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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval

    Rose Geranium

    I received a tester of this in an eBay win and I'm really glad I'm getting a chance to try more of these SNs! In the imp this smells like clean laundry drying on a clothesline amidst blooming rose bushes. I seriously smell more of the "clean laundry" than the rose, however which is quite perplexing. It doesn't have the typical soapy smell I equate to most rose scents, but there is something that radiates CLEAN with this SN.
  2. midnight_aeval

    Light Myrrh

    I happened upon a partial of this on eBay and I couldn't be more ecstatic to be able to cross it off of my wishlist! In the bottle it is mildly astringent, almost pungent, but the moment it touches my skin the warm/syrupy scent comes out. It's got a slight "dusty" feeling to it. I very much like Light Myrrh and look forward to hunting down some Dark Myrrh to compare!
  3. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    CCLXXV: origin - purchase on ebay The ebay auction for this one said Dorian with a definite foody/baked goods note, like fresh butter/sugar cookies! and I'll tell you it's not far off!! It's like a small, round, spicey tea cookie fell into a brewing pot of Dorian mmmm The perfect combination I think, Dorian was meant to be served with cookies!
  4. midnight_aeval

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    I'm on the fence with this one. Initially I get no coffee - absolutely NONE. I smell vanilla'd woods and dusty parchment... After about an hour a hint of coffee comes out. This isn't a blend that screams to me OMG must covet!!1!!11! but it's oddly comforting. I get the same sense of comfort when I wear Misk U - a scent I am not really fond of, but when I'm feeling down and unloved I wear it... it's like that soft security blanket you want to snuggle with but know it's not very adult of you to do so lol I'm sure I'll keep the bottle, but I probably won't be stocking up.
  5. midnight_aeval

    Velvet Nudie

    Perhaps I have come to the conclusion that I must avoid anything with "skin musk" because there hasn't been a blend with it in it that has worked for me (when will I learn?!?!) Anyways, with so few notes I thought for sure this would smell good on me. Looks like I was wrong. The skin musk (or maybe the flowering sugar cane - GAH!) gave it a floral vibe and it was much too feminine for my tastes. ETA: Still, I'm 4 for 5 on the Velvet collection, so I'm not going to get too down that 1 hasn't worked for me.
  6. midnight_aeval

    Velvet Unicorn

    Oh yes - Give me more oh great Velvet Unicorn!!! I have a sweet tooth of the worst kind, so the minute I read the notes I knew I was going to end up with a bottle of Velvet Unicorn, unsniffed. I wore this yesterday because it seems like such an Easter scent I hugged my Aunt and she said "Mmmm you smell good enough to eat!" There is definitely a similarity between this and Midway, but Midway is really light on me and this is more of a sugar power punch - right in your face. I could go into a sugar-induced coma with this and be in heaven.
  7. midnight_aeval

    Velvet Panther

    I usually shy away from anything with vetiver, but I took a chance because of my love of black musk. Luckily, I was not dissappointed! The black musk is just like the one in Haunted, one of my favorite GC scents. The Velvet Panther is warm, sweet, sexy, and slightly spicey. I don't get a lot of star anise, and the violet leaf is not !VIOLET! at all. This was one I was unsure about buying a full bottle, but I'm glad I did and I suspect I'll have to buy a couple more before they vanish. I also think this will only get better with age.
  8. midnight_aeval

    Scent for Halloween?

    HAHA no - Devil's Night for me today. I forgot.
  9. midnight_aeval

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    After reading others' reviews I had to triple check the label on my decant because my skin is doing something FUNKY to this blend. Seriously... on me... this smells like... a public bathroom I don't know what is in this that's doing it, but it's not a good scent for me. I'll test it again in a few days to see if it was a one-day chemistry issue, but if it continues to smell like El BaƱo I cannot be wearing it!
  10. midnight_aeval


    Yup, there is coffee in here. Sniffing from the bottle, that's all I smell. When I apply it, it's definitely not a Coffee SN, much more complex. To me, this is what a scent of Bah + Humbug in the same bottle would smell like; the coffee from Bah, the vanilla licorice from Humbug. As it dries there is definitely an element of "tropical flowers" in it like the first review says. Plumeria? Very Hawaiian to me... This scent is almost like how the air in Hawaii smells sitting amidst Pumeria trees, sipping Kona Coffee. It's nice to be reminded of the time I spent in Hawaii
  11. midnight_aeval


    Ok, this is crazy. I got PPH07 & PPH08 thinking they'd be Halloween scents. I swear up and down PPH07 is identical to L'Autunno Atmosphere Spray, and this one, PPH08 is identical to the L'Autunno Bath Oil. The bath oil and PPH08 both have a sickly sweet smell to them, when I first tested PPH08 I was thinking there was something like salty burnt caramel to it, but as I look to the notes of L'Autunno bath oil (Sage, Myrrh, Patchouli, Molasses, Sweetgrass, and Cinnamon Sugar) I think that I was mistaking that scent for molasses. I can't tell you how much these similarities are driving me crazy - if only I could ask Beth to share with me the secret of PPH07 and PPH08!!
  12. midnight_aeval

    St. Lucia v8

    I was so excited to get the chance to buy a St. Lucia scent - my family is Swedish so I know the story well! The first thing that comes to mind when I open the bottle is SYRUP. It smells like a thick, molassesy, rich syrup. Even when it's first applied I only get that smell. After it dries down I get a faint hint of baked goods and spices which becomes more dominant as the time goes by. It's foody, unique, and very strong, but just a tad too potent even for me
  13. midnight_aeval

    Orange Phoenix v6

    I wore Orange Phoenix yesterday - I'm trying to wear each of the prototypes this week so I know which will need to find new homes and which will stay in regular rotation! In the bottle, Orange Phoenix is straight up crushed orange pez candy to me. It's sugary sweet with an orange tinge to it. Not like real orange, but the artificial "flavoring" of orange.
  14. midnight_aeval


    This had to have been the best crazy-coded prototype that was at the Trunk Show. I put it on in the car on the drive back home and my husband said "Cake, why do I smell cake?" Out of the bottle, I get a butterscotch/butter rum scent (like those lifesavers? mmmm). When I applied it on my skin the butter part of a sugar cookie came on in full force. It's got that cookie/spice/buttery smell that seems to be lacking in Sugar Cookie 05/08 (maybe it's just me, but I'm probably one of the few that thinks SC does not smell like cookie). I could easily see this one becoming my favorite foodie scent, it's just THAT good.
  15. midnight_aeval

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    LOL she makes the foot scrubs, so I would think she would carry them
  16. midnight_aeval

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    Although Egg Nog Latte seems to be a perfect blend of Egg Nog + Misk U, the attempted layering of these 2 failed miserably for me! At first it smelled right, but then as it dried it became.... odd. Not like egg nog or coffee. Hours later it was definitely more pleasant, but not in the ENL way I had hoped for. Boo.
  17. midnight_aeval

    Gooey Pillowcase Atmospheric Spray

    This is the best, strongest BPTP Atmosphere spray ever For a total foodie fanatic, this is heaven. I keep the bottle I got in a decant circle on my nightstand to spray in my bedroom when it needs a boost. It covered that hideous smell of nail polish remover instantly! It's the rich caramel that BPAL is famous for that I can enjoy since my skin turns the note to yuck. I don't get much pumpkin in it, but it may be there since my husband reacts rather... amorously... to it when I spray it in the bedroom My only hangup is I wish I ordered more than one bottle because I know this is going to be used throughout the year.
  18. midnight_aeval

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I find Inez to be close to Storyville, same vibe anyways.
  19. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I must say I love getting a chance to see all those old-style bottles. And yes, color me jealous too
  20. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos Theory IV - MCCLXXXIX (1289) This was quite the surprise, from the bottle it's creamy, candied roses, and on my skin it's pretty true to the scent in the bottle. I'm not a fan of roses, but this scent is like Hope + buttercream or white chocolate... something is keeping it creamy, like one of those pastel colored cream candies - you know what I'm talking about? Imagine if they were rose flavored. The rose does not go soapy at all and instead stays true and creamy. As it dries the scent becomes less potent. I'm really on the fence with this one; it's really great, but I have to wonder how much I'd actually wear it. Chaos Theory IV - MCCXLVI (1246) A blast of crushed herbs comes through when I opened this bottle which made me scared to even skin-test it! However, as soon as I put just a dab on my hand, the strong herbal smell completely vanished and turned into crushed orange Pez candies! So so strange...
  21. midnight_aeval

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    To the best of my knowledge, the full list of prototypes in circulation that may contain aldehydes are Toxin, Nihil, and Zero. They were involved in the forum fundraiser auction last year. Nothing currently on offer from BPAL contains synthetics, or the Lab would be very clear about saying so. And, like others have said above, I wouldn't be expecting that FAQ update until well after the little one arrives. There was a forum fundraiser auction last year? I knew there was a raffle in 2006 before I made it to the forum, but I had no idea about a forum auction!
  22. midnight_aeval

    10ml bottles...Where did they go?

    My husband is making a bottle display case that has holes drilled that exactly fit my BPAL bottles. The 10mls are slightly larger in circumference than the 5mls, so he had to make "special" holes for the 10mls I have: Haunted, Dorian, Snake Oil, Antique Lace, Gluttony, Voodoo, Morocco, Vechernyanya & Eat Me. I can't wait til it's done The 9 10mls I have are definitely my top GC scents. If I had the option, and they were still available for purchase, I would want a 10ml of Lyonesse. Of course, this scent was released after 10mls had been discontinued, so this is for sure an impossibility!
  23. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos Theory IV - DLXIV (564) An earthy fig/vanilla scent, not an overpowering sweet blend. Previously reviewed by sookster. Chaos Theory IV - DCCCVI (806) The first thing that comes to mind in this one is Christmas Dryer Sheets when I sniff the bottle. It's a clean scent but also smells like the typical Christmas/Winter scents (pine, berries, ice). I put this one on my skin and as it drys that "dryer sheet" note mellows and it becomes more characteristic of a winter scent, still with a slightly clean feel to it. Chaos Theory IV - CDLXXXIV (484) There's definitely melon in here, but it's more complex... like a dark, evil melon masked in smoke. I also get a hint of citrus that makes it slightly tart. Previously reviewed by sookster. Chaos Theory IV - DCLXXXVII (687) MY DREAM SCENT... oh my.... I purchased this 2nd hand and was sold on the fact the person who reviewed it said it was almost leather SN. Oh yes, this is leather, but mixed with amber. It's just a touch sweet on the dry down. GAH just perfect really, it has me swooning.
  24. midnight_aeval

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    DCCXXXV (785): I tried my one bottle today and it is delicious Grapefruit Bubblegum. Heh.. the grapefruit is strongest in the wet stage. Much like fruity bubble gum that loses it's flavor after about 10 minutes, the strong grapefruit smell mellows and the sweet bubblegum scent come through. I really love this blend!! I ordered some more and can't wait to see what's in store for me next
  25. midnight_aeval

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    Oh Hells Yes. I also think Dracul would smell mighty good on Angel.