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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Dinerdulcinea

  1. Snake Oil is straight up baby powder on me so I don't like it at all. I do, however, like Temple Viper and Death Adder on myself and Western Diamondback on my hubby (it is rather like Quincy from the Dracula series...just with a warm, rich note in it too.)
  2. Dinerdulcinea

    Milk Moon 2007

    A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape. Apparently I haven't posted a review of this either: The pomegranate note is very sharp in this one in the bottle and when it is first applied. The fruit is very strong. Later, it becomes creamier and more like that pina colada other folks are talking about. I do like it...especially layered over my Bath and Body Works Creamy Coconut lotion!
  3. Dinerdulcinea

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    No pumpkin, no chocolate, no pomegranate, no caramel...but I do get cream! Y'all are maybe going to laugh, but no matter how I try to sample this scent (in combo with different body creams, straight up, whatever) it ALWAYS smells like coffee with sugar and cream. COFFEE?? Yes. It really smells like Sephora's Coffee and Cream whipped body delight. I like the way that stuff smells (though lots of other people don't) so I really like Pumpkin III. Not chocolate or pumpkin, but I still like it. There is a little bit of non-dairy creaminess though...perhaps the pumpkin? ETA---it's not just my nose...my husband also thinks that, on me, it smells like coffee and cream with sugar.
  4. Dinerdulcinea

    Sol Invictus

    Guess I never reviewed this either! I know I didn't like it last year when I tried it...after it has aged several months, it is very gentle. A little musty in the sense of a well-loved room filled with antiques. There is a very beautiful incense-y note under there, but on me, it quite muted by the scent of powder. Oh alas. Frankincense USED to do me right and now it seems to be powder powder powder in many blends. Meh.
  5. Dinerdulcinea

    Knecht Ruprecht

    It appears that I never posted my review on this! imp: fruity pine/fir wet: ripe fruit and live pine/fir trees dry: piney plug in air freshener. Same basic jist on hubby. Oh well.
  6. Dinerdulcinea

    Sleepytime BPAL

    Hmmmmmmm...interesting problem... Being chronically without sleep CAN have very severe effects on health, so I hope you can find something that helps you. Have you considered meditation techniques to put yourself in a state of mind that is ready for sleep? If you have never done it, meditation can be very challenging at the beginning, but just keep working on it and it will become easier and more effective. An example of a meditation for sleep might include: 1st) putting your mind in a focused, quiet state 2nd) focusing on images of yourself sleeping peacefully and deeply OR focusing on telling yourself how drowsy you are becoming. Even if you DON'T actually feel that way at first, telling yourself over and over that you do can be very effective. Affirmations as a part of meditation or as a separate exercise may also help. Try something like: 1) I am very drowsy. With each breath I feel sleepier and sleepier. I am drifting down into sleep. 2) Tonight, I will fall asleep quickly and I will sleep deeply through the night and I will not be awakened until morning. My sleep will be deep, restful and healing. Say these or other affirmations over and over again. Some of them you may be able to say during the rest of the day, like #2 (because you are not telling yourself that you are sleepy right then, but that you will be sleepy when it is time to go to bed). There are also some sound recordings that use white noise or pink noise to settle the mind and prepare it for a sleep state. You could try those also. I hope that helps!
  7. Dinerdulcinea

    Jazz Funeral

    I like it better in the bottle than on me (which happens a fair amount). Magnolia. Earth. Carnation... On my skin turns to kind of white strung-out floral and dirt. Meh. I will keep my imp for every-now-and-then wearing, but trade my bottle for something I like better.
  8. Dinerdulcinea

    Wolf's Heart

    I bought a bottle of this at Christmas for Hubby after LOVING the imp I got---but the bottle is JASMINE JASMINE JASMINNNNNNNNE!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is the imp sooo nice and the bottle soooo not? The imp is all Dragon's Blood and warmth. The bottle, the dreaded Jazmynzzzz.!
  9. Dinerdulcinea


    Hubby and I can't agree on the chocolate scents. The ones I like, he hates and the ones he likes I hate. I smell plastic/metal/iron in all the ones he likes, while all he smells is chocolate. Bliss is no different. He likes it, I don't.
  10. Dinerdulcinea

    Water of Notre Dame

    You know, I am usually not one for the aquatic scents (that note tends to always pop up and ruin almost all of the "usual" commercial department store perfumes on me) but this is soothing. Sometimes it goes a little soapy, but if I add a little Squirting Cucumber it is very nice and cool. I'll keep it and use it for smellies and peace.
  11. Dinerdulcinea

    Grand Guignol

    Apricot brandy---straight up...with a hint of something green. Actually quite nice! Usually the booze notes go powdery on me, but not this one. I'll probably use my imp.
  12. Dinerdulcinea


    AAAAAAAACCCCCCK!!!!!! The wintergreen Velamints, they are chassssssinnnnng meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *pthouy ptuh thhhppbbbvt*
  13. Dinerdulcinea

    Black Opal

    ...And yet another blend where the flowers that hate my chemistry jump up and pulverise all the nice notes into oblivion.
  14. Dinerdulcinea

    #20 Love Oil

    nooooooooooooo... The flowers, they do not love me!
  15. Dinerdulcinea


    I wanted to love this one. It sounds so delicious. but... *sigh* Maybe it is the myrrh...that note used to be so nice on me...and then...one day...it bitch-slapped me with a sudden sour, powdery awfulness.
  16. Dinerdulcinea

    Death Adder

    I really get the black coconut in this as well as the opoponax. It starts all spicy and resinous and "warm," then changes to be a more baby-powdery (it's the snake oil) and "cooler" with heavy coconut. Except for the baby-powdery-ness, it reminds me slightly of Snake Charmer---only the coconut is heaveier in this blend on me. We'll see if it gets more powdery later.
  17. Dinerdulcinea

    Temple Viper

    A little baby-powdery on me (snake oil does that), but with a very pleasant floral quality that brightens it up a bit. Also a little foody and delicious. We'll see if it goes full-on baby powder after along wait.
  18. Dinerdulcinea

    King Cobra (2006)

    Kinda like spicier baby powder. Damn the Snake Oil! *shakes fist!* I was hoping it woudn't morph on me with the extra ingredients, but it kind of does. A sexier baby powder than Snake Oil, but baby powder still.
  19. Dinerdulcinea

    Western Diamondback

    To my nose, this blend is very much like Quincy, my hubby's favorite cowboy from the Dracula series. A little bit warmer and spicier through. Must be the leather---which smells icky (or disappears completely) on my skin in some other leather blends, but here is very nice. Refreshing, actually!
  20. Dinerdulcinea

    The Witch Queen

    Wild plum, red musk, tuberose, calla lily, heliotrope, pimento, ylang ylang and beeswax beneath a dark haze of sinister purple-hued incense smoke. imp: plum and some florals. Very perfume-y. wet: WHOAH! This changed TOTALLY the second it hit my skin. It becomes a little aquatic (believe it or not...my skin does that with lots of things). It stays very perfume-y but more on the aquatic side. The plum went underground. dry: It morphs more and more over the next 2 hours (hubby likes it, but it's not really me). It goes on to being a little spicy/foody at one short stage, which is odd...finally landing on a stage that I heavily dislike...apparenly my skin amps pimento (???) or whatever that smell is. To my nose, it smells like olive leaf a little or some other kind of leaf...maybe slightly of bay leaf(???). Basically something I wouldn't want to be the dominant note in a perfume I wear. Bleh. So...it's really not my fave.
  21. Dinerdulcinea


    Sadly, on my skin, the vanilla and lavender on this one do not play nicely together. It is rather unpleasant and too strong for about 4 hours+...then it finally comes to an agreement and is not so bad, but I don't think I can wait 4 hours+. And because it is so strong (even only using a little bit) and because the two notes don't play nicely together on my skin, I don't find it restful. I don't think I have ever had a scent take quite so long to morph into the final stage. Oh well, not for me.
  22. Dinerdulcinea


    Bummer. All I get from this is a kind of sour, wilted and rotting rose-like smell...so it did not soothe me.
  23. Dinerdulcinea


    remotely foody but also very rancid-smelling. Made me SOOO NAUSEAUS I had to have hubby wash it off. None of the ones from this update seem to love me so far. Well, can't win 'em all!
  24. Dinerdulcinea

    Fairy Market

    imp: delicate and beautiful wet: laundry detergent-y dry: the grass comes out, but some of the other notes are powdery---which is a kiss of death for me. I don't think I'll keep it.
  25. Dinerdulcinea

    Agnes Nutter

    My hubby wanted this one so we tried it...unfortunately it is TOO NASTY-SMELLING to even be placed on our bodies. It smells like something rotten. Alas. Going straight to swaps...do not pass Go.