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Posts posted by Kimocean

  1. I revisited this bottle this morning because I've been feeling a bit stuck the last few weeks. I'm coming up on a major life change that is all kinds of good, but it's a bit scary as well and I just can't seem to get motivated to do the things that need to be done to get ready. I couldn't even make myself go through the ritual that I'd planned for this this morning but I figured I'd at least put some on above my heart and see how things went. Well the day has been better than the last few though I still feel a little stuck in the muck. I'm going to try again to do the ritual this evening and meditate on what I am headed towards.


    As far as the scent goes, I actually very much enjoy this blend. Like all the reviewers before me have pointed out, It's a bright, fruity, floral scent with a hint of herbal undertones. It's different from what I would normally choose to wear, but it's pretty and if it can help me overcome some of the barriers I erect for myself, I'm willing to smell like almost anything!

  2. In dramatic contrast to the soft innocence of Snow White and the dew-kissed freshness of her sister, Rose Red, this is a blood red, voluptuous rose, velvet-petaled, at the height of bloom. Haughty and imperious, vain, yet incomparably lovely to the eye, but thick with thorns of jealousy, pride and hatred.

    This year I've fallen in love with the Peacock Queen. She's wooed me with her lush rosey ways and her tiny hint of spice that comes out to play across my skin. She is bold but not loud, she brushes up against the noses of others without shouting "Off with their heads!" like some of her red cousins do. She is rich but doesn't make you think of old ladies and their little rose shaped soaps. She is dark but never vulgar. She whispers to you about the mysteries of the world but doesn't revel in blood or death.

  3. This makes me think of the "Oh Yeah" song by Yello that was used in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you know the one that just goes "Oh yeah" over and over?


    That's what this bath oil makes me want to do.


    I looked the lyrics up and they are actually something like:

    Oh Yeah... Oh Yeah... Oh Yeah

    The moon... beautiful

    The sun... even more beautiful

    Oh Yeah... Oh Yeah... Oh Yeah


    Oh Yeah... Oh Yeah...

    Good time


    and that's basically my review. Just throw in a few deep breathy sighs and some "chicka chicka's" and you basically have my whole thought process when I smell this big bottle of gorgeousness. Used a little as an after shower moisturizer last night and it's still strong on my skin 16 hours later (and that's with a night and morning of extra-curricular activities thrown in if you know what I mean...chicka, chickahhh!)

  4. I just used my bar of Snake Oil Soap by Villianess for the first time this afternoon. It is a firm bar with a light brown top and dark brown bottom. When I sliced into it I noticed that the dark brown was wrapped around a core of light brown for the bottom half. The scent is that of aged Snake Oil as it smells on my friend's skin (not the same scent as in the bottle.) My skin doesn't like the perfume oil for some reason and turns it into baby powder but on her it smells absolutely fantastic. I could get away with the previous incarnation of the soap creating a gorgeous scent without going to powdery route so I've had my fingers crossed for this! So far, so good. This too seems to be staying true to the dark rich spicy vanilla scent that I want from it. I'd classify the lather level as on the low side of normal for soap but there was plenty to use to get clean. The dark layer did seem to be staining the lather which looked a bit strange-almost like I was washing off after being VERY dirty. The scent is clinging gently to my skin. I didn't use any other products and my skin is feeling a bit dry after getting out of the shower. My skin tends to not need regular moisturizer but this may need a bit added to the routine. Luckily there's the bath-oil to maybe give a little moisturizing boost.

  5. I am totally in love with this oil. On my skin it develops into a slightly salty musky sea scent with a hint of stone (I assume that's the shell accord) and some flowers thrown in to make it more feminine. It stays close to the skin but when I catch a whiff of it I want to close my eyes and breathe deeply. This is what I've been dreaming of in an aquatic scent. It's sexy in a way that is deeply personal, a sensualness I associate with sea glass. It's the scent of making love after a long day at the beach and it's very, very good.

  6. I pulled this out today to see how it has aged and because I was feeling in the mood for a holiday scent. It has darkened up a bit since last year and is less aggressively fruity to my nose. As many of the reviews have noted, it's a spicy mulled cider scent with definite presence of pear and a hint of pine. I also get a good dose of ginger that seems a little stronger than I remember it from last year. It's super yummy but is a little reminiscent of a Christmas Candle so I hesitate to wear it too often on my skin. It's great in the oil burner though!

  7. Got my hands on a bottle of this from a generous friend and I am absolutely in love! I've been craving something with a strong citrus quality and this is perfect. It hits hard with the orange peel scent at first and then settles down into a musky skin loving orange with a hint of neroli. It's also amazing layered with something a little bit spicy.

  8. This is primarily a lovely tropical floral on me. It has just a hint of a smoky scent when it's wet and then the flowers come forward with the plumeria being most prominent. The sandalwood is gently present keeping the flowers from getting too high-pitched. This is a great scent for summer days.

  9. Ah this one is pretty. I wore a deep magenta sweater today and my roommate told me my perfume matched it.


    When wet this is a strong jasmine with just a hint of rosehips and maybe a peek of the ginger adding interest.


    The initial drydown brings out more of rosehips creating a tangy/floral blend that reminds me of Vassakassajja in feel.


    Full drydown brings this closer to the skin and the honey and ginger are more noticeable. It makes me think of hard ginger candy at this point. The blend is sweet now and soft with the jasmine still present but very mildly.


    Overall this scent is a total winner for me. I'm certain it will go into regular rotation. The only question is how many bottles will I need? :wub2:

  10. I'm finally getting around to reviewing this but I've been wearing it like crazy.


    Wet this is strong pine and a blast of musk. Dry it gets gorgeous. The pine falls to the background but never fully disappears and the musk calms down though it stays prominent. Interestingly I get a hint of vanilla in this one along with that classic cold scent that always gives me the impression that there might be a little mint dripped into this blend. My primary impression isn't floral at any stage though there are certainly flowers here.


    On the very late dry-down I get a gentle vanilla wafting over a soft musk with just a hint of pine far back behind. I love how this smells when I wake up the next morning, soft and sexy with just a hint of the outdoors.


    ETA: Reading through the other reviews, I see Jeanette solved the vanilla mystery for me--Nigritella lithopolitani. I've always loved orchids so perhaps this is becoming a favorite because this note floats to the front.


  11. Oh this is good on me. Hot, heavy sex good. Rip your clothes off and get down to business good. I turned down getting a bottle of this at the will-call it was available at because I thought it was too masculine and I've kicked myself ever since. I finally got a decant and yes, it's got a masculine edge to it, but I just don't care. I want to bathe in this. I want to make everything in my bedroom smell like this. I want to put it in some massage oil and give my lover a back-rub with this. There aren't many of Beth's vanilla scents that I can wear because I can't wear anything with amber or red musk in it without smelling like I haven't showered in weeks. This smells how I wish Snake Oil would stay on me. Sexxxxy!


  12. This is such an interesting scent. I've really come to like it much more than I thought I would. The champagne scent is very fresh and bubbly. It has a zing that rides up in your nose. It's a sweet champagne and actually smells like 7-up to me more than the ginger ale mentioned in the other reviews. The cigar scent is the sweet incense like smell of a cigar shop. It's not smokey at all. It adds a great grounding note to the scent and keeps the champagne note in line once it dries down. When wet the champagne dominates but when dry it balances out.


    This has quite a bit of throw and I have gotten multiple compliments every time I wear it. Random people in stores have even stopped me to tell me how good I smell. I'm a slather-er and this one probably doesn't need to be slathered!


    Overall, very evocative and pretty. So different from anything else I own. I'm really glad I was lucky enough to get a bottle.

  13. This scent is a totally unexpected winner for me. Jrk1857 summed it up perfectly with the image of "golden autumn light in a bottle; the sun shining through yellow leaves, interpreted perfectly into perfume." This is warm and feminine without being an in your face floral. It feels elegant yet accessible. I was afraid that the mist note would feel aquatic but it just adds a touch of depth, like breathing in moist air. The rose is present but not at all dominant. I don't get any soapiness from this. Overall I'm quite enamored with this blend!

  14. In my most recent organizational attempt I discovered that I have two imps of this so I figured it's time to test it out! One I got as a frimp from the lab at the last will-call and the other has been aging in my box for at least two years. Both are smokey, sweet, incense. Definitely got a woody tone to it and my skin tends to amp wood notes especially in the younger one. The older stays a little bit richer and deeper. Not a favorite but strong throw and if you like resinny incense this just might work for you.

  15. This is an old imp, probably about 2 years but I'm just getting around to testing it! The grapefruit is very faint at this point both in the imp and on my skin. It's more of the bitter quality of grapefruit than the tart citrusy note but that's probably the due to the age. The tea is very dominant in this when wet and then the apple blossom and a soft sweet ginger come out as it dries down. It's actually very pretty aged but lacks the citrusy feel that many of the reviews note.

  16. Oh my...I'm not a foody scent person. I hate the butter note of many of the foody blends but for some strange reason I impulse bought this at Will-call the other night, wore if for the first time yesterday, and I'm totally in love. I have always liked citrus scents and the orange in this is gorgeous. It's a sugared orange for certain--more like an orange glaze or an orange liqueur than the scent you get as you peel an orange and it is the orange that starts this scent off. A blast of that slightly boozey orange followed by creamy moist cake. At that point I waffle...is this too foody for me? I always think foody scents are too young. And really should the fat girl go around smelling like cake? I don't want people to think it's all I eat! But then soon after the anise comes out to play soothing all my worries away. A warm hint of spice that rounds the sweetness out and adds complexity that thrills my nose and wait, is that a hint of something floral? Maybe a little bit of rose? This is smelling more grown up, dare I even say a little bit elegant? It's citrusy, creamy, sweet, spicy and lightly floral all at once. At it's extreme dry-down 12 hours later, I still got a gorgeous creamy complex scent. It was fainter, but it was stil there and still really pleasing to my nose. The most amazing part? I put this scent on again today. I never wear the same perfume two days in a row so this must be really special. I woke up this morning and could still smell a hint of it on my wrist. I was planning on wearing L'inverno today but I just couldn't resist reaching back for Huesos de Santo. It's just too good.

  17. Reading the notes I had no idea what to expect from this scent. I love citrusy florals and opoponax but usually can't handle anything with red musk as it tends to amp like crazy on my skin and get very "dirty" smelling.


    Wet on me this is a strong blast of mandarin and tea with a hint of soft musk behind it. Not scary yet but no sign of the florals.


    As it dries the mandarin fades almost completely on me :P but the remaining scent is still very pretty. The vanilla has come out to play but is not cloyingly sweet as many vanilla blends are on me. I've also found the violet but it's very gentle. The tea stays present throughout and the musk hasn't amped out of control. Overall it ends up being a very gentle pretty scent.

  18. I can't quite believe I've never reviewed this one as it is definitely one of my favorite scents. It has mellowed a bit with age from a strong initial blast of tangerine to a softer citrusy floral (the jasmine is gentle in this, definitely not a brain attacking jasmine!) with that wonderful hint of opoponax underneath. This is an elegant sexy scent that I love wearing out on a date. It sticks pretty close to my skin but if someone gets close enough to smell it they always love it.

  19. This starts off as very wet fruits/vegetables doused in cream on me. The pear and fig are dominant but I can also definitely smell carrot juice and a hint of the bergamot. I think the wet scent comes from the lettuce or the cucumber and it gets stronger as the initial pear/fig onslaught fades away. The pomegranate comes out to play a little later and finally the honey and cream are dominant on the late dry-down. I did get some staying power from that scent but most of the fruity goodness was gone at that point. Cream is not one of my preferred notes, but I still found this pleasant and evocative. It is nowhere near as milky as Milk Moon 07 which I was thankful for!

  20. I love fruity floral scents and this one is just gorgeous. I purchased this oil at the last west coast will call and I am so happy I did. I too have been using it as an in-shower moisturizer and I am loving how it leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized and smelling fresh and beautiful. It has a gentle cloud of throw on me that lasts most of the day. I really couldn't be happier with this product.


    The scent itself is dominated by the citrusy lemon/orange/grapefruit scent at first with the gardenia and tuberose notably hovering behind. The mint, sandlewood and sugar cane notes are subtle players that seem to round the scent out so it doesn't get too brightly floral or sharply citrus. After a few hours the citrus scent fades on me but the florals stay soft and pretty. I really couldn't be happier with this scent!

  21. Isn't it amazing what different responses people are having to this one? Reading through the reviews you'd think almost everyone was talking about a different scent. I've worn Screeching Parrot for the past three days trying to get a handle on it to write a review. From the first time I tested it I knew I liked this one but I just wasn't sure how I could describe it. Then an image came to me...


    Screeching Parrot starts out sharp and fruity on me. At this point this is a woman with too much makeup and badly teased hair. She's had too much to drink but she's still beautiful if somehow a little bit tragic. She rushes out of the bottle at me, her bright lime eyeshadow and dark apricot blush coming on strong and just a little bit angry. Luckily her anger is a fast flash, she slaps me across the face but then her face breaks and she's appalled that she hit me leaving me with just a hot lingering ginger sting that is somewhere between pleasure and pain. The booze is softening her, sliding in slick with appricot nectar and sticky pineapple juice to soothe and numb the sting. The screech is becoming a song now, softening and bringing out the true beauty as she wipes away her garish makeup and steps into the shower. She steps out wet and fresh and all her edges have softened. Amazingly enough she's actually stunning, soft, strong and so gorgeously warm. She's got a hint of an exotic edge with her soft fruits but she's grounded by a gorgeous round ginger citrus blend.


    This is by far the best BPAL ginger scent on my skin and I've tried just about all of them. I'm not a multiple bottle person...there's always another scent I'll fall in love with, but this is making me seriously consider the hoarding lifestyle!

  22. My coworkers, friends and family have pretty much stopped commenting on my perfume. (not in a bad way like they don't like it, just in a 'as to not sound like a broken record' way)


    A friend of mine said the other day that she just knows I'm going to always smell good and always smell different so she doesn't say anything anymore. I've heard several times that "Kim always smells good."


    I get the most compliments on Schwarzer Mond, then OOD: Lucy Westrena and then Vassakassajja. All three are scents I love and I am a total slatherer though. Chimera also gets comments but I'm never sure if they're good or bad (smells like a good candle, smells like christmas and sex, smells like hot cinnamon rolls).

  23. Sweet sweet honey, a hint of crisp apple, roses that get a little soapy as they dry and lotus maybe? Something definitely hints at bubblegum, especially while the blend is wet. It peaks out later to at different times in the drydown. This is one of those blends that changes drastically as it dries and continues to morph over a long period of time. It's really hard to wrap my mind around it in order to write a review. I'm not really fond of most honey blends. I like my perfume to be either dark and spicy or rich and floral so the sweet blends never really win me over and though this is very interesting it isn't an exception to that rule.
