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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow

    Chaste Moon 2005

    In bottle and wet on skin- sweet, thick butterscotch. I also get toasted coconut, sort of like what I get from Spooky. It's much more pleasant than I anticipated (I'm not a butterscotch lover). Wearing- wow, this is now totally and completely different. It has become a floral scent. It's a good mix, and it's hard to pix out any flower in particular, but it is definitely totally and completely floral. All of the traces of butterscotch and coconut are gone. It's a warm and creamy floral for the duration of it's life on me.
  2. rainbow

    The Fool

    In the bottle and wet on skin- citrussy, with something deeper- spicy and musky- behind it. Wearing- a minty note develops. This is complex, more complex than I expected. It's citrus and mint with something deeper creating a base note. I'm not sure exactly what that base note is- I've been through musk, patchouli, resin, amber, etc. and it just doesn't smell like any of those. Overall, complicated scent, sometimes difficult to figure out.
  3. rainbow


    In bottle- lots of rose. Wet on skin- still lots of rose, but now with a slightly woody undertone. Wearing- it becomes warmer. I guess that the hazel. There are hints of resin, and something very powdery develops. This is a warm rose scent, and one that I find quite comforting.
  4. rainbow

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    There's an indescribable undercurrent in this that seems common to all the voodoo blends I've tried. It's something I can't even begin to describe, but it's definitely present. On top of that- this scent is sweet and sugary with a slight cherry tang. It is indeed a happy scent. It almost smells sticky.
  5. rainbow


    Crisp and clean, I can smell the Loganberry with a woody undertone. A very fresh scendted oil- very springy. As this morphs it turns into lemon with some background florals, then a mixed floral. This oil is very complex, and changes frequently. I really like it, as it's fresh, fruity, and floral, which are my favorite scent categories.
  6. rainbow


    In bottle and wet on skin- earthy with just a hint of sweetness. I can smell the musk and oakmoss. No almond for me, at least not yet. Wearing- okay, now I get almond. This scent morphs very quickly. It's almond and oakmoss, then almond and florals, all with something dark, mysterious, and incensey underneath. This settles into a sweet-incensey scent that smells something like middle eastern spices. Pleasant, but not really me.
  7. rainbow


    In bottle and wet on skin- wow, heavy and powdery. Absolutely not what I was expecting. There's a very heavy tang to this. Wearing- I'm getting no green from this at all. It's heavy, deep, and dark- dark browns and blacks. I get some slight hints of florals, but mostly it's just oppressive, heavy, musky powder. Final reaction- I just can't wear this. It's too "old" for me. Musk and powder aren't good on me. I wish I got the grass and green garden scent others seem to get, but alas, no.
  8. rainbow

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I absolutely agree on Machu Picchu. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post.
  9. rainbow


    In the bottle and wet on skin- sweet plum with a floral background and a bit of musk. Wearing- I swear I can smell the daffodil- I love that! The sweetness seems to temper and this is a strong, springy scent- it's very floral, and just screams sunny day to me. Definitely a good choice for spring.
  10. rainbow

    White Rabbit

    In the bottle- all milk and honey, very, very sweet. Not really my cup of tea. Wearing- speaking of tea...this is very much a black tea scent on me when I'm wearing it. It's gorgeous, smells just like a cup of black tea with milk. The scent is very fresh and very nice. Over time it mellows into a lovely tea and floral scent. I love tea scents, and this is just gorgeous. It's something I want a big bottle of, for sure.
  11. rainbow


    In the bottle and wet on skin- beautiful, sweet floral- I can definitely smell the rose. Wearing- there's something almost spicey or woody beneath the flowers. It's hard to discern exactly what it is, though. This is very floral, but it still smells pure and clear. Overall- the scent is beautiful, complex, and comforting. It's mainly floral, but there are some other elements which I'm not very good at recognizing. Definitely something I'll want to wear again.
  12. I know it gets talked about alot, but I think Snake Oil, especially if you age it, will fit your specifications. It's a complex and gorgeous scent, and it's got a slight foody element, but it's also spicy and grown-up.
  13. rainbow

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    Spellbound is my favorite I'm confident and going to kick some ass today scent.
  14. rainbow

    Springtime scents

    My spring scents... Maiden Titania Desdemona Rosalind Thalia The Apothecary Machu Picchu
  15. rainbow

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    In the bottle and wet on skin- clean, almost acquatic. This scent flows. The sweet vanilla pokes through. Mmmmm...this is nice. As I'm wearing- the violet scent develops, leaving me with a lovely, well-balanced vanilla- violet. This is really, really nice. For those who might find some of the other violet scents too earthy or too strong (Saturnalia, Bluebeard, etc.) this is a really nice, sweet version of violet. I love violet scents and I love this; it's got a lovely creamy-purple vibe.
  16. rainbow

    Rose Red

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I can't believe I haven't gotten round to reviewing this yet, since I bought it at Christmastime. I'm not sure there's much for me to add, so let me reiterate: This is, quite simply, a gorgeous, perfect rose scent. It's a deep red rose kept cool in a florists cooler, stem, petals, and all. It is delicate, yet strong. It's so true to the flower, and so lovely, I'm just in awe. This is one of those oils that I use sparingly and treasure.
  17. rainbow


    Okay, I'm glad others have noticed the Girl Scout cookie associations, because I can really only think of this oil in terms of Girl Scout cookies. When I opened the bottle it was right there- a combination of Thin Mints and Samoas- so that's coconut, mint, and chocolate. It's not a particularly fresh coconut scent, more of a dried and toasted coconut. As I was wearing this the mint scent dissipated, leaving a chocolate-coconut scent, which was surprisingly pleasant. I wasn't sure what I'd think of Spooky. I don't generally like foody scents, but I ordered it because there was so much good press surrounding it. Overall, I like it, but it will definitely be a cold weather scent for me- it's too heavy for warmer weather. It seems to smell more like candy than baked goods to me, which is also a plus. So, overall, I would never have dreamed that I like this, but I do.
  18. rainbow

    Storm Moon

    A very strong and sharp ozone scent, I really like it. When I put it on, I really get the feel of standing outside in massive storm, with torrential downpour, and the wind whipping through the trees. This is a very well-blended oil, and I'm having a hard time picking anything out except the ozone, though there are other things there. The strong and biting ozone scent predominates for me, and continues to for the duration that I'm wearing this. I do get the comparisons to fabric softener, but I think that's nice. I'm a sucker for clean laundry scents. There's definitely a clean laundry vibe here too- wet laundry. Unfortunately this doesn't last very long on me, but it's a really nice scent.
  19. rainbow

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    My autumn scents are: Three Witches- spicy cinnamon, yum! Snake Oil Hunger The Hesperidies- apple!
  20. rainbow

    Dragon's Blood

    This is a very, very strong and heady floral on me. I don't get any of the earthiness, spiciness, or fruitiness that others have described- just straight up floral for me. It doesn't smell of any one particular flower to me, more of a blend, and it is in no way an innocent scent. Alas, this is a scent that I don't think smells all that good on me- I swear my skin does something to it, because what everyone else describes is so different from what I'm getting. It's a bit choking and overwhelming. Shame, because the bright red color is really striking, and I'd love to use a bright red oil.
  21. rainbow

    Cheshire Cat

    Wow, this is amazing. It's exactly what I've been looking for in a grapefruit scent. I've had problems with other grapefruit blends not lasting very long, but not this one. Cheshire Cat has staying power! In the bottle- smells like red currant- at least, what I presume red currant smells like. It's sort of an amorphous sweet red fragrance. Wet on skin- Grapefruit tempered by herbs- must be the lavender and chamomile. Wearing- Oh my, this is when it gets gorgeous. This turns into a sweet berry/currant scent tempered by the tart ctirus of grapefruit. It is just lovely. Not too sweet, but still fruity. Yum. This is a festive scent.
  22. rainbow

    Blood Amber

    Dragon's Blood and Amber are two notes that smell very distinctive on my skin, and which my nose seems to be able to pick out from a mile away. Thus, this scent smelled *exactly* as I expected it to on me. When I put it on it smelled of two separate components- dragon's blood and amber. I could smell each, but as the oil dried the amber amplified and ultimately took over the dragon's blood. My skin amplifies amber like nobody's business, so no real surprise. This is a warm, sensual scent. It makes itself right at home on the skin, and stays storng. This scent isn't really me, however, so I'll probably pass my imp on.
  23. rainbow

    Phantom Queen

    For some reason I was expecting a scent called Phantom Queen to be light and powdery, but this isn't at all. It's really, really nice. This scent is a lovely deep berry and floral. It's much like Glasgow, a favorite of mine, though this is warmer, and less fresh than Glasgow. It's like red, ripe berries, with flowers growing in the underbrush. I really love this. mmmmmmm.
  24. rainbow

    'red' scents

    Like others I tend to think of two categories of "red" scents. First, the resin/dragon's blood/spicy category. Second, the bright red berries category. I'm generally far more pleased with the latter category, so I'm still totally undecided about The Living Flame, as the name seems to lend itself better to the former category.
  25. rainbow


    Oooh, love, love, love this. In the bottle and wet on my skin- melon and grape- just gorgeous. It's sweet and smells a bit candy-like. Wearing- this scent is just addictive. I get more pear as I'm wearing this, it's golden and pink and sparkly and so darn pretty. It's very, very nice, and addictive- I can't stop sniffing my wrists. Easily a top ten and big bottle scent for me.