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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. You might also want to try Loviatar. It's got a leather-thing going on too- sort of like leather with a slight powdery edge. I was shocked by how much of an old-leather-coat smell it had (in a good way, of course )
  2. rainbow

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    I've found Loviatar and Spellbound to be reasonably similar. Loviatar is much like Spellbound without the rose (which sounds weird, but bear with me)- the spicy/powdery sophisticated element in Spellbound is basically Loviatar straight up. I prefer Spellbound, but I enjoy Loviatar too.
  3. mmm...I adore Sex Bomb so please let us know if that is what Venom smells like hey Cuddley...don't know if you saw but I made a post asking for help finding something that smells of violets and chocolate with spicy/clovey in it and everyone suggested Old Sybaris! They said it is violets with a cinnamon/spicy note and kinda reminds of chocolate- I think this plus Bliss- which is pure chocolate- would be a good combo for Skinny Dip lovers Yes, it's sex bomb! I found a sex bomb, used it last night, and confirmed that venom smells like sex bomb with a bit of added lime. Venom is gorgeous- do get it. I need to write down the progression of the scent next time I wear it so that I can do a proper review.
  4. My new BPAL love, Venom, smells exactly like something LUSH. I think it's Sex Bomb. I'm 99% sure it's sex bomb. I'm desperately searching the house for a sex bomb to see if I'm right.
  5. rainbow


    Disclaimer- Puck and I did not get along...here are the dirty details: The vial seemed to be wafting disgusting smells even before I opened it. In the vial it smells rank. All I'm getting is the civet. I long for the grapey-popsicle smell, but no love. I will be avoiding civet in the future. So, I put some on. For the first few minutes I would get pleasant wafts of grape that were quickly ruined by the smell of rancid cat pee. About half an hour after application all I was getting were constant wafts of civet (in other words, constant cat pee). It doesn't seem possible, but the civet gets stronger over time. I HAD to wash it off. Seriously, this stuff was making me retch. I was soooo disgusted. No more civet for me. Not now. Not ever.
  6. rainbow


    Oh WOW! I never expected to love this as much as I think I do. In the vial I really wasn't sure of the scent. I put it on and immediately it smelled strongly powdery, but not in a bad way at all. I got very little of the rose, as it was a dry powdery smell, not a sweet one. After an hour or so it turned into a spicy, slightly leathery, powdery scent. That must be the amber. I found this to be a very steady scent. Not only did it last all day, but it seemed to change very little. I really only got a whiff of roses on the drydown, which came about 12 hours after applying it. This is such a strong, powerful, womanly scent. I love it for work because it makes me feel like I ooze confidence and competence. This is not something I'd ever have picked out for myself. I'm so glad I got it as a sample. I'm so taken with it, and it seems to work really well with my body chemistry. A winner for me.
  7. I just wore Delirium again today and was reminded of how much of a dead ringer this is for Amondopondo bubble bar. It's got the same, beautiful, rose and citrus blend that's delicate and long-lasting at the same time. Bliss.
  8. rainbow


    This is the scent I've been most looking forward to, and I must say, I'm not disappointed, not in the least. In the bottle and wet on my skin it smells predominantly of heather- a beautiful floral. As it dries the blackberry really comes through, and the scents combine beautifully. This is a favorite, it makes me think of all the beautiful cool colors of the rainbow- greens, blues, and violets. It also inspires images of hiking across windswept moorsi n the summer, surrounded by wild grasses, with the occasional wild flower or fruit. The scent remains fairly constant for the duration of its life (about 4 hours). Towards the dry down the sweetness of the blackberry intensifies.
  9. rainbow


    In the bottle, and at first on my skin, this reminds me of cough syrup- sweet and thick- it brings to mind deep magentas and crimsons. There's a medicinal smell to it at the beginning that wears off fairly quickly, leaving just the fruity sweetness (smells a bit like cherry to me). I rather like this, though I'm a big fan of pretty much all fruity scents.
  10. rainbow


    Drat...I wish I could smell the apple as well as everyone else. What I get when I put this on is a dominant lemon with some rose peeking around it. After an hour or so the lemon fades and a sweet rose scent really comes through. Overall, it's a pleasing rose scent. I do like the rose and lemon pairing, and I think users of Lush's bubble bar, amondopondo, would be particularly pleased.
  11. rainbow


    On my skin this smells very much of white tea, with a lemon and herbal tone to it. It's sharp and crisp at first, but after a few minutes the herbal bit disappears, the lemon fades away, and more florals come through. In the bottle the scent is very sharp. This is a clean white scent, which I would wear on a spring morning.
  12. Has anyone come across a scent that's anything like Flower Market? I love that heady floral, powdery thing.
  13. rainbow


    First, I must say that I was unable to smell the lemon in this at all- not at any point did I get any sense of citrus. Amazing how we all smell different things. Anyway, what I did get out of this was a very sweet, pungent mint scent (that's a good thing for me, btw) that lasted for hours. This fragrance didn't seem to change much on me over the course of the day, but the scent remained strong. This is exactly what I imagine absinthe to smell like. The fragrance was also very green, not necessarily in the traditional sense of smelling strongly of herbs, wooded glens, or cut grass, but in a more ethereal I have a green aura right now kind of sense. This is a very reliable fragrance for me. I know I can always wear it, whatever my mood, and the fragrance will adapt to match. An excellent everyday fragrance.
  14. rainbow


    I would never, ever have picked this for myself, but it came as a free sample with my order. That said, I'm very glad it did. I would never have tried anything this different from my normal fruity/floral fix. That said: Initial- I had a hard time discerning exactly what I thought of this on the initial sniff- it's a confusing fragrance. My nose kept searching, trying to determine what was in it, but it never settled on anything. I remained confused. On skin- this warms very, very quickly and what I smell most is a jacked-up version of baby powder. It's powdery, but warmer and spicier, with an extra something that smells a bit like leather. Dry down- seems much sweeter to me. More amber notes appear to come through. This is a beautiful scent. Not so fond of the initial whiff, but really enjoy getting wafts of it all day.