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Posts posted by Teggy

  1. I got this as a frimp today which was great cause I wanted to test it out eventually. When I first opened the imp I litterally cried out, "whoa!" because it just slams you.


    I can make this real simple. If Monsterbait Underbed is a high class, call girl. Gluttony, is a cheap, coke snorting hooker. It wants to be Underbed if it could only get out of the projects and kick the habit. If you missed out on Underbed, this might be a close alternative. It has a bit more of a toffee essence, and none of the cassia.


    This definately isn't a scent for the anti-food folks. It's a bit overpowering and maks me feel kinda cheap, but I'll admit that it's certainly a fun scent. It does strike me as the kind of perfume that a man might not be able to stop sniffing. If you like foody scents, definately try out an imp, but be warned that it's powerful!

  2. I've been dying to get my hands on Lick It for a month, and finally some came from my sister yesterday. I'm glad I bribed her into an extra imp. In the bottle and when I first put it on, it's a sugary mint, vey much reminiscent of a candy cane like people said.


    I hate every mint except pepermint, which I adore, so I was rather disappointed after the drydown and the mint was all gone. The vanilla is nice and all, but it's kinda bland when compared to Underpants drydown which is probably my favorite vanilla blend.


    In conclusion, this stuff is lickably good and totally worth it. It would be really hard for this scent to go wrong on anyone.

  3. I got this as a frimp from a friend today and it is definately a maddening scent. Maddening because I just can't put my finger on what's in it! At first it smelled like a powdery old-lady scent, but that was maybe only for a minute or so. It's very dark and elegant. Definately a formal scent for a night at the opera, but a little too fancy for everyday wear.


    Wow...I love it when I'm pleasantly surprised! If you like warm, soft, sweet scents, give this mystery-in-a-bottle a try!

  4. Many thanks to Donna for guiding me here!


    You guys are brilliant. I don't think the lab folks want me filling their sink with bleached water, but baby wipes and swabs...awesome. They also provided little sniffing cups full of coffee beans at the will-call which helped a ton.


    Next month...baby wipes!

  5. I wasn't really sure where to post this and I haven't really found any answers on the forum. I'm curious to know if there are any solutions to getting a perfume OFF my skin quickly. Ideally, something portable I could bring to will-call or a store where I'd like to try multiple scents. It would also be especially handy to know in case I were to try on a scent I hate.


    Cause you know those stick with you all day even if you try to wash them off. :P



  6. Monsterbait: Closet has the opposite affect on me from the other two MBs. This one I loved at first, but not so much later. I do like it but...I have mixed feelings about it.


    For the first hour or so I wear it, it actually smells like the description. I love the blackberry note. But then after that time *sniffs wrist* it's gone! *looks around in panic* Underpants and Underbed last on me for several hours, but this one went bye bye much too quickly.


    Except...in my scent locket. Locket to the rescue! In my locket, it stays very true when I sniff it directly. It's very much what I expected Eat Me to smell like, but with blackberry instead of currant. Even so, I'm finding that I keep getting slammed with a very rich cheesecake-scented throw quite often. It's...um...nice and all, but the richness is starting to get to my stomach. :P

  7. Note to self: Add cassia to the lists of notes I don't like. /checkmark


    Underbed arrived yesterday and I had the same initital reaction I had with Underpants which was, "Ugh! Why did I buy this?" Fortunately, I had learned from Underpants to let it sit for a while before I judge.


    I'm very glad I did. I love cinnamon scents in my food, not on my skin. Once that faded, it smelled very similar to the coffee cake I'd occasionally get at the local coffee shop. So after an hour of wear, my nose becomes attracted to my wrist and I can barely stop smelling myself.


    Hooray! Another winner! :P

  8. I was really looking forward to this as a variation on Anne Bonny. My reaction, "Ugh, omg I'm wearing dirt." I got zero apricot from this. Maybe you need the right body chemistry to make this one work. :s

  9. I'm a little disappointed with Eat Me. I think the bottle at will-call worked better on me than the bottle I left with. Go figure. It happens. I still like it.


    I decided to try this one a few times before posting a review. In the bottle, it reminds me a little bit of the Monsterbaits in the bottle. Rather buttery and overpowering. Once I put it on though, it really softens up into a sweet cake. The disappointing part is that not only do I not smell the currants (I <3 currant :P ), but the cake smells dry instead of fresh and moist. I still like the scent dry. It's very soft and comforting, but it's not what I dreamed it would be.


    I decided to try it in my scent locket today and whoa! This scent has throw! I catch a whiff of buttery frosting every few minutes and it's a little startling. It really retains the bottle scent when placed in a locket. But again, the currants drop to zero. What I may try next is to place both Eat Me and Red Queen in my locket at the same time. Red Queen goes very currant-y in my locket. A match made in heaven? I'll just have to experiment!


    Edit (a few weeks later): *Teggy yelling into her bottle, "HELLO!!!! Currant! Where the hell are you?! Argh!"*

  10. Hehe...I managed to snatch up a bottle of this at will-call too. It was the only scent I couldn't find in swaps. I wasn't sure at first if I like it, but now it's starting to grow on me. I was expecting something more foody, but I think I like what I ended up with anyway!


    In the bottle: Oozing buttery rum insanity. Almost overwhelming. I didn't like it in the bottle because it was too powerful.


    Wet: Swathy, buttery sandalwood. Tastey, but again a little overwhelming.


    Dry: Now this is nice! Sandalwood, saffron, and a hint of vanilla. It's surprisingly elegant without being a typical floral perfume. It becomes less foody, yet it still has that hint of tasty sweetness from the vanilla.


    This is definately a winner for the sandalwood fans as well as those who love foody scents, but want something a little more adult (read:sexy!).


    Edit: I'd just like to add that this oil lasts for a VERY long time. I put it on at 8:30 this morning. It's 4pm now and I can still (barely) smell it. It's just devine later on. So soft and gorgeous!

  11. Hmm...if you really want to attract a fellow on a more physical level, try the voodoo oils. I've tried other brands of these types and they WORK! They tend to smell a little on the cherry side, and don't always strike me as being "perumes," but I haven't given BPAL's voodoo blends a shot.


    I was actually discussing this topic with a coworker yesterday and he said that men are also attracted to cinnamon. For that, I suggest Eclipse. It's a very warm and inviting scent that's great for daytime.


    In the end, you need to go with something that makes you feel confident. If you think you smell nice, you'll just radiate beauty. (:P)_b

  12. Nyx

    If you love Jasmine, you will love Nyx. I got it as a frimp and tried it on just now. It's a very beautiful and feminine scent with lots of throw (so use sparingly!)


    Unfortunately, Jasmine upsets my stomach so I can't wear it. Off to swaps!

  13. Murky and dark? Um...no.


    I was really excited when I got this as a frimp. I tried it on last night and really liked it at first, but then the flowers and aquatics blossomed and I realized it's just like another perfume I'm trying to get rid of. If you like that kind of thing, this can be a very refreshing scent, but not "citrusy" refreshing....floral/aquatic refreshing.


    Unfortunately, scents like these tend to upset my stomach.

  14. I'm glad I didn't buy the 5ml of this one, but I am glad I got an imp. In the bottle and wet on me, this scent was not pleasant at all. It was just pure pumpkin, with no spices.


    Once it dried down, the spices and other notes started to come forward and it was much more balanced. It's still not my perfect pumpkin scent, but it's a start. Definately something you should try out if you're looking for an autumn scent.

  15. Simply cool, the essence of Lounge: the scent of a crisp pomegranate martini.

    Whoever said "sweet tarts" was right on. It wasn't quite as bad as smartees, but it still went very sugary on me instead of "crisp pomegranate." I didn't get citrusy at all, but I wish I had. Oh well. Maybe I'll give it to my sister. This scent is okay, but I guess it really just comes down to body chemistry and personal preference.

  16. Dragon's Milk to me just felt like an even sweeter Dragon's Blood. I like it straight up, but sometimes it's a little too sweet. My sis swapped me an imp of Dragon's Musk and I like it because the musk tones down the sweetness a little. I should try Dragon's Hide though from what you guys are saying. Maybe in my next batch-o-samples!

  17. Eclipse is definately an appropriate name for this scent. It goes through 3 phases on me that all smell completely different. I decided to test it 3 times before writing about it.


    Wet: Armaretto Sour! Very sweet almonds. It reminded me a lot of Hecate at first.


    Drydown: For the first 30 minutes after initial application, Eclipse suddenly goes very cinnamony on me. I like a cinnamon on my pancakes, not my skin. So those 30 minutes are not so pleasent.


    Dry: Once Eclipse is completely settled, it becomes very soft and warm. The notes become much more balanced, but I get mostly a warm almond/vanilla with a hint of the heliotrope. Very pleasant.


    Overall: I find this scent intriguing how it seems to sit a little differently on me each time. During my second test, it skipped the cinnamon phase completely. I can tell it won't last all day, but it's good for a few hours. This could definately become a regular scent for me.

  18. Instant love!


    I'm a huge peach fan, and my sister swapped this to me. While wet the peach was very prominent, but as it dries, the scent is fading to a sweet, but subtle aroma. It reminds me a lot of the hippie stores I'd find in Ithaca, NY. I wish the peach was a bit more prominent, but I still find this scent very warm and inviting.

  19. *applauds indicolite*


    I can describe Kyoto in two words: "Ugh, Smartees."


    I'm guessing that the the anise? I love cherry blossoms and I got absolutley none of that. It truly did remind me of Smartees which I also can't stand. Such a pity.

  20. In the imp and while still wet, Red Queen has a great balance of the woody/berry scent. Unfortunately, it changes depending on how I wear it. On my skin, it goes completely woody. In my scent locket, it goes to cherries and current.


    I absolutely love the scent in my locket. I get the cherry scent without it being cough-syrupy. It stays very light and very uplifting throughout the day. It's a pity it doesn't smell like that on my skin.


    This scent even inspired me to buy 2 drams of cherry oil and I absolutely hated it. Medicine all the way. Looks like I'll have to buy a bottle of Red Queen just to keep in my locket. *sniff* *smile*

  21. I was unfortunately disappointed with Blood Kiss. I read the description and my mouth waters with thoughts of cherries and cream, but every time I try it it just smells like overpowering an sacrine to me. I probably wasn't too keen on the vetiver. Can't win them all I guess ^^;

  22. I can't even begin to describe this scent, mostly because I really don't know how sandalwood, patchouli, or frankincense are supposed to smell like (ya, noob, I know). It was the first one to catch my eye on BPAL, but when I got it, I thought it was a little to dry for me. But then I wore it more...and more...then one day a fellow at work walked by while I was wearing it and said he was just "mezmerized" by my scent! Wow...


    First one I purchsed a 5ml of too. (baby steps)
