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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow


    This is the latest scent to blow my mind. I love Jailbait. Wet- it's a very true bubblegum scent. Smells exactly like bubblegum, and possibly a bit like lollipops too. I would never have expected to love a bubble gum scent, but it smells really, really nice. Wearing- once dry, this completely morphs into a totally different scent. It becomes a floral, womanly, sophisticated perfume. I have no idea what the individual notes are in this perfume, but there definitely several florals, as well as possibly just a hint of powder and mint? It smells a great deal like B Never Too Busy to Be Beautiful's Cocktail. Great scent, really fun, completely changes. On my big bottle list.
  2. rainbow

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    CT CCIV (204) Wet- this smells mostly of amber/resin, with a slight undertone of sweet cherries and of almond. Wearing- once dry the resin totally disappears, and the scent develops a sharp citrus tea scent- it 's very tangy, and citrus tea in conjunction with almond. The citrus tea lasts for an hour or so and then this morphs into a cinnamon and almond scent. The cinnamon becomes very strong, and it's a very warm scent. This is very much a fall-winter scent, so I suspect I'll be wearing it mostly then. It's sweet, and it's warm and spicy. I like the latter life of this scent better than the earlier tea and resin- my nose is having a hard time figuring that out (and there may be something else underneath the tea, I can't tell.)
  3. rainbow

    Follow Me Boy

    This goes on to me very powdery. As I'm wearing it gets a bit more herbal and a bit more sweet, but there's a decidedly powdery undertone that remains. It seems to mingle with the skin very well, and it stays close to the skin- I don't get a lot of wafting. I didn't try this on the guys, so I can't speak to that element.
  4. rainbow

    La Petite Mort

    Wow, this smells just like skin. It's warm and sensual and a little bit sweet. I can't pick out any individual notes, but it really does smell exactly like sensual skin. Recommended for those who like warm and sweet scents.
  5. rainbow

    Sea of Glass

    This is so beautiful, and it so lives up to its name. The scent is like clear water, that washes over you gently, and its gently acquatic, gently floral, and light all at the same time. It's impossible to pick out the notes in this, but this is a really original and truly beautiful scent. Like water with light reflcting off of it.
  6. rainbow


    Urd smelled very much like sophisticated incense to me. It has that complex spiciness where you can't pick out individual notes that one tends to get from a really good incense. It's not smoky at all, at last not to me, it's more pure spice with just a very small hint of sweetness. This gives off a rust or amber-colored vibe. Definitely a rich brownish-orange scent. Definitely the best incense scent I've ever smelled.
  7. rainbow


    This smelled of cinnamon, sugar and milk on me. So, it was a sweet and creamy cinnamon scent- like a cinnamon latte, with lots of cream and sugar (but without the coffee, if this is making any sense at all). Though this is certainly a cinnamon scent, it definitely has a sweet, rather than spicey feel to it, and great for anyone who likes foody scents. So, the redux is sweet and creamy. The cinnamon keeps things interesting.
  8. rainbow

    Kweku Anansi

    On me this smelled very strongly of wood and cedar. As I was wearing it it smelled predominantly of cedar. I haven't gotten any of the pepper or other scents that other people got. For me it was all cedar- it was a very nostalgic sort of scent, like sticking my nose in a memory chest- I could almost feel the cedarwood while wearing it. This scent is strong and has good duration. It's a bit to masculine for me, but I bet it smells great slathered on a guy.
  9. rainbow

    Springtime scents

    I'd add Arkham Revisited too. (Okay, probably not surprising, since it's right out of Springtime in Arkham, but I digress). The scent is very green, fresh, and has a touch of fruit that's not sweet at all. It's just perfect.
  10. rainbow


    In the bottle- mmmmm....fruity! Berries! Yum! Wearing- This smells like cool green and pine. It's a bit reminiscent of Skadi. This is a very well-blended floral that smells almost fruity to me. Beautiful and unique, it really is the spring version of Skadi. As it dries down it becomes woodsier. Then I get fruity undercurrents again. Overall- I LOVE this. I'm so happy I got a bottle. It's extremely reminiscent of Skadi to me, and it's lovely, cool, and fresh, perfect for a spring day.
  11. rainbow


    Fresh and citrussy in the bottle, with herbal undertones. When wearing, I get the scent of fresh florals, still with herbal undertones. This is clean and crisp, but there's something earthy about it as well, though not in the traditional way. The citrus undertone remains. As others have said, this is pretty and sophisticated.
  12. Oh yes, I absolutely agree on White Rabbit.
  13. I'm getting a similar citrus and pine vibe from Arkham Revisited as from Skadi.
  14. rainbow

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    In the bottle- sweet cherries and gardenia. Wearing- I think there may be Dragon's Blood in here, though there's no mention of it. It certainly smells something like Dragon's Blood. This scent is extremely thick and heavy. This is a cloying and sexy scent. This smells mostly like sweet gardenia on me with just a hint of cinnamon spice.
  15. rainbow


    In the bottle- plum and amaretto. Yum! Wearing- the plum really comes through. The amaretto gives this a candy sweetness. It makes the whole scent a bit foody. I'd prefer it a little less foody, but it's still really nice. This scent is juicy, but he candy notes temper juiciness. I don't love it quite as much as Megaera (still one of my top 3) because it's a bit too foody. But still, it's a really lovely scent. The plum fades faster than the sweet parts of teh scent, so further into its life it's all sweet and not fruity, and then it morphs into a strong amaretto scent, including the bite of a strong alcohol, like a sip of brandy. Overall, really nice scent. Something I'd definitely wear more often. It really does evoke the image of a bordello.
  16. rainbow


    In the bottle- the oil is a lovely pale green adn it smells sharp and biting, like bitter herbs. Wet on skin- stronger bitter herbs. The undertones are almost minty. As the scent develops it gets more complex and starts to smell like being caught deep in a forest. The description says earthy and haunting, and it is absolutely both of these things. This scent takes me places. It gets woodier and spicier the more I wear it.
  17. rainbow


    Oh, I like this one alot! In the bottle and wet on skin- lots of sweet almond with just a hint of clove. Wearing- almost an overwhelming shock of almond (again with hints of clove). The clove develops and comes into its own. This develops into a really warm, spicy clove scent. It's very nice, and I may have found something to fill the spicy niche in my life vacated by Three Witches). Unfortunatley on the drydown I get more sassafrass than clove and spice, but for the overall experience I love this scent and will be ordering more.
  18. rainbow


    In the bottle and wet on skin- orange and raspberry. VERY orange and raspberry. I love the fruitiness of this. Wearing- it's still orange and raspberry, but there's a deeper note underneath, and it smells musky. I was a bit disappointed by the dark undertone, becasue certain musk notes and I don't really seem to get on. This would be one of those notes. It's a shame because I love the raspberry and orange combo.
  19. rainbow


    In the bottle and wet on skin- Fig and woodsy. When it gets on my skin it is heavily cocoa and woodsy. On me this scent ends up being sickeningly sweet, with undertones I can't identify. I have a feeling the fig is responsible for that. I also have a feeling that other people wouldn't describe it as "sickeningly sweet." I hate foody scents, anything that smells like food puts me off, and unfortunately, with the chocolate and fig, this falls in that category. This one is going off to swaps.
  20. rainbow


    Oh wow, this is lovely. I had no particular expectations for this oil, but I've been overwhelmed by my joy for it. In the bottle- smells like lavender and lime. Fresh and yummy. I love this scent combo. Wet on skin- It's lavender and lime and something yummy underneath- I suspect that's the lotus (sort of a flowing, almost watery scent). The tart fruitiness of the lime scent (I swear, I can smell lime, I know it's not listed in the ingredients) mixes so well with the herbal scent of the lavender. There's something that smells like bubble gum in here too, but that's a good thing for me. Overall, I really enjoyed wearing this, and it lasted a long time. Excellent.
  21. rainbow

    Beltane 2005-06

    In the bottle- a lovely floral mix with a heady undertone. Wearing- I get a similar undertone to what I get in other BPAL florals. I'm not sure what that mix is, but it is powerful and distinctive. I'm particularly smelling similarities with Eos, which is probably not surprising, given that both are floral oils that celebrate spring. There's one floral note that predominates, but I'm not able to pick it out. In any case, this really makes an amazing balance between spring flowers and strong scent with good throw. As the blend develops and tones down I get a fresh green scent- grass, and herbs, and stems and all. This is my favorite phase of the oil. Unfortunately it's also the shortest lasting on me. I've sent this one on to a new home because it ultimately wasn't me, but it is complex and beautiful all the same.
  22. rainbow

    Fire of Love

    This smells alot like I suspect something called "Fire of Love" should smell. There's an initial spiciness, but that quickly dissipates, leaving a heavy, carnal, body-lust type scent behind. There's definitely some sort of heavy musk here that features very prominently. Heavy musk and I don't get on well, so this won't be the scent for me. As it's not to my taste I never got the chance to try it on the menfolk, so I can't comment on how well it works.
  23. rainbow

    Love Me

    This is was very heavy, wet, and sweet, both in the bottle and when I put it on. I could swear I smell vanilla in there, or something else equally heavy, heady, and creamy. Unfortunately I can't say much more about this scent because after just a couple of minutes of wearing I reacted to one of the ingredients and my skin turned red, itchy, etc. So, needless to say, I had to wash it off. I was honestly shocked because I don't have particularly sensitive skin with regard to spices and whatnot, and I have no idea what the offending ingredient is. Oh well.
  24. rainbow


    In bottle and wet on skin- lemon, with something leathery underneath. Wearing- fresh lemon candies with sandalwood. It's a shame sandalwood and I don't get along better, because I love the lemon component of this scent. It's soft, and just a tiny bit sweet- brilliant. Unfortunately sandalwood smells earthy and sweaty on me. As the scent develops the jasmine does temper the sandalwood somewhat, but not quite enough for my tastes. Like all citrus scents this disappeared quickly on me.
  25. rainbow


    In bottle and wet on skin- whoa, sweet and heavy. This smells like melted butter. Unfortunately I don't do foody, so this could be a rough go. Wearing- it's now buttery and nutty, though the nutty is definitely just an undertone to the butter. This is still extremely heavy, extremely sweet, almost choking me with it's sweetness. Final result- not for me, I'm afraid. I don't do foody scents, and this is about the foodiest scent of all. I shall be swapping this imp.