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Posts posted by eclecticaurora

  1. Well, I got this recently as a frimp and it seems that Odin, in some form or another, has been following me as of late, so maybe I should research him a bit more. Anyways, onto the review:


    Wet, this smells of a sage bundle I used to store with other resinous oils. It is quite camphorous with a musky background to it. Once it dries, though, it smells AMAZING! It's as if I am wandering through the most beautiful, green and dense forest (with just enough light coming in through the canopy to be able to see where to walk). It's a little sweet, a little musky and a little woody. I love musk and wood scents as they remind me of my home state, Wisconsin, and this one does NOT disappoint! Now that I think about it, it is apropos since in American Gods, Mr. Wednesday takes Shadow to Wisconsin to see the House On The Rock. Definitely recommend this one!


  2. Oh, my goodness...within minutes this has skyrocketed to my number one spot! It's absolutely breathtaking - feels almost like I'm sniffing a cloud of scent rather than an oil. Like another reviewer here said - my eyes literally rolled into the back of my head with delight when I sniffed this. Ok, enough about that...onto the smell. As I said - it feels more like I'm sniffing a cloud of scent than an oil and that cloud reminds me of what a mix of lavender, vanilla and lemon flavored gourmet cotton candy (I guess that's the sugared part of the scent) would smell like.


    Edited to clarify.

  3. Wow...this scent blows my mind...I don't know how Beth does it! While wearing it, if I don't have it right under my nose I smell the tomato leaf and piney smell, but when I put my nose right against my skin I smell only the cranberry goodness...Such a strange, but VERY pleasant scent! I was really sad when I found out that the single notes weren't going to be happening any longer because tomato leaf (which I was really looking forward to trying), I believe, was one of the unreleased ones, but I think I've found my fix for that! I will be putting this on my big bottle list.

  4. Well, I first got an imp of this back in 2004. I ended up giving it away to a child with multiple disabilities. I used to work with her and she couldn't see or hear, so I thought about scent stimulations. I brought in different scents for her to smell during our sessions together and she seemed to really like Dana O'Shee, so I gave it to her. Two years passed and I remembered how much I liked that scent and how much I really love the BPAL milky scents, so I went ahead and bought a 5mL.


    I AM SO GLAD I DID! I got the package today and had it ripped open before I even got back to my apartment from the mailbox. As soon as I was able to sit down so as not to spill the oil I put some on...and instantly I was floating on a river of milk. The scent reminds me of a nice cool milk bath, so on these hot days we're having I'm sure it's going to be a comforting feeling. Not only will this scent be comforting, I'll have to be careful because this scent is intoxicating too! I could definitely see someone being led astray due to this scent and it matches the concept so well! A huge plus is that it isn't cloying or heavy (I've had to change up my oil applications due to this change in temperatures) and performs wonderfully in this heat! Anyways, if you love BPAL's milky scents (Obatala, Alice, Sudha Segara, etc.), then you'll love Dana O'Shee!

  5. Having just moved from Wisconsin to Arizona and am a bit homesick this scent was a god send! I was in the computer room (still have yet to finish unpacking that area) and found an imp on the floor (must have fallen out of one of the boxes). It was Omen. I picked it up and smelled it in the imp and thought - "Now why haven't I tried this?" I put some on and closed my eyes to get a full sense of the smell and instantly I was transported back to Wisconsin - the scent reminds me so much of those days of walking through the Wisconsin forests. This is a keeper. I will be putting this on my big bottle list! Thanks Beth for another amazing creation that brings back wonderful memories.

  6. Wow...I thought I definitely reviewed this, but it looks as though I haven't yet. Anyways. I had always had it in the back of my mind to try this scent, but I never got around to ordering it, so I was ECSTATIC when I got it with my order of Alice. Instantly it became a favorite. It is a light scent, but it is a comforting scent, so lightness is great. It seems that the scent originally has a short life on my skin, but as the imp or bottle (I HAD to get a bottle of this!) blended and aged a bit over about a three week period it began to last longer and longer. This is a foody scent to me and one that is gorgeous on my skin. Smells like a milky ginger tea - very mellow and calming. Just to tell you how good it is - I am also going to have to get another bottle (or two) once I move to Arizona, so that I can make a perfume spray and a lotion with this scent. It is quite possibly my absolute favorite scent...

  7. mmm...I had Veil on my left wrist and Loviatar on my right... I feel as if I have an angel on one shoulder telling me to be a good girl and a devil on the other telling me to be bad! lol Anyways, as has been stated before - Loviatar is HOT! Very sexual in nature and strong - in throw, longevity, and concept. I am thinking that this would be more of a sexy evening scent - one for when you're feeling frisky and dominant. The leather is just below the surface of the red musk and I don't get any amber...at least not the single note of it. This scent is blended superbly - I am moving to Arizona so I need to see how this scent is in the Arizona heat. Hopefully it won't be too strong and I'll be able to get a bottle of it this summer - otherwise I'll have to wait for some cooler weather to get a bottle. But this is definitely on my list of Bottled NEEDS.

  8. Why waste time chanting her name in the mirror 13 times? Bedevil your next slumber party the easy way! Chunky, glistening red fruits with sweet cream accord, black clotted cherry, and powdered sugar!

    Mmm...Bloody Mary! In the bottle it smells to me like a blend of cherries and strawberries with a slight creaminess to it. On my skin it smells like a local bakery's strawberry and rhubarb pie with whipped cream on top! Mmmm...it's my favorite dessert, so of course this is a gorgeous delicious scent for me!

    ETA: So glad I bought two bottles of this so I can enjoy them!

  9. Wow...I was very impressed by this scent! I am not a rose fan - it usually ends up smelling foul on my skin. But there are a few roses (and only BPAL ones at that!) I can wear - such as the one in Alice and now the one in Whip (not sure if they're the same note or not). I put it on and my DH was all over it! He loved the way it smelled (so did I!) and made sure I knew it! I think it's the combination of the beautiful lush wet rose scent and the mild shiny black leather scent that makes this scent a winner. I will have to put this on my list of bigger bottle buys for the future!

  10. Let's see. This scent reminds me of a Polish pastry that I LOVE it's a bread type of pastry with a poppyseed and golden raisin filling with a glaze of sugar drizzled on top of the bread. It's a pastry that goes very well with coffee. VERY TASTY! After it dries it's a little spicy, but more of the carnation-esque spiciness, not hot spicy. This is DELICIOUS!

  11. In the imp I smelled a stereotypical "perfume" smell with a bit of an edge. When I put this on - it transported me back to my honeymoon in Ireland. All the smells of Ireland at my beckon call! It reminds me a lot of when me and my DH went to the Cliffs of Moher and just sat on the cliffs looking at the water below. It was so mystical, green and ancient there. While I was in Ireland I had massive allergies (due to all of the grass), but this reminds me of Ireland WITHOUT the allergies! I love it! I am going to have to go right away to a big bottle.


    ETA: Big bottle purchased!

  12. Oh, my good goddess! This oil is delightful! It's a light scent, but with great throw. As I sit here typing I can smell it wafting from the little spot I put on my wrist. When first applied I get the cupcake smell I hear from the other reviewers here and then it just sort of melts into my skin and becomes a fruity floral smell where so far the rose doesn't overpower on my skin. Which is a blessing since usually rose turns bad on my skin.


    ETA: Alice IS a curious scent! I've put it on all over and it turns into different scents each time - sometimes it's foody, other times it's floral like. When I put it in my hair, though, it turns into what I imagine those little buttercream frosting roses would smell like if they were actually rose scented! And that's my favorite version!!!!

  13. mmm...that is what came to my mind when I first smelled Obatala in the bottle. On - it becomes this light soft coconutty smell with something buttery melting in the background. For those who don't like coconut usually this is not the typical coconut that takes over, but a softer more friendly coconut. I am so thrilled with this scent I have a new favorite!

  14. In the imp and on me: Lilacs! It's like Beth bottled the lilac tree that my parents had at their house when I was growing up. I remember hiding out under that tree and pulling the flowers loose from their branches and sucking the nectar from the base of the flower. Mmmm...this perfume smells like that nectar tasted. Delicious!

  15. I just got this in the mail today from another forum member because I missed out on it first hand and I'm in love! In the bottle it is a light scent, but then on my skin it has some major throw! It starts off all sweet and lighly herbal and then transforms into a sort of sweet and spicy opium smell. ABSOLUTELY EFFIN' BEAUTIFUL! I'm on the search for another bottle!

  16. As a scent I keep on getting the image of lemon squares with powdered sugar on them. DELIGHTFUL! It is a keeper for the scent alone, but then I began to feel very confident (and this is great considering I'm working on my confidence) and calm and knew I HAD to have a bottle. I went from originally wanting a 5mL to a 10mL.

  17. Once I put this blend on I began to smile and couldn't stop...not sure what it is, but the scent just makes me all happy. Reminds me of going to my aunt's house and doing X-mas there: Sitting around the fireplace and cracking and eating the nuts and cookies. The nutty-liquidy sugar is at the forefront of the smells, but hiding behind it is my favorite note: Pine! It stops it from being too foody for me. It's just GORGEOUS!
