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Everything posted by forspecial_plate

  1. forspecial_plate

    wishy wishy!

    Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. Colored text indicates added after first post. I try to update this pretty often.... possible bottles Baron Samedi Dragon's Blood Fearful Pleasure Great Sword Of War The Mad Hatter Satan and Death With Sin Intervening Three Gorgons On the Fence, at the Carnaval!! (not sure if I want whole bottles of these or not) Carnaval Diabolique Isaac, the Living Skeleton Priala, the Human Phoenix The Chapel Theodosius, the Legerdemain Wulric, the Wolfman GC imps that I want Aelopile Baghdad Bathsheba Black Hellebore Brisingamen Bruised Violet Compound The Caterpillar Danube Death Cap Deep In Earth The Dormouse Dragon's Reverie Eclipse Fascinum Frumious Bandersnatch Hamadryad Hanging Gardens Hecate Hymn To Proserpine Imp Inferno Intrigue Jersey Devil Kill-Devil Kubla Khan Kumari Kandam Lampades Libertine Love's Torments Lyonesse Mad Hatter Mandrake Mary Read Medea Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Nero Niflheim No. 93 Engine Nostrum Remedium Othello Penthus The Phantom Wooer Phoenix Steamworks Plunder Port Royal Queen of Sheba Rome Salome Santo Domingo Scales Of Deprivation Schrodinger's Cat Shanghai Shango Strangler Fig Sundew Sybaris To A Woman Tombstone Tushnamatay Unicorn Verdandi Voodoo 'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants) And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt The Ecstacy of St. Theresa Famine Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Haloes The House Judith Victorious La Vague Lucretia Madonna Mama-Ji Parsifal Rozpustnica Silence Three Brides Decant Me (partial decants? half decants? droplets? all are acceptable, I just want to try these) The Bloody Sword Boo Bam Cagliostro The Chapel The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana The Cracked Bell Damnation Dia De Los Muertos Fire Eater Isaac, the Living Skeleton Ivanushka Knucklebones Long Night Moon Moana Opuhi Pumpkin Patch III (2007) Shill Tiki Queen Tupapau Upa Upa Yule Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood The following are basically for my own reference....it helps me to keep this all in one place, and the update onslaught is just about killing me! But I do love trying all the new stuff. Czech and Speake Cuba Frankincense and Myrrh Possets Aiden Crickets Eve Nigel Rhode Island Vermont CB I Hate Perfume Wild Hunt
  2. forspecial_plate

    shipping confirmation emails

    Right, it just means that the label has been printed. The CnS will generally give the date of when it will ship. The lab often labels late at night and they won't ship until the next day. The CnS that I got about a half hour ago actually said that the package had shipped today. Sorry, I'm tired and I seem to be rambling. I hope that this makes sense. It makes sense, absolutely! It's the same thing I always thought.
  3. forspecial_plate


    A Latin word that means to sigh or draw a deep breath, that also suggests longing, desire, yearning, and a passionate wish. Ylang ylang with white plum, white orchid, jasmine, calla lily and lily of the valley. Very, very pleasant floral, which for me means no soap! I like jasmine and it does stand out. It doesn't take over and I can really appreciate the complexity of this scent. I like it!
  4. forspecial_plate

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    XXXV Squeaky clean slightly aquatic floral scent with some kind of fruit or berry note. Just on the verge of soapy, it reminds me of the Mexican tiger lily note in Noche Buena. Most lily notes go very soapy but this one is just fine. The fruity element is only there if I sniff up close, and overall this scent is very light in throw. Blue Moon '07 was what I thought of when I first wore this one. My general disclaimer, I can tell this is more complex than what I'm describing, but I can't pick out other notes. There might be lotus or lotus root, contributing to the fruity vibe, but I'm almost sure there is some kind of fruit or berry. Perhaps pomegranate? Not sure. This will be a good one to make a few decants and keep a little for myself. Very pretty. ADDED Sept. 23: XXXV....35 OOPS.....this is MXLV, 1045 (these really are 2 different scents ) This is a pretty straightforward aquatic scent, with some green note like water reeds or maybe a bit briney like kelp or seaweed....just a touch of that, though. There may be a hint of fruit, just lending to the juicy feeling of the scent. This is actually one of the more successful ones for me, it seems to be more simple than any of my other ones. There may be ivy here, too, or maybe I just can't tell which green note I'm smelling. It's not soapy, and I can't smell any ozone, so it's more like a body wash or shampoo kind of scent. Very nice and refreshing, something great for a hot day in the summer. I like! Edit.....this has either linen or a creamy white floral, way back in the mix.....reminds me of Dirty.....so I call it Dirty By The Sea.
  5. forspecial_plate

    Blue Fire

    This is less sparkly and more syrupy sweet than I was expecting. Very sugary. To me it's more of a dessert scent than a 'drink' scent. Blueberry is the star here and if you think you might like a blueberry perfume, this is the one to look for! I haven't smelled anything else like this one, and I will enjoy my decant.
  6. forspecial_plate


    Oddly, this is the closest blend to my first Chaos Theory that I've come across. Take away most of the sweetness of that blend, and maybe add a bit of savory spiciness, and that's what Intergalactic smells like to me. I'm glad I don't get 'hairspray' from this, like others have. It reminds me of Indian cooking spices, a little bit. But there's obviously more going on here. There is kind of a crisp-ness, like dried leaves? And something almost scorched. Very interesting scent, and nothing like I was expecting. I am not going to go way out of my way to find more, but it is something I could wear. The one problem is very, very little throw. I'm glad I got to try this!
  7. forspecial_plate

    Gypsy Queen

    This is a glittery, jangly scent, big on floral notes, but complex, too. I like the way it smells, but it's not quite a scent for me. It might work well as a room scent but I generally use tarts for that. I do like the underlying smokey qualities. I think Chrysanthemum Moon works better for me, as far as smokey and floral scents go. I do like the images Gypsy Queen brings to mind, though.
  8. forspecial_plate

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    Too much honey. : / Big wood note at first, but then honey took over. (not sure where the wood came from, how odd...)
  9. forspecial_plate

    Come to Me

    This is totally soap, from the get-go. Not like lily, though. It's softer and not screeching like lily tends to do on my skin. Nice but not a keeper for me. Edit: To be fair, the soapyness did wear off a bit, and it became an almost fizzy rainy showery scent. It's not bad, but still not quite a keeper for me. There are too many other scents competing for space in my collection.
  10. forspecial_plate


    I think this is an older imp. I keep getting frimps of this, Paris is stalking me! For some reason I kept thinking this was a rose scent. Anyway..... This is nice, I don't pick up lavender, but I can smell the lotus and spices. I don't know why but this scent reminds me of crayons. It's a nice scent, nothing bad about it, just not overwhelming me. I'm giving some short reviews these days, for imps that have been hanging around and I need to decide what to do with them. This one I think I shall swap.
  11. forspecial_plate

    Pickled Imp

    This is a good, good scent. As spicy scents go, I like some of them and dislike others. I like Shub, of course, among some others. However, there are just as many that I don't like.....Saw-Scaled Viper and Smiling Spider (really wanted to like this but it's woody and sour on me), for example. Anyway, this one works. Just the right combination of smooth, sweet, and spicy. The big shot of vanilla really makes this scent for me. It almost reminds me of Snake Oil's vanilla, especially because it has great lasting power. I applied 5 hours ago and it's still wafting up from time to time. I don't pick up on the pine at all, which is fine.....I do like that note, but I recognize that it's just supporting in this scent. Definitely worth picking up a bottle before the Carnaval leaves town!
  12. forspecial_plate

    Butterflies and Plovers

    I like a few citrus scents, but this one comes across candy sweet. The floral notes are a bit high pitched for me, too. Overall, just not for me.
  13. forspecial_plate

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I confess that now, two years after the quoted post, I've used all of these alone and in combination to wash off scents. I was such a newbie when I said that......(once I was hand-washing some white shirts and conveniently stuck my hands in the bleachy water just to get rid of a scent I was trying.....still, the bleach gave me a rash : /) Anyway, I find that a lot of washing off strips the oil from my skin completely. Then I can't test anything for a while....the oil just gets sucked right up by my skin, and the scent is distorted.
  14. forspecial_plate


    I'm not a huge fan of sweet and fruity scents (there are exceptions), so imagine my surprise when I loved this scent. It's funny because I was perusing the reviews, thinking 'that sounds rather nice, I can't believe I haven't tried it yet'. The very next day, I recieved my pending lab order, and this was among the free samples! It does have a major sweet/fruity/almost bubblegum feeling going on, but somehow it manages to also be warm and slightly spicy, I guess because of the herbs and amber. Whatever is going on, I really like it. I could wear this in warm weather but I think it would be extra-scrumptious in the fall. Maybe a bottle candidate? I'll try it a few more times and decide.
  15. forspecial_plate

    Green Phoenix

    I like this scent a lot, and I think I smelled just about all the notes listed while wearing it. It's somewhat related to F5, but more humid (but cool at the same time), rounder, more full-bodied, and definitely fruity. I really like the musk, it stands out but is different from other musks that I'm familiar with. I tend to wear these kinds of scents to work, because they seem a bit more traditional and I don't need to worry about offending anyone. I may be tracking down more of this. I'd say if you read the description and think that you'll like this, you probably will!
  16. forspecial_plate


    This scent is wonderful! I'm not sure why I didn't have any interest at first, probably because of honeysuckle and orris. But a kind soul sent me a sniffie, and I love it! I actually like jasmine, especially when the weather is hot and humid. It behaves in this blend and allows the other notes to play too. There is a slight touch of powder which I attribute to orris, but it's not so bad. If it were any more powdery I wouldn't like it, but as it is, it's just right. I really can't pick out other notes here, it's just all blended together. Gender neutral is how I would describe this. For some reason I'm reminded of Lysander, just a little. I agree that the scent matches the dreamy 'green' tone of the portrait. I could see wearing this to work (applied lightly), to a party, even a formal occasion. I've already snagged a decant, and who knows....I may end up with more before all is said and done. This could be a new favorite! Just goes to show how little I can predict what I'm going to like.
  17. forspecial_plate

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    CV (105) Light honeyed floral scent with rose and perhaps some herbs. This goes on like a light floral, with a hint of herbal bite. As it dries/warms up, there is a sweetness that I'm pretty sure is honey. Although I usually dislike honey, this one is so light it doesn't bother me. That's why I think it might be a white honey note. After a while, a very soft rose comes out. When I first wore it, it took about 20 minutes for me to even recognize the rose.....it takes that long to come out. So, this is nowhere near the rose of, say, Rose Red. But I do smell rose, and it's a nice one.....stops short of soapy or powdery. This is so pretty, and I know there's more complexity than what I'm describing. While it's definitely not a 'me' scent, I find it very appealing and it was great fun to explore the scent.
  18. forspecial_plate

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    My batteries are dead so I can't take pics. The label is black, with gold/yellowish orange print, and a subtle fractal pattern winding through the background. The roman numerals are hand-written in metallic gold ink. I'm sure someone will post pics soon...
  19. forspecial_plate

    Oh, and also.....

    Continuing my previous posts.....how could I overlook the Snake Pit? I bought the whole thing when it first came out, swapped out a couple of those bottles (Asp Viper, Banded Sea Snake, Green Tree Viper, Australian Copperhead....okay, more than a couple), and I still want to get rid of Saw-Scaled Viper, eventually. But with the ones that I've kept, I doubt that I will need any kind of Snake Oil-related scent again, ever.......especially since I have 2 bottles of Snake Oil itself 'cellared' (and it's hard to believe one of them will be 2 years old in November!). Oh and I swapped that imp of Anaconda for Doc Buzzard, a worthy trade in my opinion. So unless Snake Charmer is re-released, I am good on Snakey scents for a long, long time. At the rate I wear oils, I may never use them up completely.
  20. forspecial_plate

    (previous entry continued.....)

    Inez and Aeronwen are both bottle worthy. And Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn. Have to re-try all of those, and again, make some decisions. Carnaval Diabolique is totally worth a bottle, so I have that one to consider as well. And I haven't even tried Isaac yet!! : / On the plus side, I have a nice, completely full, well-aged bottle of Mme. Moriarty that I love. Ditto Midnight On The Midway and Antonino. The big problem is Chaos Theory. I've been wanting a new round of CT for a long, long time......and I really want at least 6 or 7 bottles, possibly more. There is no way I can get all of this stuff, I just can't swing it. I think I'm actually pushing aside CD in favor of CT. CD will be around longer (and we still have more acts), and CT will only be around for a few weeks. And Chaos Theory is just so.......special! It's like my own little bottle of uniqueness, and a complete surprise, and just fun, fun, fun. So there ya go, I guess my decision is made. Buckle your seatbelts, it's going to be a Chaotic ride!!
  21. forspecial_plate

    Oh, the indecision!

    As we all know, the Carnaval is leaving town very soon. I have a pretty decent selection of CD scents that I like, even a few bottles. Now is the time to get off the fence and decide on a couple that I've been waffling over. I had a decant of Wulric the Wolfman, and I did like it a lot. For some reason I swapped it or gave it away, I can't remember....probably because I thought I would end up getting a bottle. Well, I still haven't, and time is running out. I have a bottle of Doc Constantine, but it's only half full, and I'm wondering if I should get more or just leave it at that. .......actually now it's getting busy here at work, more later.
  22. forspecial_plate

    Danse Macabre

    After reading other reviews, I really wanted to like this, because sometimes I have a thing for the underdog. This doesn't seem to be a hugely popular scent! At first application, I smell something close to juniper, and it reminds me a lot of Golden Priapus. It's woodsy and a little sharp, but doesn't have a whole lot of throw. I agree that it leans to the masculine side, and I actually like it. I kept wondering when the hazelnut would come out, and it finally did, bringing a hint of powdery sweetness to the blend. I tend to amp sweet notes like crazy so I kind of expected hazelnut to ruin the scent for me, and it almost does. It's just shy of too sweet and a little powdery somehow. Still, an interesting combination and not bad on my skin. Overall, this scent is not offensive at all, and I actually kind of like it. It didn't quite work its way into my favorites, but I'll keep my little leaky imp and wear it again a few times.
  23. forspecial_plate

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    I thought of Manhattan right away, too! Very subtle and refined.
  24. forspecial_plate

    Valentine of Rome

    Interesting.....I've tried this repeatedly over a few months, and it hasn't changed. It's nearly a frankincense single-note for me. The other notes all seem to be just supporting the frankincense. If I concentrate I can pick out little flashes of the other notes, but not enough to identify anything. I bet if I tested this side by side with frankincense essential oil, the other notes would pop out more. Maybe I'll try that just out of curiosity. I like frankincense a lot, so it's all good!
  25. forspecial_plate


    This is a dry, spicy scent. I am not a huge fan of carnation, but I like it sometimes. But for this scent, I think you have to be kind of commited to carnation! Overall I think it makes this a slightly more feminine, powdery blend than I usually enjoy. I may hang on to my decant, because I think the notes will develop nicely with age.