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Everything posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    When I wore Ra (and also when my 1 imp leaked all over the place), it had a lot of orange blossom or neroli.
  2. forspecial_plate

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    I definitely agree with many already mentioned, especially Penny Dreadful and Jolasveinar. And I'll add a couple: Laudanum...."Nutmeg, sassafras, black poppy and myrrh." Mad Hatter..."A gentlemen's lavender-citron cologne unhinged by the feral pungence of black musk and a paroxysm of pennyroyal." The Robotic Scarab...."Polished metallic notes, glossy leather, frankincense, star anise, and thin lubricating oils." The Music Of Eric Zahn...."ajowan, vetiver, black musk, opoponax, mimosa, and tamarind." I agree that the whole Arkham category has some pretty offbeat scents. For that matter, Shub-Niggurath is pretty unusual ("The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices"). Incubus...."Spectral white musk and the heart-stopping chill of sheared mint, fanned by caramel-touched body heat, and the diabolical sensuality of black musk, nicotiana, and sage." This scent actually gave me the creeps, although I do like how it smells. *shrugs*
  3. forspecial_plate

    A Murder of Crows

    This is a sooty and dusky grey scent, and it reminds me a little bit of Bat and Bat Woman. But this has feathers instead of fur and skin. : ) Loved having the chance to try this scent. I like amber usually, and verbena too. I think what I'm getting from this is mostly floral and herbs, with a background of amber. I don't get much verbena at all, and nothing fruity like I might expect from davana. Thanks so much to the wonderfully generous forum member who sent me this! : )
  4. forspecial_plate

    Are oils toxic if ingested?

    I've accidentally tasted them too, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to repeat the experience. : /
  5. forspecial_plate

    BPAL for Costume Parties, Halloween Costumes

    Even though there's not much in the way of sweetness listed in the description, I get a definite vibe of either apple or honey from Samhainophobia, much like the sweet notes in Samhain. I'm curious on what you end up wearing, keep us updated!
  6. forspecial_plate

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    I noticed right away something reminiscent of both Midway and Midnight On The Midway......slightly sugary with incense. But I found this much lighter than M On The M. In fact, this scent seems to shift like crazy on my skin, never really settling into something that I can get a grasp of. Very light, not much ozone, and slightly herbal. Other than that, it seems to want to run away from my nose. I can tell something is there but it's hard to describe what I'm smelling. Reading back over the notes, I expected something like Midnight On The Midway, but darker. This doesn't smell as I expected it to! I will most likely give this at least one more chance, but I think I much prefer Midnight On The Midway.
  7. forspecial_plate

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Kingsport is my enduring favorite aquatic scent, but it can be a little hard to find. If you're not opposed to vetiver, The Stormhold is a great newer aquatic scent. Actually it reminds me of Kingsport, except a bit more gritty.
  8. forspecial_plate


    A soft, sensual, luxuriant blend with a wicked bite: hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond. Hellcat starts out smelling like marzipan. After a while, the almond fades and it smells just like Sugar Skull to me. A quick review, because that's really all I can say! I love Sugar Skull, and I do like almond, so this is a winner for me. I pretty much have all the sweet scents that I need, so I won't get a whole bottle of this. Good to have an imp around, though! The buttercream and honey had potential to go haywire, but fortunately all the notes are blended and in perfect balance for me. : )
  9. forspecial_plate


    This really is a bizarre little scent. It's mostly herbal and I agree that it's kind of like sticking your head inside an herb cabinet. It has a strong throw, and there's not any particular note that goes bad on me. I think the problem I have is that it's a little too.....busy, or chaotic. I'm definitely giving it a couple weeks and then trying it again. I'm so happy to see star anise getting some love, and I'd be thrilled to be able to wear this. It would be a scent to wear when you want to be sure nobody else smells like you! Edit: sadly I just can't wear this. Something is making me slightly queasy, and I like fennel and anise, so I know it's not those. Not sure what but something here is icky on me. : /
  10. forspecial_plate

    The Two-Headed Goat

    I've worn this a couple times, and unfortunately it comes off as too strong and masculine. I like it for a few minutes, but it seems to get stronger as it dries and it lasts for a really long time. Dee and Schwarzer Mond both have this same quality, but in different ways. I do have some favorite masculine scents, but this one was just too much and ends up smelling like overbearing after-shave on me. Edit: I have to add, in its favor, none of the notes stand out strongly. I don't get powder from the musk. It seems to be blended seamlessly, which is a good thing. Just not on me. : /
  11. forspecial_plate


    The Ladies of the Grindhouse have been a tricky bunch for me. I've had trouble predicting which ones I would like, and I thought I might like this scent more than I do. I have to admit I tried it while testing a few other scents, and Cytherea kind of got lost in the maelstrom. There is a dry, papery quality that I'm guessing comes from orris and/or white sandalwood. I thought that with vanilla, champaca, and kush, the scent would be more rich and substantial. Usually champaca takes off like crazy on me but I don't remember smelling it at all. Mainly this reminds me a bit of Heavenly Love And Earthly Love, with less incense and more powder/floral notes. It's also very faint on my skin (but, again, it might have been crowded out by the other scents I was wearing). Generally I don't like the scents that remind me of paper, so this would not get much wear from me, I'm afraid. More for everyone else to love and hoard. : )
  12. forspecial_plate


    I can't add much here, except I agree with pretty much all the reviews before mine. I really enjoy this scent, although I've only worn it once so far. It's deep and somewhat dark, musky and fruity at the same time, kind of like Antonino. I got the same initial burst of fig that others mentioned, which backed off and let the other notes come forward after just a few minutes. I can definitely smell the orange and myrrh, blending oh-so-beautifully with wood and light, warm spice. This is just a great, sexy scent. I can easily imagine a man or woman wearing this one. I just have a sniffie now but I am going to need more! I remember why I was wary of this.....I thought that with dark myrrh and black musk, there would be at least a little powder going on. That is not the case. Somehow, I'm not getting powder from this at all!
  13. forspecial_plate

    Mort de Cesar

    At first I wasn't sure about this one. I put it away for a couple months and now, I'm glad I have it! It's reminiscent of a couple other scents like Minotaur and even Tiki King, a little bit. But this scent definitely has its own personality separate from those others. It's a deep scent that I would call masculine, with spices, musk, and a little wood. The throw is really strong for me and lasts a long time. When I first wore it, there was something almost powdery but thankfully that aspect has backed off since I received my bottle. Definitely a scent I'll be wearing again.
  14. forspecial_plate


    So far this is the clear winner from the newest CD scents, in my book. Very light and smooth, golden and polished. It reminds me strongly of Aureus, without that scent's sharper wood notes. When I wear Bezoar I can barely smell it, but sometimes that's a good thing. I do think I can smell the hay note, and I really love it. Makes me wonder if perhaps I should have grabbed a bottle of Hay Moon when it was available. If I didn't already have a whole bottle of Aureus, I would definitely be getting 5ml of Bezoar. As it is, I might just get it anyway. Edit: After a couple more tries, I've decided like a few others that this is just a mite bit too faint. I love the cardamom, I really do, but today I applied heavily and could barely smell the scent unless I sniffed up close.
  15. forspecial_plate

    Hand of Glory

    This turned ultra-powdery on me, in the worst way. It reminded me of one of the Dogs Playing Poker scents, His Station With 4 Aces I think? The one with lilac (which doesn't make sense, since I don't think they have any notes in common). I like some leather scents but unfortunately not this one. I tried it twice just to be sure. I really don't smell the leather, pepper, or sandalwood, as far as I can tell. All I can smell is powdery, flowery sharpness. Not a winner for me!
  16. forspecial_plate

    Te Po

    This is an odd little scent. When I tried it on yesterday I didn't have the description handy, but I knew I had it on my list to try. I smelled the almond, definitely, and a lot of fizzy alcohol. Ultimately, it didn't quite come together for me. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't something I'd wear again. Just a little too sweet and boozy. I think I was interested in about half the notes, and I could pick them out, but overall this wasn't a favorite for me.
  17. forspecial_plate


    I really like this, which just goes to show I don't know what I like any more. I thought I was pretty much done with the sweet scents, except for a few old favorites that I never get tired of. But this smells great. I like the simplicity of it. And mostly it reminds me of almost buttery vanilla with maybe a touch of coconut (even though there's no coconut). It's a sexy scent, and it reminds me of summer. So, out of all the Tiki scents that I tried, this one is the surprise winner so far. I still want to try the ashy one (Moai?).
  18. forspecial_plate

    The Illustrated Woman

    I got lucky and landed an unexpected decant of this. After the rave reviews, I really wanted to try it even despite the honey. This scent goes through some changes as I wear it. For the first few seconds, it's just plain odd.....kind of savory/foody like Indian food or something. But as it settles on my skin, it becomes rich, woody, and wonderful. I love the way it smells for a while......I'd say, maybe an hour. It's just deep, somewhat dark, and somewhat complex but well blended. Then, after a while, the honey note really settles into my skin and kind of takes over. It's unfortunate because it's a note I really don't often get along with, and I was so hopeful that for once it was going to work. It's just too much honey after a while. I'm definitely going to hold onto my decant and try it again from time to time, if only to get that first stage of rugged beauty.
  19. forspecial_plate


    This smelled so, so good for the first half hour or so. I really like the myrrh, and I think the carnation just adds a touch of spice. I was absolutely sure that I would need a bottle. I didn't find it foody, more like woods and resins, and a little spice, and to me the perfect example of gender neutral. After about a half hour, the scent just went flat on me. At that point I mostly smelled vanilla musk, and the other notes just kind of faded into the background. I'm glad I got to try a friend's bottle, and I might have to get a decant for myself, just because that first short while was so incredible, and I'm sad to give up on this scent.
  20. forspecial_plate

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    Here's the 1 other review I found for this blend: On a whim, I bought this from ebay, and I'm quite glad I did! Not sure if it was supremegoddess that sold it to me, but if so, thanks, lady! : ) This scent is incredible. It definitely, absolutely has a component from Snake Oil and Tamora, which I guess would be amber. It reminds me strongly of the Snake Pit scents, and if this were one of them, it would be the lightest of the bunch. It's kind of plant-like, but there's also either an anise note or possibly leather....something you can only smell close-up. The throw is like a light, powdery cross between Snake Oil and Buck Moon. I've never tried Ivanushka but I imagine it might smell like this. My problem is I've gone off Snake Oil lately. I've been getting more powder than usual from the scent and it gets a little cloying after a while. Undoubtedly I will come around to loving it again, so I'm very very happy that I found this little gem. I can't wait to share it with certain local friends and hear their take on it! : ) Edit: wanted to add, this doesn't have vanilla. I get why supremegoddess called it spicy, but to me that comes off as amber. It's like a stripped-down Snake Oil with some light springy elements layered over it. YUM.
  21. forspecial_plate

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    For lovers of Red Moon (the newer one, from '07), you should try The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus. Compared to Red Moon it's a little stripped down, and maybe slightly more cologne-y, but definitely in the same family. In other words, yum. : )
  22. forspecial_plate

    The Blockhead

    Wow, the Blockhead surprised me a little.......I think I was expecting a quirky novelty scent but this is really quite 'wearable'. I thought the pink bubblegum would be too much, but for me it's actually subtle. This scent is reminiscent of New Year's Eve In Dogville, it has some of that masculine/feminine interplay. Kind of perfumey and cologney, at the same time, with a sugary element from the bubblegum that's almost effervescent. To be honest I forgot about the rusty metal note, when I first tried it. I knew it had leather but I couldn't smell that so much, either. Maybe just a little bit but nothing like Quincey Morris which is mostly leather for me. I'm also reminded of La Befana (which I didn't care for) and to a lesser extent, Sugar Skull (which I love). I imagine that Bulgari Black might smell something like this (I never tried it), and that's one of the reasons I wanted to try the Blockhead. But I think the Blockhead is probably better! Edit to add: I think some people will end up really liking this even though they wouldn't have expected to. I know that's how I felt! But obviously I had a hunch so I'm glad I have some.
  23. forspecial_plate

    BPAL for Costume Parties, Halloween Costumes

    Oooh, fun topic! I have a few thoughts...... Samhain...."Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein." Samhainophobia...."The fear of Halloween. Menacing Haitian vetiver, patchouli, and clove with a shock of bourbon geranium, grim oakmoss, and dread-inspiring balsams pierce the innocuous scent of autumn leaves." I agree that Burial would be good. As for non-floral, I'd possibly recommend something like Djinn, Troll, or October. Maybe even....... The High Priest Not To Be Described....."Monastic incense, blood musk, black leather, cypress, pimento, white pepper, and Roman chamomile." Sinister and brooding, but maybe a bit refined for Michael Meyers? but at least it's available in the general catalogue. I know there are lots more, I bet others will have good rec's.
  24. forspecial_plate


    Well I would have sworn I've reviewed this but apparently not. It's an unusual scent, mostly woody with a heavy undercurrent of green-fruitiness. Not a whole lot of throw, more like teasing little wafts of wood. I think the fruitiness comes from both the olive leaf and raspberry leaf, and it's almost like a deep red wine. And of course the vetiver flirts with the cedarwood. Cedar can be too sharp sometimes but it's softened up nicely here. Overall, yet another scent I will hold an imp of and let it age. I could definitely be in the mood for this from time to time.
  25. forspecial_plate

    Scent for Halloween?

    The Gay Pride festivities are next weekend, and I'm already thinking about what to wear. It will be hot, sticky, and sweaty, and possibly raining. So that probably eliminates anything light or ethereal as it would be just sweated off in a short time. Midnight On The Midway....this would be good because it's so strong on my skin. Would stand out in a crowd, for sure....also it reminds me of suntan oil that I used to love, so on a sunny/hot day it would be great. Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener......even though this is on the lighter side, it's quirky and unusual, and I know I wouldn't smell like anyone else! : ) Ile De La Tortue....to me this is a humid and sultry floral scent, with none of the bad things that florals can do (no soap, no powder). Scarecrow.....I wore this again recently. I had an imp a long time ago, but swapped it away. Something about the scent just stuck in my head and I bought another imp, and I'm glad I did. It's still slightly odd if I sniff up close, but the throw is amazing and unusual. Definitely the scent of a hot, dry day. This might be more of an August scent than June, but still it's good. Death Adder.....or maybe Snake Oil.....something from that family, might fit the mood. I think I'll put on Midnight On The Midway and see how I feel about it on a hot summer day. I haven't worn it much lately.