the least. There is a crisp quality that might be coming from the currant. Best of all, the honey seems to be working. Honey notes tend to go wrong on me, but I can't smell it here, or it's a nice, light supporting note. I think this is a gender neutral scent, not overly feminine or masculine.


    Again, I just can't pick out individual notes in this, which is not a bad thing. I love amber and I was excited about Arabian musk, but everything's just blended in a superb way. I wouldn't call it a big amber scent or a big musk scent. Very light throw, but that's not bad. That can actually be great sometimes. The scent seems to veer towards a woodiness, but it's not quite woody. Perhaps that's the kush playing on the scent. Overall, I really like this and I wish I could describe it in more detail. I'll definitely edit if anything comes to me.


    Edit......Tea. This has a note that reminds me of tea. Don't know why, but it was pretty persistent when I wore this today. I wonder what's doing that? Other than that, this does verge on soapy, but it's something that I can be in the mood for every now and then. Still like it! I considered wearing it to work tonight but then I thought "Hmm, might be a little too sexed-up for work!", so I didn't. : )

  13. Just off the top of my head, I'd recommend Death Adder and Madame Moriarty, both from Carnaval Diabolique. They have some similarities but are also totally different scents! Death Adder reminds me a lot of Snake Charmer but it's less sweet and more earthy.


    Of course, Snake Oil also reminds me of Snake Charmer. I'd say that if you really like Snake Oil, you have a little idea of what Snake Charmer smells like.


    There are probably other scents that I'm just not thinking of at the moment. But I think it's safe to say Snake Charmer is pretty much one-of-a-kind (and that's why so many people want it!).

  14. I love pine and fir! Sadly The Black Forest doesn't work well for me. It turns powdery and seems to clash with my skin a little bit.


    However, I think Knecht Ruprecht (the snow-covered foliage of the Black Forest and the fruit and woods of apple and almond trees) is tragically under-appreciated, but on the upside it's not too hard to find. I'm wearing it right now and it works much better for me than Black Forest or Nocnitsa (which I have nothing against, except it's just a tad too juicy-fruity for me for some reason).


    Stranger In Camp (evergreen, damp grass, woodsmoke, birch bark, cedar, and Terebinth pine) is the one. That is the most beautiful, brooding, night-time pine/fir scent that I've encountered. Just like a sinister forest at night with fire in the distance. Not a wintery scent....this is more like the woods in spring or summer. It was one of my most gratifying bpal purchases and I cherish my bottle!

  15. Any new lime recs? I'm still searching for more. LIME!


    I noticed you never reviewed F5 (aloe, white musk, lime peel, fresh mint, seaspray, verbena and green tea), is there some note in there that you didn't like? It's definitely my go-to scent for lime, and strangely the lime seems to have gotten stronger since I first got it (strange because I thought citrus notes degraded faster than other notes)! I still love it.


    The Phoenix (sea air, gunpowder, lime, salt-crusted wood, a splash of blood, and a dribble of Snake Oil) is wonderful and getting better and more complex with age....but I still don't detect the lime very much.

  16. Deep floral. That's about all I know. I smell roses, but beyond that I'm not sure. I think I've tested too many florals today, but I'm trying to put together a floral enabling imp pack. So there ya go. This smells really good, actually. Kind of a musky floral with a deep dark background. I like it.

  17. When wet, the chrysanthemum and carnation are a pleasing combination. They both fade considerably as the oil dries. Sometimes I can wear rose, and every once in a while Ms. Lily behaves herself. It almost works in this scent. The lily doesn't screech soap at me like she often does, and the rose is there in the dry-down, just a soft hint. Still, this isn't something I'll wear a whole bunch. A good imp for enabling, I think.


    Edit, much later.....Oh, hey! There's the grass! I kept sniffing my hand, thinking, 'what is that?? sandalwood or something?'. I forgot there was a grass note here. Still, not enough for me to wear it often.

  18. Very pretty floral scent. I have nothing against jasmine, and that's the big note for me in this scent. I don't like honey, though. I can smell it here, whether it's the honeysuckle, or the softly glowing skin note, I'm not sure. Anyway, not a scent I would really wear, but it's beautifully presented.

  19. I like this....it's almost aquatic, reminding me of Cthulhu or Deep Ones w/out the wetness. It's a tart scent, more green than woodsy to my nose. It also reminds me of one of the Rappacini's Garden scents....maybe Belladonna? Not sure but this is worth holding onto.

  20. I seem to remember, when I first tried this, it reminded me of Samhain....especially in the dry-down stage. But I tried it again yesterday, and it was a very faint, sweet floral that reminded me faintly of marshmallows. The throw was next to nothing on my skin. It's a pretty scent but not one that I would wear with regularity.

  21. What an odd scent! When first applied the musty/moldy smell is strong. It lightens up a lot as it dries, and I also get a hint of something nearly minty for some reason. The wood is soft and I don't get a lot of the cognac note. Just a dry, sweet, light woody scent.


    I'm kind of on the fence about this one. It's not grabbing me in a big way, but I do keep sniffing it just because it's so interesting and different. My decant is kind of beat-up looking because of a stained label so I'll probably keep it around for a while, and try it again from time to time. I think it could grow on me.


    Edit: I still have never decided if I really like this. It's old, old wood....dry with a layer of dust. The wood holds the long-ago traces of some kind of minty polish or wax. Very true-to-life scent. It's oddly comforting on a day like today, dreary and cold outside with a steady, light rain.....but warm and cozy inside, maybe reading a good book. This scent definitely has its place.

  22. Right away I thought of Snake Oil. I get the same 'play-doh' note that I pick up from Snake Oil, which I guess is the amber, perhaps? And by the way, it doesn't turn me off the scent. I actually like that note. Anyway, I don't get much peach from this scent, just a hint of it. I mostly smell the amber, vanilla, and soft sandalwood, with the suggestion of fruit. This is one to hold on to.
