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Everything posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    DCCCXXXVI (836)... Bright, soapy, maybe floral? I think Nightbird was right, there may be a little pine (or juniper?) in this. I was thinking maybe ozone too, because it goes really soapy/cleanser on me. Reminds me a little of violets, but doesn't turn powdery like violets usually do on me. Just not the kind of scent I really enjoy! MXXXII (1032?)... This was just a sniffie from Deana. It smells really good. I got a big blast of sea spray at first, I think...it has that bracing salty feel that I remember from the ocean blends, and also smells a little bit soapy on me. After just a couple minutes I can smell sandalwood. Interesting. It's reminding me of a brighter Kingsport, but instead of "incandescent mist" it has smokey sandalwood incense wafting in and out of the mix. There might be more here, it does smell complex, but I can't put my finger on what else is in it. It lasted a long time...eventually the ocean scent faded and the sandalwood remained. It's really nice, and I'm glad I got to try it! I have enough to wear it a couple more times, at least.
  2. forspecial_plate

    Pumpkin Queen

    Bought a bottle for my mom, and very happy to get a chance to try it on myelf! In the bottle, reminds me a lot of CTIII: Strange Attractors CDLXII, except slightly more spicy. Okay, since not many have tried that scent....Pumpkin Queen in the bottle is very buttery, with a sweet spiciness behind it. I put it on and the buttery-ness blooms for a few minutes, then the sweet citrus and spice come forward as the butter takes a bow and retreats. The ginger and spice are indeed something akin to Shub-Niggurath, except there is more going on here, probably because of the amber and orange peel. It's kind of a faint scent on me, but doesn't have to throw a lot to get its impact across. Kind of like a queen issueing a command in a calm speaking voice...there's power behind the beauty. As far as the pumpkin, I'm not sure I'm good at picking out that particular note. It doesn't remind me of carving a pumpkin...it's more like the spices from a pumpkin pie that spring to mind. The amber and ginger (I think) combine to make this something other than purely foody. It's good stuff, that's for sure. I decided that rather than buy myself a bottle, I'll just be content in the knowledge that my mom has a bottle and I'll enjoy smelling it when she wears it. I'm really glad I got to try it.
  3. forspecial_plate


    Whip starts out all rose on me. Eventually it settles down into something I can live with. It doesn't really smell like leather though....I guess the combination of notes sort of blend to become their own single identity. The rose is still there but the leather blends with it to create something unfamiliar but nice. I don't know....I'll keep it around, maybe I'll find a use for it....or I may end up swapping it.
  4. forspecial_plate


    At first Seraphim is just soap on me, which I guess is the lily or maybe the combination of florals. After a long while, the sharp soapiness fades and it has a more woody smell. Not worth the wait, though. : ( The very soapy stage reminds me of violet, which is not a good thing for me. I'm not big on floral scents. Edit Nearly two years later, I got another frimp of this somewhere, and tried it again. Now it strikes me as a 'glittery' floral scent, with a strange, faint undertone of.....bread? Something kind of doughy about it, which I'm guessing is just one of the floral notes going weird on me.
  5. forspecial_plate


    Unfortunately this isn't working for me. All I get is powdery sweet, fruity-grape-candy smell which has a lot of throw and lasts and lasts without turning into anything that I like. No bay or incense that I can detect. I guess what I'm getting is honey wine, in a big way. Association time: Delphi reminds me strongly of some 'grape' flavored liquid asthma medicine I had to take as a kid. It was so bad, it was the first time in my life that I wanted to take pills, and hence that is when I 'learned' how to take pills. This smell a lot like that tasted and thus has a bad association for me.
  6. forspecial_plate

    Dr. John Seward

    I like Dr. John Seward...although my review may imply that I don't. At first it's a big rush of high, sweet floral which is either the champaca itself, or maybe in combination with the poppy smoke, although I'm not getting anything smokey here. It is heady and delirious, although not in the darker way that I was hoping for. What it does smell like is artificial banana flavor. It's such a strong association that I'm surprised nobody else got it so far. Just my skin, I guess... After it dries a bit the 'banana' floral backs off and lets some of the other notes come forward just a bit. If they are there at all, it's all supporting the main floral feel of this. I don't get any sandalwood that I can tell, and not really any smokiness at all. Ginger and white pepper....if I think about it, they might be coming out just a little bit. So far the times I've worn this I fell asleep before it faded completely...then when I woke up a couple hours later it was gone. *poof* Not much throw, and not a lot of staying power. But my skin is dry a lot of the time so that might contribute. I do like this, it smells kind of classy or sophisticated, and quite unusual and unique. I'm definitely holding on to it in hopes that aging it will bring out more of the smokiness and spiciness that I really wanted.
  7. forspecial_plate

    Fenris Wolf

    Glad I finally got to try this, it has been on my wish list for a while. At first, I'm reminded of Blood Kiss quite a bit, I guess because of the musk. It's a spicy, earthy scent that seems to me to be in the same family as Blood Kiss, Kabuki, and Scherezade, all of which smell kind of related to me. But then as it dries it becomes its own animal. I start to smell what I kept thinking was a little bit of civet, along with the sandalwood. It comes together into something that is a sum of its parts rather than individual notes. It is indeed wild, making me think of animals in their natural habitat, the same way Satyr did. Kind of repellant to my nose and something I'll most likely swap. Edit: This is yet another scent that I'm glad I gave another chance. Someone gave me a new imp of it and I really like it right now....maybe I have to be in just the right mood. I think it's the red musk that was rubbing me the wrong way before. I love it today!
  8. forspecial_plate

    R.M. Renfield

    Renfield is a weird one, that's for sure! He's spicy and very dry...spicy and mossy, and I would say leans toward masculine or maybe gender neutral...I do think some of the girls would like this. I have worn it 3 times and got 3 different impressions/associations from it. It's kind of a twitchy or active scent, if that makes any sense at all. I did get a little of the neroli, which added just a little bit of sweetness. Not at all like Count Dracula which is kind of poised and brooding. Nope, Renfield is true to his character...unpredictable and...cagey, maybe? Could I be more vague? The second time I put on too much and got a harsh, almost chemical smell that reminded me of Scarecrow. That time I could definitely smell the cumin, which I like but can also be kind of too much for a body scent. Well, tonight I put on just a teensy bit..like 3 little dabs from the cap...and this time, the throw is kind of metallic. It keeps reminding me of blood....like real human blood, believe it or not. It's still spicy and mossy, but I think now I'm getting the overall scent in more of a blended-together way than I did before. Very unique and somehow works really well on me. I actually wore it to work. I'm really glad I took a chance on this scent. Challenging and rewarding!
  9. forspecial_plate

    Al Azif

    First of all, I'm a big fan of The Pit and the Pendulum. It's one of my favorite of the many bpal 'incense' blends. Well, Al Azif on the surface smells very similar to PnP. They have one or more of the exact same notes going on. However....it crosses the line into TOO sweet. I've only had it on for about an hour and I already feel like I can't handle it. It lacks the wood element of PnP, as far as I can tell. There is a very subtle underlying element of....I'm not sure, something dry and crumbly. It has a core of corruption and some high, sweet element reminding me of rot and decay. Very strong throw and a little goes a long way. Now that it's starting to dry, I am sensing something more pleasant trying to emerge. I just can't leave it on, though. I may hold onto the imp, since earlier reviews say that it ages well...but I might just swap it. I can't see myself wanting to wear it again any time soon. Funny how it's so much like one of my favorite scents, yet it's starting to turn my stomach a little.
  10. forspecial_plate

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Today I tried a regular coffee stirrer and it brought way too much oil out of the bottle. I do like the McDonalds coffee stirrers because the end is shaped like a little paddle and it's good for getting as much out as you want. What I really want are caps with glass wands.
  11. forspecial_plate

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    From my experience...Creepy has a very caramel-y smell, kind of smooth and melty. Sugar Skull is more like maple syrup and brown sugar...more of a crystallized sugar smell...but no apple or cinnamon. That's my nose's opinion, anyway...maybe both would be worth looking into. I've only tried last year's Sugar Skull but I like it better than Creepy. : )
  12. forspecial_plate


    With Wrath I had my typical dragon's blood experience, which is, it smelled very brightly floral for a little while, with a little spicy cinnamon mixed in. Then the dragon's blood resin dries and it settles into sweet and spicy. Pleasant but somehow anything with dragon's blood just kind of sits on my skin, not doing much exciting for me. It's not bad, just kind of....unexciting for me.
  13. forspecial_plate


    Lenore smells vaguely green and herbal to me. I would never be able to pick out individual notes in this blend. It's well blended but on my skin turns kind of stale. Really all I can pick out is maybe the thyme...but I never would have guessed that it has vetiver. It keeps reminding me of some other GC blend....I want to say Black Tower although I don't think they have notes in common. Maybe it's just in the sense that they are both complex but blended to the point that they become kind of indistinct on me, and both turn just a little stale on my skin. Lenore is weird on me. I think I'll give someone else a shot at it.
  14. forspecial_plate

    Count Dracula

    The Count has been wafting around me for 4 hours now (with one touch-up), and I think I can safely say he has become another favorite. In the words of the evil doctor in Hellraiser II: "And to think....I hesitated......" Count Dracula starts out spicy, sweet and musky, almost like Devil's Night but more mature and not as sweet. Very subtle and delicious. I'm also reminded of the dark herbal/faint spicyness of Schwarzer Mond (which is what I traded for the Count)....much more subtle than that scent, yet spicier. After a while, maybe an hour or two, I swear I can smell a little bit of juniper in Count Dracula. Maybe that is what his coffin is made of. Usually I don't like Bpal's juniper, but here it's behaving quite nicely. It brings a hushed dignity to the scent that reminds me of Oblivion but again, more subtle. Then, after another hour or two, the sweetness comes back and with it, the ginger comes out. I love every stage of the Count, especially since through all this morphing and shifting, the overall mood of menacing quiet, dark and silky seduction, remains consistent. And the absolute best part is the subtlety....I actually wore this to a staff meeting, something I don't usually feel comfortable doing. Just a couple little dabs were perfect. It will be great for those times that I don't want to broadcast a scent all around me.
  15. forspecial_plate


    I'm on the fence about Oblivion...I read the description the first time I ever saw the bpal site, and I've been wanting to try it ever since. I finally got to try it thanks to the lovely projectx. My first impression is that it's close to a 'traditional' cologne or perfume, more so that most other bpal oils. No one note sticks out at first, then after a few minutes I start to smell......juniper. Uh oh, this might not be good. Yes, I swear I can smell a little bit of juniper which I have hated in Golden Priapus and didn't like in Burial....but surprisingly, it's not terrible here. It's more balanced by the labdanum I think (that's a resin, right?)...or maybe the musk, I'm not sure. There is some kind of sweetness that balances the woodiness of it. After a couple hours the sweetness has come out more strongly, making it more of an enjoyable scent. Overall I'm just not sure....this doesn't grab me right away as being a favorite, but I don't hate it either. I may have to try it again just to make up my mind. My basic impression is that Oblivion smells elegant, posh, something kind of glamorous and also desolate. There's very little warmth here. It has a pretty strong throw and staying power. Edit: First of all, sweet notes often amp out of control on my skin. That said, Oblivion does the oddest thing after drying down for about 30-45 minutes. Gradually, this soft, marshmallow-y note comes out, gets stronger and stronger, until it smells almost like Midway. Could it be the labdanum?? Am I crazy? It's almost like cotton candy. So weird!
  16. forspecial_plate

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Mme Moriarty starts out sweet and spicy vanilla, very similar to Snake Oil. Within minutes, I start getting a very distinct incense vibe...like little wisps of incense smoke...it could be the patchouli combined with the fruits. Am I the only one that smells nag champa in this? It builds stronger and stronger until after an hour or so, I'm getting mostly sweet incense smoke, backed by the vanilla and spices, and it's just amazing. This was really love at first sniff for me. It was kind of like Meg Ryan in the restaurant faking an orgasm, in that movie with Billy Crystal....except I wasn't faking it. At around the 1.5 to 2 hour mark, it does veer a little towards too-sweet, almost cloying, but thankfully it's now back to the sexy incense smell that I absolutely fell in love with, and the sweetness has backed off a little, letting the earthiness of the patchouli come out more. The vanilla remains throughout, supporting the other notes. It has been 3 hours since I first put it on, so I think it's safe to say that Mme Moriarty has taken a place in my top 5 favorites! : D Thanks, Beth, for making my day! Edit: I just want to add that Mme. Moriarty is incredibley potent on my skin. I really only wear teeny little swipes of it, and my decant is still mostly full (over eight months later!). I still want to get a bottle but I have been putting it off, because I use so little of it! I know that one bottle is going to last me for a loooong time....but I also know it's going to age really well so I'm not worried about trying to use it up fast or anything.
  17. forspecial_plate


    Bengal starts out a sweet cinnamon/clove mixture. The ginger and pepper support. Reminds me of a sweeter Port au Prince, with echoes of Silk Road. After a couple hours the honey really comes out on my skin, making it very sweet with a spicy depth. Actually works really well on me. I have so many loved imps to compete with, I don't know if I'll wear it much, but I'll most likely keep the imp.
  18. forspecial_plate


    When I wore this all I could think of was 'The Sweater Song' by Meryn Cadell: "The sweater has that faintly goat-like smell which all teenage boys possess, and that smell will lovingly transfer to all your other clothes If you get to keep it for a few days you can sleep with it but don't let your mom see, 'cause she'll say, "what is that filthy thing, and who does it belong to besides the trash man?" So you have to keep it under the covers with you You can kind of lie it beside you, or wrap it around your waist, or touch it on your legs, or whatever That's your business..." I detect patchouli, or vetiver, or both, maybe some clove or other spiciness...a little like Voodoo. Underneath it all is a faint, disconcerting note that I guess must be civet, because it's the same 'goat' thing that lots of other people mentioned. Basically Satyr is a little too wild for me, not tame at all...which I guess is fitting to the name and concept.
  19. forspecial_plate

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    This sort of clashed and jangled on my skin...it probably doesn't help that I had a really bad headache when I tried it. All I could smell was cedar or wood, and a rose that didn't work for me at all. Now I'm afraid to try it again, because I feel like it might make me have a bad headache again just from the memory of trying it. Not a good feeling at all and now it's associated with P&T. edit: To be fair, I let this age for a couple months and tried it again. It's not as bad this time. Dry, woody, something kind of peppery, which I think is the labdanum. I can smell the rose, too. I'm not loving this, but there's something intrigueing here that's making me want to hold onto it, so I will, and I'll update again if my opinion changes drastically.
  20. forspecial_plate


    I can't help comparing this to Sugar Skull ('05 is the one I have)....because they are both very sugary and sweet. But where Sugar Skull reminds me of baked/baking, crystallized sugar, Creepy is all melted, liquid caramel-y sugar. With apple. The apple flows in and out of the mix, but I don't get much if any of the other notes.....no coconut that I can smell, maybe just a little booze. Changes very little if at all from application to drying/warming up. Nice comfy sweet smell. I find that it has just a little less throw than the Sugar Skull, which really broadcasts from my skin. I may end up giving this to my youngest sister, I think she would like it.
  21. forspecial_plate


    When I first tried Thanatos, I didn't get very excited about it....and yet...I knew there was something going on that I wanted to explore further, so I just set it aside for a few weeks. It stayed in the corner of my mind and then yesterday, I knew the time was right to try it again. I quickly realized that I love it, and I don't know what changed, maybe just that I've smelled a few more scents now and I'm learning what I appreciate more. Thanatos is really wonderful.....deep, sexy, dark, smokey sandalwood, but more than 'just' sandalwood. If I sniff up close, I can smell rose. Other than that and the sandalwood, I'm not getting much in the way of individual notes....just a smooth, quiet, incense-y yumminess. This has definitely entered my top 10 and I might need a bottle. Edit I love Thanatos, still. I think I still have that same imp that I first tried. Now the notes have kind of flip-flopped....the rose is stronger, and the wood and resin come out in the dry-down. It's heavy, strong, and nearly powdery, which is usually a turn-off for me. But this scent is so great. I don't wear it much, because it has the feel of a solemn, formal occasion. I'm wearing it now, though, and I just can't stop sniffing up close, trying to pick apart notes. Beautiful.
  22. forspecial_plate

    Baron Samedi

    Oooh, I really like Baron Samedi. At first it's heavy on the almonds, which I love. There is some spice and bay rum in the background, that comes forward as the almond fades, which happends pretty quickly, within the first hour. Can't usually get almond to last on me but that's okay. For a while, this has clove and spices similar to Port au Prince, with the almond sort of lingering, and the bay rum starting to come forward more strongly. I kind of wish the almonds didn't fade so fast, but it's okay because I like the direction it takes. Bay rum is a funny thing....there have been other Bpal's that didn't work for me that reminded me of bay rum. Voodoo comes to mind, the final dry stage of it is like a strong bay rum that on my skin turns into cheap men's after-shave. I'm starting to think Schwarzer Mond does the same thing (sad, I know...). Baron Samedi, though, has a sweetness that stays around and joins hands with the bay rum, smoothing out that edge that those other blends have. This is a drawn out way of saying Baron Samedi works on me, in a way that other blends come close to but end up being too......dry, or something. I'm going to keep wearing B.S. from the imp and it may even be a 5ml candidate. It really does smell like something traditional with a twist.
  23. forspecial_plate

    Dragon's Claw

    Dragon's blood resin and sandalwood are both notes that I don't hate but haven't exactly embraced. However I try everything that comes my way, and the Ars Draconis line seems to be stalking me so I gave it a whirl. At first, as usual, the DB overpowers anything else in the blend. To me it is a sweet resin-y floral, not bad really, but not entirely my thing. Then the sandalwoods start to peek out, and after an hour or so, the DB has faded considerably...which it always does on me. The notes all actually start to blend now, more than I was expecting. For a while they were very 'seperate', so I could detect both distinctly. Anyway now they are blending together and this is an all around sweet, incense-y, sort of smokey and floral blend with a mild throw. Not bad, but just not doing much for me. I don't know why but I never really get excited about dragon's blood resin. Just not my thing I guess.
  24. forspecial_plate

    Quincey Morris

    Quincey Morris is a wonderful surprise for me...I wasn't really excited about it, and swapped for a little sniffie of it.....Wow! I fell in love with it. On me it is simply leather, with the sweetness of pear and vanilla, and not much else....very simple and beautiful. The other notes quietly support the lovely clean leather smell. To me this is a brown leather, not black leather. It is sweet and surprisingly light smelling, reminding me of a rugged, sweet man with a good heart. I put it on 5 hours ago and it still has pretty good throw, and hasn't changed much from the initial application. Must get a bottle of this before it goes away! edit: Wanted to add that much later some musk did come out in this blend...but for the most part I didn't smell the musk very much at all, which after thinking about it I thought was unusual (not in a bad way).
  25. forspecial_plate

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Definitely smelling the musk in Theodosius, and the earl grey tea brings a citrus twang to the mixture. Also I think I can smell the vanilla bean, adding to the already sweet musk. As it dries, the musk warms up and becomes stronger. Sophisticated is the word I'm thinking of here, and also strikes me as a good gender neutral perfume. I like it.....however, I feel that it's similar enough to F5 that I don't need whole bottles of both (I have a decanted imp of Theo). Seems to be in the same scent 'family' as F5, but I like F5 just a little better.