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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by forspecial_plate

  1. ....kebechet is the bee's knees! : D

  2. I can haz wish list back? : )

    1. furygrrl


      This! I miss mine more than I expected. :/

  3. Stubbornly refusing to watch Girl With A Dragon Tattoo....even though I would probably like it.

    1. cyanidenoir


      Netflix keeps suggesting it to me but I refuse to watch it too *hmph* How dare I watch something I might like!

    2. surf-tormented


      I got sucked into watching all three last Black Friday. It was the blackest Friday ever. They were good, I am not sure if they stand up to all the hype, but it was a good way to blow about eight or so hours of time.

  4. Thanks for my comment! Liquid Sky is an all-time favorite. : )

  5. Thanks! I've been trying to update your feedback but the site won't let me...I'll keep trying! : )

  6. You are so much fun! : )
