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Posts posted by midnight_aeval

  1. Oh my, my, my, my, my... I love this so much! The only note I was scared about was coconut as it usually turns plasticky on me. So delicious; warm, sweet, slight spice. Exactly how I love my perfume :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: And it's sweet without being foodie... love love, must get a lot more :twisted:

  2. This is a pretty fantastic leather blend for those that may be turned off by heavy leather notes. Present, but not overpowering. Each note in this blend shares the stage with the others, not one comes off as particularly dominant. The oak bark and patchouli lends an earthy/dry/dusty feel; bourbon vanilla and bitter almond lend a touch of sweetness; and the jasmine makes it lean more feminine although it contains leather.

  3. I was hoping the Dragon Blood note in this leaned in the resiny direction, of course if this was the case I'm sure the scent's notes would have specified, but that's me being hopeful! This is the floral dragon's blood note that rules those blends in Ars Draconis. First applied, the blend is stronger on the Dragon's Blood, very dominant, which is not surprising given my history with DB. As it dries, the black tea comes to the party and creates a nice balance from the overly floral DB. For such a "simple" blend, it's remarkably complex.

  4. I get mostly soft, worn leather from this blend. Spanked (my favorite #1 scent FOREVER and ALWAYS) is more of a crisp, black leather. Anyways, leather is prominent through all the stages of the scent. At first I get a blast of that almond/cherry note with the leather, which smells reeeeally good. As it dries, the almond/cherry calms down (so if you're not ordering because you're scared of the almond husk note, don't be!) and rounds out the leather nicely with the vanilla adding a touch more of sweetness; I believe the oak leaf and patchouli come to play later as it gets earthier as it is worn.


    The patchouli in the blend is surprisingly not the star (because really, patchouli can be an attention whore most of the time), definitely the leather!


    I don't get similarities to blends like Banshee Beat.. it's in a league of it's own.


    And yes, this blend last forever - the sweatshirt I wore on the day I wore it (a full week ago), STILL smells like it! It's pretty fantastic.

  5. Reminds me of holidays spent in a cabin. It's fresh, piney, and comforting. I'm getting that pencil-shavings note that means cedar is present, but I kind of like it. Not sure if I will need a full bottle, but I do think this blend is really pleasant. [as I can't stop sniffing my arm LOL]

  6. Very lemongrass dominant. I like how the sandalwood creates a dry quality to the lemon-candy-esque vibe of the lemongrass. No anise detected to my nose which is usually a dominating note with my skin chemistry. Nicely blended, reminds me of a brighter version of Haunted.

  7. For sheer convenience, given that I can't seem to find the time to properly put my latest 2 BPAL packages away, I've worn this blend 3 times now! I also really like it :wub2:


    It does remind me of Pumpkin Latte minus the latte/coffee (never came off as very pumpkiny). I do smell a spiced buttercream. Strangely, I don't get a lot of Pumpkin from this. I don't care though, it's gooooood. Debating if I need a backup.

  8. I'm not a fan of rose scents. There, I said it! Most that know me know I'm not a fan of 99% of florals. I adore the smell of a fresh picked rose, but I haven't yet found *that* scent in a blend. The closest that comes close is a one-off bottle from a long-gone etailer, and possibly the Red and White Rose duo from BPTP, but those are mixed with other notes I love which makes the rose all that more bearable.


    Having said all that, I'm always skeptical when I venture out to try a blend with rose in it. 9/10 times it goes to a soapy mess with my skin chemistry. I'm happy to say that Cherokee Rose does not go soapy for me at all! In fact, it's almost like rose scented sweet tarts? There's a citrusy tartness to this rose SN.


    Overall, it's a non-traditional rose scent, but probably not something I'd wear often. I'm more of a dark, spicy, sweet girl B)

  9. I have been putting off even OPENING this bottle even though I received it over a month ago :lol: Vetiver is very intimidating. Like the bad-ass chick in class, you really want to talk to her, but are scared she will set fire to your eyeballs. Well, this SN is sort of like that.


    It reminds me of burning, wet foliage. Moss, soil, wet leaves, but smoldering. The throw is nothing short of amazing. My husband started asking if something was on fire hahaha This blend is not for the feint of heart! Nor someone who might have an issue with smelling like burning.

  10. I think my order of preference is Released GC Dorian, Dorvian v3, then Dorian v2. V2 is more masculine, cologny, clean. Like a freshly showered man, which I'm sure many people love that smell, but for me I love when my husband uses my ultra-foody body washes and such :lol: The drydown on V2 is nice - sexy and spicy.


    Dorian v2 is much LESS like the released version than V3 is. It seems to be a whole different branch on the scent tree. I'm really glad to have the chance to have tried all 3!

  11. This is released, GC Dorian with an addition of a sweet coconut note. Possibly coconut cream because I get a smooth/creamy smell from it. Not the usual coconut note I come across in perfume oils because it doesn't go plasticky [on me]. Not sure if it the aging, but I don't get a lot of lemon. Mostly musk, tea + coconut. Pretty nice!

  12. I'm a definite fan of leather scents, but my favorite is the one that's in Spanked. This one is more like the leather from Olisbos - that worn leather variety. It doesn't come off as sweet leather scent on my skin. I wish it would have!

  13. Whew! Hello masculine scent. I guess with a name like KING, you'd expect as much ;) Nice if you're into that, but man, even as a lover of the masculine scents this one is strong for me.


    ETA: in the drydown, I get more of the balsam which is a note I like, makes it less cologney, more sweet/woodsy.

  14. In the decant I was almost scared away! There was a chile/cumin/something note, and yes, that corn chip smell. The smell of all that not nice stuff went away after about 10 min. The scent got better as it dried down. Sweet scent with baking spices. I just don't know about that the wet stage of this one... would probably keep me from wearing it.

  15. I was so excited to see a blend with watermelon in it! In the decant, it does smell like watermelon jolly ranchers, but luckily on my skin it is less like candy and more like a nice watermelon spritzer. Sweet pea generally turns to a sunblock smell (yes, Aeval, I'm talking about you), but in The King's Daughter it must be working really well with the other notes because I don't detect sunblock. The sandalwood/pale woods/oakmoss combo must be tempering this blend from being overly sweet, but it is very innocent and feminine in feel. Definitely one that is meant to be light in throw so that only those who you invite to come closer would smell it.

  16. I was very excited for this when it was release (mega-foody here). I tested it and could not scrub the association of stale-coffee breath from an ex-boss of mine :lol: Don't get me wrong, he was one of the BEST bosses I have ever had, but he drank coffee ALL day long and he always had that stale-coffee breath!


    I'm sure it's nice for others, but won't be one I could wear.

  17. Wow, another one I have skipped over for YEARS when frimps made their way to me. I associated The Red Queen with roses I guess.. I'm in love with the sweet, plushness of this blend. The mahogany is glorious, another to add to my next order! It's like the epitome of cherry wood :wub2:

  18. I received this as a frimp in my recent Etsy order from the lab and since we've seen a lot of DCs in the GC I have vowed to pay more attention to them. I have probably received this particular imp 4-5 times as the name is not new to me. I guess I never tried it before as I associate the scent of Harlot to be one I would never want to wear. This, however, is a great NON-soapy rose scent and the cinnamon hits it out of the park. I mean, really, I enjoy this scent which is saying a lot as I typically loathe rose. It's romantic, spicy, and sexy. I think I'll need to pick up a bottle in my next order!
