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Posts posted by forspecial_plate

  1. MLVIII......1058


    First applying, I smell candy, slightly fruity cotton candy. This smells nothing like when I first tried it, earlier today. I thought it was a light green floral but now it seems to be all cotton candy with fruits, maybe very sweet orange. As it dries, something lightly cake-y starts to emerge. Now it's almost like an orange creme-sicle scent. Very pretty, almost powdery, so not me!


    Edit 4/2009......now that this has aged a few months, I'm getting a better idea of what it smells like. I still would describe it as candy-orange, sweet but there is also a spice or herbal note, something almost peppery. After it dries for a while, it turns more powdery, and reminds me a lot of neroli or orange blossom. It's a little cloying for my taste, and it really lasts and lasts on my skin, so I end up sick of it before it comes close to fading away.


    Final edit......OMG I am so glad I kept this.....simply a light orangey fluffy slightly floral cologne-like scent with the lightest hint of white pepper. Simple, beautiful. I will hoard what's left!

  2. CXXVII....


    This was a frottle in a swap, a while back.... :P


    Sage! It's mostly sage, strong enough to seem like eucalyptus if you sniff up close. The throw is great though. There is a sweetness here, beyond that I can't say what the notes are. Resins? Maybe one of the lighter, sweet ones like copal. I'm really not sure, but it doesn't smell like anything else I can think of.


    So, sage and resins. Nice!


    Edit: previously reviewed by PersephonesChild........you were right, this is definitely a sage scent.....I recognize it from Corazon among others.

  3. Sweet and golden hay, yes, but a big part of this is conventional woman's perfume to me.....unmistakably feminine. If I concentrate and pick it apart I start to smell the individual notes, and I like most of them. Maybe it's the honey that's putting me off, not exactly turning on me like it usually does, but still sweet and almost like powder. This scent is better off with those who love it, and I'm glad I trusted my decision to not get a whole bottle.

  4. Okay, time to review this one.


    LXVIII.....I think most of you would consider this dude-fume. I smell big, big resins, very emphatic, lots of throw. I would guess opoponax (sweet myrrh, with that hint of 'bubbly cola'), for sure, and maybe even another myrrh (or two?). I'm almost positive this has galbanum, I recognize it because I have some of the essential oil. It's a resin but it's very odd for a resin....earthy and green, kind of plant-like. I can smell it in this, almost like a faint dirt note that drifts in and out of the mix. And I think there is a slight floral element, as well.


    I just know there is more going on in this blend that I can't pinpoint. Just notes I haven't learned to recognize yet. Ambergris? Maybe. And that floral....I just don't know. It's maddeningly familiar but I can't name it.


    Overall this reminds me strongly of Minotaur and Hades, if they mated and had a baby that turned into a monster super-hero. It shares a golden-glittery quality that I find in both of those scents. Turned up to 11.

  5. ...


    A more straight-forward suggestion would be Sudha Segara, also from the Bewitching Brews category: "sweet milk and warm, healing ginger with a touch of golden honey and our blend of Ambrosia". It's not fizzy, but it is gingery.




    I second Sudha Segara, whole-heartedly. To me it even smells a little bubbly, but more like lemon and lime soda than ginger ale. I remember thinking it was way less milky than I was expecting, and much lighter. I don't think I would call it fizzy either.

  6. Wrong topic but.....the click and ship just means someone printed the shipping label, right? That's what I've gathered, but I could be wrong. It doesn't necessarily mean your package is in the mail on its way.


    If that's true, the lab always ships out very soon after the click and ship notice has arrived. Generally I get the order 2 or 3 days later.

    Right, it just means that the label has been printed. The CnS will generally give the date of when it will ship. The lab often labels late at night and they won't ship until the next day. The CnS that I got about a half hour ago actually said that the package had shipped today. Sorry, I'm tired and I seem to be rambling. I hope that this makes sense. :P


    It makes sense, absolutely! It's the same thing I always thought.

  7. A Latin word that means to sigh or draw a deep breath, that also suggests longing, desire, yearning, and a passionate wish. Ylang ylang with white plum, white orchid, jasmine, calla lily and lily of the valley.

    Very, very pleasant floral, which for me means no soap! I like jasmine and it does stand out. It doesn't take over and I can really appreciate the complexity of this scent. I like it!

  8. XXXV


    Squeaky clean slightly aquatic floral scent with some kind of fruit or berry note. Just on the verge of soapy, it reminds me of the Mexican tiger lily note in Noche Buena. Most lily notes go very soapy but this one is just fine. The fruity element is only there if I sniff up close, and overall this scent is very light in throw. Blue Moon '07 was what I thought of when I first wore this one. My general disclaimer, I can tell this is more complex than what I'm describing, but I can't pick out other notes. There might be lotus or lotus root, contributing to the fruity vibe, but I'm almost sure there is some kind of fruit or berry. Perhaps pomegranate? Not sure.


    This will be a good one to make a few decants and keep a little for myself. Very pretty.


    ADDED Sept. 23:


    XXXV....35 OOPS.....this is MXLV, 1045 (these really are 2 different scents :P )


    This is a pretty straightforward aquatic scent, with some green note like water reeds or maybe a bit briney like kelp or seaweed....just a touch of that, though. There may be a hint of fruit, just lending to the juicy feeling of the scent. This is actually one of the more successful ones for me, it seems to be more simple than any of my other ones. There may be ivy here, too, or maybe I just can't tell which green note I'm smelling. It's not soapy, and I can't smell any ozone, so it's more like a body wash or shampoo kind of scent. Very nice and refreshing, something great for a hot day in the summer. I like!


    Edit.....this has either linen or a creamy white floral, way back in the mix.....reminds me of Dirty.....so I call it Dirty By The Sea.

  9. This is less sparkly and more syrupy sweet than I was expecting. Very sugary. To me it's more of a dessert scent than a 'drink' scent. Blueberry is the star here and if you think you might like a blueberry perfume, this is the one to look for! I haven't smelled anything else like this one, and I will enjoy my decant.

  10. Oddly, this is the closest blend to my first Chaos Theory that I've come across. Take away most of the sweetness of that blend, and maybe add a bit of savory spiciness, and that's what Intergalactic smells like to me. I'm glad I don't get 'hairspray' from this, like others have. It reminds me of Indian cooking spices, a little bit. But there's obviously more going on here. There is kind of a crisp-ness, like dried leaves? And something almost scorched. Very interesting scent, and nothing like I was expecting. I am not going to go way out of my way to find more, but it is something I could wear. The one problem is very, very little throw. I'm glad I got to try this!

  11. This is a glittery, jangly scent, big on floral notes, but complex, too. I like the way it smells, but it's not quite a scent for me. It might work well as a room scent but I generally use tarts for that. I do like the underlying smokey qualities.


    I think Chrysanthemum Moon works better for me, as far as smokey and floral scents go. I do like the images Gypsy Queen brings to mind, though.

  12. This is totally soap, from the get-go. Not like lily, though. It's softer and not screeching like lily tends to do on my skin. Nice but not a keeper for me.


    Edit: To be fair, the soapyness did wear off a bit, and it became an almost fizzy rainy showery scent. It's not bad, but still not quite a keeper for me. There are too many other scents competing for space in my collection.

  13. I think this is an older imp. I keep getting frimps of this, Paris is stalking me! :P For some reason I kept thinking this was a rose scent. Anyway.....


    This is nice, I don't pick up lavender, but I can smell the lotus and spices. I don't know why but this scent reminds me of crayons. It's a nice scent, nothing bad about it, just not overwhelming me. I'm giving some short reviews these days, for imps that have been hanging around and I need to decide what to do with them. This one I think I shall swap.

  14. This is a good, good scent.


    As spicy scents go, I like some of them and dislike others. I like Shub, of course, among some others. However, there are just as many that I don't like.....Saw-Scaled Viper and Smiling Spider (really wanted to like this but it's woody and sour on me), for example.


    Anyway, this one works. Just the right combination of smooth, sweet, and spicy. The big shot of vanilla really makes this scent for me. It almost reminds me of Snake Oil's vanilla, especially because it has great lasting power. I applied 5 hours ago and it's still wafting up from time to time. I don't pick up on the pine at all, which is fine.....I do like that note, but I recognize that it's just supporting in this scent.


    Definitely worth picking up a bottle before the Carnaval leaves town!

  15. I confess that now, two years after the quoted post, I've used all of these alone and in combination to wash off scents. I was such a newbie when I said that......(once I was hand-washing some white shirts and conveniently stuck my hands in the bleachy water just to get rid of a scent I was trying.....still, the bleach gave me a rash : /)


    Anyway, I find that a lot of washing off strips the oil from my skin completely. Then I can't test anything for a while....the oil just gets sucked right up by my skin, and the scent is distorted.


    Rubbing alcohol?

    Salt and lemon juice?



    Wow, be good to your skin....on top of removing your bpal oil you're removing your skin's natural oils which are there for good reasons...and people go to the e.r. for contact with bleach, don't forget!


    I did feel a need to get Silk Road off because I was tired of smelling like my great grandmother's house (as nice as those memories are)...so I just jumped in the shower and used Kiss My Face Olive Oil soap. But I haven't had big problems like some of you, where something stayed on me for days. I guess that calls for drastic measures!

  16. I'm not a huge fan of sweet and fruity scents (there are exceptions), so imagine my surprise when I loved this scent. It's funny because I was perusing the reviews, thinking 'that sounds rather nice, I can't believe I haven't tried it yet'. The very next day, I recieved my pending lab order, and this was among the free samples!


    It does have a major sweet/fruity/almost bubblegum feeling going on, but somehow it manages to also be warm and slightly spicy, I guess because of the herbs and amber. Whatever is going on, I really like it. I could wear this in warm weather but I think it would be extra-scrumptious in the fall. Maybe a bottle candidate? I'll try it a few more times and decide.

  17. I like this scent a lot, and I think I smelled just about all the notes listed while wearing it. It's somewhat related to F5, but more humid (but cool at the same time), rounder, more full-bodied, and definitely fruity. I really like the musk, it stands out but is different from other musks that I'm familiar with.


    I tend to wear these kinds of scents to work, because they seem a bit more traditional and I don't need to worry about offending anyone. I may be tracking down more of this. I'd say if you read the description and think that you'll like this, you probably will!

  18. This scent is wonderful! I'm not sure why I didn't have any interest at first, probably because of honeysuckle and orris. But a kind soul sent me a sniffie, and I love it!


    I actually like jasmine, especially when the weather is hot and humid. It behaves in this blend and allows the other notes to play too. There is a slight touch of powder which I attribute to orris, but it's not so bad. If it were any more powdery I wouldn't like it, but as it is, it's just right.


    I really can't pick out other notes here, it's just all blended together. Gender neutral is how I would describe this. For some reason I'm reminded of Lysander, just a little. I agree that the scent matches the dreamy 'green' tone of the portrait. I could see wearing this to work (applied lightly), to a party, even a formal occasion. I've already snagged a decant, and who knows....I may end up with more before all is said and done. This could be a new favorite! Just goes to show how little I can predict what I'm going to like.

  19. CV (105)


    Light honeyed floral scent with rose and perhaps some herbs.


    This goes on like a light floral, with a hint of herbal bite. As it dries/warms up, there is a sweetness that I'm pretty sure is honey. Although I usually dislike honey, this one is so light it doesn't bother me. That's why I think it might be a white honey note. After a while, a very soft rose comes out. When I first wore it, it took about 20 minutes for me to even recognize the rose.....it takes that long to come out. So, this is nowhere near the rose of, say, Rose Red. But I do smell rose, and it's a nice one.....stops short of soapy or powdery.


    This is so pretty, and I know there's more complexity than what I'm describing. While it's definitely not a 'me' scent, I find it very appealing and it was great fun to explore the scent.

  20. ... anyone got pix of the new labels? I see a CTIV review, so I know boxes are landing! :P


    My batteries are dead so I can't take pics. The label is black, with gold/yellowish orange print, and a subtle fractal pattern winding through the background. The roman numerals are hand-written in metallic gold ink. I'm sure someone will post pics soon...

  21. After reading other reviews, I really wanted to like this, because sometimes I have a thing for the underdog. This doesn't seem to be a hugely popular scent!


    At first application, I smell something close to juniper, and it reminds me a lot of Golden Priapus. It's woodsy and a little sharp, but doesn't have a whole lot of throw. I agree that it leans to the masculine side, and I actually like it. I kept wondering when the hazelnut would come out, and it finally did, bringing a hint of powdery sweetness to the blend. I tend to amp sweet notes like crazy so I kind of expected hazelnut to ruin the scent for me, and it almost does. It's just shy of too sweet and a little powdery somehow. Still, an interesting combination and not bad on my skin.


    Overall, this scent is not offensive at all, and I actually kind of like it. It didn't quite work its way into my favorites, but I'll keep my little leaky imp and wear it again a few times.

  22. I giggled so hard when I saw this topic.


    hmm, I immediately think of the warrior scents from Illyria - Antony (leather, ambergris, frankincense, sage, basil) and Titus Andronicus (sandalwood, frankincense, neroli, bergamot) for theme.


    But honestly, I think Batman, or at least Bruce Wayne, would smell like Manhattan - rich and sophisticated - amber, leather, tea, orchids, polished teak, biting citrus.


    Tonight my theme is Catwoman, even thought she's not in the movie, and tonight Selina Kyle smells like Shub Niggurath! Spicy and dangerous!


    I thought of Manhattan right away, too! Very subtle and refined.

  23. Interesting.....I've tried this repeatedly over a few months, and it hasn't changed. It's nearly a frankincense single-note for me. The other notes all seem to be just supporting the frankincense. If I concentrate I can pick out little flashes of the other notes, but not enough to identify anything. I bet if I tested this side by side with frankincense essential oil, the other notes would pop out more. Maybe I'll try that just out of curiosity.


    I like frankincense a lot, so it's all good!
