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BPAL Madness!


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About kwsix

  • Rank
    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 03/30/1974

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Frumious Bandersnatch
  • Favorite Scents
    Blood, Lampades, Bordello, old 13 (white label), Samhain (05 especially), Hellion, Frumious Bandersnatch, Alice, Euphrosyne, MB:Bloody Mary, Three Witches, Priala, Dragon's Milk, Hetairae, Storyville, Voodoo, Kumiho, Crowley, Neo-Tokyo, Mama-Ji, Bengal, Antique Lace, Tweedledee, Absinthe, Florence, MB: Tokyo Stomp, Shub I like: Spice - cinammon, clove, myrrh, ginger etc - if it's spicy, I generally dig it Fruit - especially red & purple fruits and orange/mandarin/tangerine, but all kinds of fruit can work (apple is probably my least favorite, but again it can work) Foody - bakery & candy scents, fruity, vanilla and/or spices, hints of caramel, cake, cookies, and cream; nothing too overwhelmingly foody (Gluttony and Hellcat, no) Some florals - especially light & creamy florals mixed with vanilla and/or fruit; I like the idea of rose but it usually only works in small doses Other - patchouli, sandalwood, incense, ylang ylang, amber, dragon's blood, lavender, leather; vetiver works most of the time; alcohol scents like rum and wine are ok; tea can be good or bad (Dorian - ick, Kumiho & Shanghai - love) I dislike: opium, poppy, strong heady florals, most aquatics are iffy, musk can sometimes smell dirty on me depending on the blend; popular favorites usually don't work on me - Dorian, O, Snake Oil (!), and Scherezade all go wrong on my skin.

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  • Astrological Info
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  • Country
    United States

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  1. Hello Gorgeous

    I got my Hunter Moon today THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and thank you so much for the Impies I can't wait to try them. You are an angel. Will go leave feedback.

    Thanks again for everything.
