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Posts posted by Sierona

  1. <span style='color:darkred'>From Diabolus:</span>

    Created in honor of the fiery, vicious Princess of Hell and bloodthirsty general who governs thirty-six legions of infernal warriors. Her lust for bloodshed and manslaughter is matched only by her love of the classical arts and sciences - definitely a woman that we respect. A seething, fiery blend of dragon's blood, deep myrrh, red and black musks, civet and thick red patchouli, glistening with drops of rose and ylang ylang.


    Glasya to me is definately a very "hot" scent. Not a sexy hot... more so resiny and spicy kinda... its very fiery and very dark (i particularly smell the dragon's blood, myrrh and musks) but with a slight feminine floral edge to it (i can definately pick out the ylang ylang and i love ylang ylang). I actually am really liking this but oddly enough i think this is brought out my temper a little today lol... (its fading a lil faster on me then some of the other oils. I like this one alot but i think i perfer lilith as my "dark scent".)

  2. A nice unisex sniff (tho my guy says this is a lil too feminine for him). This is like being lost in the woods after a hard downpour scent to me. Unfortunately i liked this alot it dissappeared on me after an hour or wear... and turns powdery, i think my skin just eats up all the good stuff. Beautiful scent tho

  3. Very pretty, extremely feminine light rosey scent. This makes me feel ultra girly, soft, maybe even a bit vulnerable. Feel like i should be wearing a pink dress with frills. Over the past hour of wear i have to admit it makes me feel a lil dreamy, and i have the sudden urge to watch Molly Ringwald movies. This is a beautiful and delicate scent to my nose.

  4. I almost loved this... this was very strong on the sandalwood and patchouli on my skin a lil more then i can handle but its a wonderful deep scent. This reminded me of giddy nites with my friends burning incense to cover up... well to cover up scents of other sinful activities when i was younger :P . Very incensey, but definately embodies the scent of doing naughty things.

  5. So getting a 10ml of this! Nice vivid berry without too much sweetness, with a nice herby layer to it. Not heavy (so long as i dont go overboard putting it on), smells like bottled magic to me... Perfect every day scent for me i think.

  6. mmmmm i think i am a huge myrhh/musk person cause this smells really good on me. I can definately smell the almond in this... its warm, dark... hazey black comes to mind... not an every day scent, but a great nite time scent with dark power to it.

  7. This is a strange scent... i like it tho. Light, clean, with a lil bite, i want to say tangy. I think of a light glowing green color when i smell this... Definately a cooling scent, no warmth to this at all. Oddly beautiful... seems like a great cleansing scent.

  8. I got a 5ml of this hoping it would be as gorgeous as it was on a friend of mine... well... its 100 times better on me <snickers>. This sinks in so dark and beautiful on me... the wine and the myrrh are very prominent on me the rose in this doesnt show much which i find wonderful. This is a very deep, musky, evil, sexy scent. love this love this love this!

  9. This one is fruity and bright... I thought this would be a great pick me up scent but on me its making me feel.... vicious and a bit fierce. Not sexy vicious but an "I am tough enough to take it all and come out smiling" vicious. This one is definately for those days where i am feeling a lil meek and want to feel strong. (roarrrrrr)

  10. I like this one bunches... though i gotta be a lil more careful putting these oils on ... you need very very little they are so potent and powerful. Me (and my living room) smells of the most amazing woodsy sweet powderlike scent... its very ethereal with a lace of malice. This one has stayed true on me for hours. Another one on the list for me to buy a nice big bottle of!

  11. <sob> i wanted to love this one so much ... but alas my chemistry foils me once again :P This smelled so wonderful in the vial a gorgeous mix of rose and pomagrante, but after i put it on it turned to a smell that reminds of me nail polish remover... but on a friend of mine it smells so beautiful a nice juicy wet rosy smell

  12. I love this scent! Queen Mab is very difficult to describe or at least how it ends up smelling on me... i agree this is a wonderful complex oil, a mixed light floral with sandlewood to deepen the scent perfectly. I feel mischievous and naughty while wearing this... Definately buying a big bottle of this!

  13. I got this as a free sample and as soon as i opened it i was like MMMMMM!!! A nice warm spicy vanilla... this scent is somehow very familar but i cant place from where. Unfortunately my body chemistry doesnt agree with this one, a shame because i love this scent, it turns too sweet on me.
